Federal &
Arizona Holidays · Check next holiday, or list all holidays for
the next year. Make a printable "Holiday Closed
Sign" for your office.  |
Finding the Law · Free links to the
Bankruptcy Code - All
sections relevant to consumer bankruptcy as amended by The Bankruptcy
Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. The code
may be viewed as amended, or in a redline version showing changes
made. Extensively hyperlinked, the code may be printed, copied, or
searched using your browser's "Find (on this page)" function.
States Code - Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School.
Revised Statutes - Arizona State Legislature.
Bankruptcy Time Line - With
links to relevant code and rules.
Bankruptcy Forms - with instructions and committee notes; U.S.
Bankruptcy Court.
New Code
Requirements for Document Preparers · The new bankruptcy code
contains a number of provisions of particular interest to persons who
prepare bankruptcy petitions. Here's our summary of those important
requirements, and links to applicable code sections. 
New Code
Requirements for Debt Relief Agencies · The new bankruptcy code
defines Debt Relief Agencies as including attorneys and bankruptcy
petition preparers. Here's our summary of those important
requirements, and links to applicable code sections. 
Flowchart to a Fresh Start · Our clickable flowchart gives a
step by step outline of the route to getting a discharge of debt under the
Bankruptcy Code as amended by The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and
Consumer Protection Act of 2005. Detailed information and links
to the Bankruptcy Code can be accessed by clicking on the flowchart.
Few Bankruptcy Cases · The code leaves more than a few matters for
the courts to interpret. Here are a few case summaries shedding a
little light in a few areas. 
Court & Trustee Locations ·
Arizona Locator -
Where would a creditor's meeting be if you client resided in Tuba City,
Grasshopper, or Pirtleville? Check our listing of over 500 Arizona
places, or select by county.
United States Bankruptcy Court official site.
United States
Bankruptcy Court - District of Arizona - The court's site.
Untied States Trustee
- A national site with a listing for Chapter
7, 12, and 13 Trustees by state.
court cases - public access to Superior, Justice and Municipal court
Recorded Documents - County Recorder Links
Internet dictionaries & thesaurus:
Code Lookup · Find a Zip Code for an address, or the city & state
of a Zip Code on this USPS site. 
directory search--yellow & white pages · Area
Connect is the best internet phone directory search we have found. It
searches 6 different Yellow Pages from one form. 
Basics · Excerpts from a public information pamphlet prepared by the
Bankruptcy Judges Division, Administrative Office of the United States
What time is it--really? · Ever
wonder if your computer clock is correct? It probably isn't, but
this clock from the National Institute of Standards & Technology
is. We have it set for Arizona time, but you can change it. CURRENT
documents are in Adobe PDF
format and require a reader to be loaded. You may obtain the Adobe
Acrobat Reader free by clicking on the image at the right.