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The questions which trustee will ordinarily ask at the meeting each debtor is required to attend are given in the "Handbook for Standing Trustees." This is a copy of the questions from that handbook.

(Individual Debtors)



  1. State your name and current address for tile record.
  2. Have you read the Bankruptcy Information Sheet provided by the United States Trustee?
  3. Did you sign the petition, schedules, statements, and related documents you filed with the court? Did you read the petition, schedules, statements, and related documents before you signed them and is the signature your own?
  4. Please provide your picture ID and social security number card for review.
    1. If the documents are in agreement with the petition, a suggested statement for the record is:
    2. "I have viewed the original drivers license (or other type of original photo ID) and original social security card (or other original document used for proof) and they match the name and social security number on the petition.
    3. If the documents are not in agreement with the petition, a suggested statement for the record is:

      "I have viewed the original social security card (or other original document used for proof) and the number is 000-00-000. It does not match the number on the petition. I have instructed the debtor (or debtor's counsel) to file an amended petition by [date], serve all creditors and the standing trustee, and send a 'Notice of Correction of Social Security Number in Bankruptcy Filing' and a copy of the amended petition to the three major credit reporting agencies, and to the United States Trustee."
    4. When the documents do not match the petition, the standing trustee shall attempt to ascertain why. The standing trustee also shall ask if the debtor has ever obtained credit or benefits, such as Medicaid or employment, using this social security number or any other-social security number.
    5. If the debtor did not bring proof of identify and social security number, the standing trustee needs to determine why.
  5. Are you personally familiar with the information contained in the petition, schedules, statements and related documents?
  6. To the best of your knowledge, is the information contained in the petition, schedules, statements, and related documents true and correct?
  7. Are there any errors or omissions to bring to my, or the court's, attention at this time?
  8. Are all of your assets identified on the schedules?
  9. Have you listed all of your creditors on the schedules?
  10. Have you filed bankruptcy before using the social security number you presented today, the social security number on the petition or any other social security number not issued by the Social Security Administration? (If so, the standing trustee must obtain the case number and the discharge information to determine the debtor(s) discharge eligibility.)

1. The first ten statements/questions are required. The standing trustee shall ensure the debtor answers the substance-of each of the ten questions on the record. The standing trustee may exercise discretion and judgment in varying the wording of the statements/questions, if the substance of the questions is covered.

Handbook for Standing Trustees Effective 7/1/02