Farina, Dennis
Lives in Phoenix
Dennis Farina, 2007. Photo by David Shankbone
(1944.02.29- ) Actor.
Farina is an ex-Chicago policeman who turned to acting,
playing a lot of cops. He has made nearly 50 film appearances
including Big Trouble (2002), Snatch (2000), and Saving
Private Ryan (1998).
He is a sometimes Phoenix area resident and reportedly gets
his hair clipped by Stan Demory at the Phoenician who also does Fife
Symington, and Dan Quayle.
Fay, Dorothy
Born in Prescott
(Dorothy Fay Southworth, 1915.04.04-2003.11.05)
Sometimes billed as Dorothy Fay Ritter, she may be more
widely recognized as the wife of singing cowboy Tex Ritter (1905-1974), or
the mother of actor John Ritter (1948-2003). She died less than two
months after the unexpected death of her son.
Faye, Alice
Married in Yuma
Alice Faye, 1938. |
(Alice Jeanne Leppert, 1915.05.05-1998.05.09)
Actor, singer.
To quote A&E's Biography, "She rose from the
mean streets of New York's Hell's Kitchen to become the most famous
singing actress in the world." On September 4, 1937, the 22
year old starlet interrupted her career long enough to take a plane from
Los Angeles to Yuma. There she married to 24 year old singer Tony
Martin. According to the nationwide Associated Press report,
"Miss Faye was attired in a powder blue suit and wore an orchid
corsage." The AP also reported Martin's age as 22. They
were divorced in 1940.
Finkbine, Sherri
Lived in Phoenix
(Sherri Chessen, c. 1942- )
Television performer.
In 1962 Sherri Finkbine was Miss Sherri on the popular
children's show Romper Room which was produced and broadcast
locally from the studios of KTAR Channel 12 (now KPNX) at 1101 N. Central
in Phoenix. Mrs. Finkbine was also the mother of four healthy
children who was then expecting her fifth. During this pregnancy she
took the prescription tranquilizer Thalidomide. That drug was soon
to be linked with thousands of serious birth deformities (mainly in
Europe, Australia and Canada since the FDA had been slower than its
counterparts in those countries to approve the drug). The Finkbines
decided to seek an abortion rather than risk the birth of a tragically
deformed child.
At the time abortions were illegal Arizona as in the rest of
the nation. The Arizona law which was adopted in 1901 allowed an
abortion only if it was clearly necessary to save the mother's life.
Abortions would not become legal nationally until January 2, 1973 when the
U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decision in the landmark case, Roe v.
When Mrs. Finkbine was in her third month of pregnancy, she,
her teacher husband, and the Good Samaritan Hospital filed suit seeking a
declaratory judgment making the abortion legal. The case caused a
national furor. Some public reaction was so intensely
negative--including anonymous death threats in the mail and on the
phone--that the FBI stationed agents in the Finkbine home. She was
dismissed from her job and Mr. Finkbine was suspended from his teaching
When the Arizona court turned down her plea, the Finkbines
traveled to Sweden where she received an abortion. The fetus had no
legs and only one arm. On January 31, 1965, Mrs. Finkbine gave birth
to her fifth child, a healthy baby girl.
The Finkbines were divorced in 1974. In 1991, Sherri
married a obstetrician and gynecologist who had practiced in a Scottsdale
hospital that had turned down her abortion 30 years before. Had the
scheduled physician declined to perform the abortion, her future husband
would have been the next in line to be scheduled.
In 1992 HBO made the movie A Private Matter of the
Finkbines personal tragedy. Sissy Spacek was cast as Mrs. Finkbine,
Aidan Quinn played her husband and Estelle Parsons played her mother.
Fishel, Danielle
Born in Mesa
(Danielle Christine Fishel, 1981.05.05-
) Actor.
Best known for her roll in the television sitcom Boy
Meets World (1993-2000) as Topanga Lawrence, Danielle was born in
Mesa. She remained in the state for all of three weeks when her
family moved to Yorba Linda, California.
Foss, Joe
Lived in Scottsdale
Died in Scottsdale
(Joseph Jacob Foss, 1915.04.17-2003.01.01)
Marine pilot, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient (1943), governor of
South Dakota (1955-1957), president of the American Football League
(1960-1966), host of American Sportsman (1964-1967), president of the
National Rifle Association (1988-1990).
on a farm outside Sioux Falls, the young farm boy was captivated by the
exploits of Charles Lindberg who had visited a nearby airport. He
supported himself waiting tables while at the University of South Dakota,
earning a business degree in 1940, and at the same time managed to
complete a civilian pilot training program. 
Frost, Lee
Born in Globe
(1935.08.14- )
Director, writer, actor, cinematographer.
Lee is a modestly prolific movie director with some
consistency. His movies are consistently mediocre if not awful, and are
typically sexploitative. The 28 titles for which he is given directorial
credit by the Internet Movie Data Base
include Hollywood's World of Flesh (1963), Chain Gang Women (1971),
The Thing with Two Heads (1972) and The Boob Tube Strikes Again!
(1977). As a director he might be billed as R. L. Frost, R. Lee Frost
and David Kayne. As an actor or writer he might also be credited as Carl
Borcht, Les Emerson, F. C. Perl or Elov Peterssons.