Palin, Bristol
Purchased home in Maricopa
(Bristol Sheeran Marie Palin, 1990.10.18-
) Sexual abstinence advocate for teens.
Bristol holding her brother Trig, 2008.
Photo by Emily
Bristol achieved a fair amount of local notoriety by just being the
teenage daughter of Alaska's popular governor, Sarah Palin. When her
mother was selected by Arizona Senator John McCain to become the Republican
vice-presidential "family values" candidate, the notoriety
became national. Then, on the opening day of the 2008 Republican National
Convention, it was disclosed that Bristol was pregnant (but engaged), and
her fame skyrocketed. Appearances on the campaign trail with the
baby's father kept her in the political spotlight.
Even when her mother's VP aspirations did not work out and she resigned
as governor "in the best interests of Alaska," Bristol was able to build a career out of
her hard-earned fame. In addition to being a speaker promoting teenage sexual abstinence
(at $15,000 to $30,000 an appearance), Bristol made appearances on the
2010 season of ABC television's Dancing with the Stars, and her
mom's short lived reality television show, Sarah Palin's Alaska
In December 2010, Bristol plunked down $172,000 cash for a
five-bedroom house in Maricopa, Arizona. Some news reports suggested
that the home, 30 miles from the ASU campus, was purchased to allow
Bristol to pursue a college education at the university.
Patrick, Danica
Lives in Scottsdale
(Danica Sue Patrick, 1982.03.25-
) Professional race car driver.
Danica Patrick, 2008. Photo by David Shankbone
One does not have to win the Indianapolis 500 to receive
tremendous press attention or be the top Googled celebrity.
Coming in fourth will more than suffice if one is a radiantly attractive
22 year-old former cheer leader who is only the fourth woman to qualify
for the event. It doesn't hurt that she was the first woman to lead
a lap and dueled with the winner at the end. Her appearance in the
May 29, 2005 event is said to have boosted its television viewership by
nearly 60% over the previous year.
On her official web site,,
she lists The Late Show with David Letterman as her favorite
television show. That would be entirely appropriate since Letterman
is a co-owner of her race car.
In November, 2004, Danica moved to Scottsdale from Illinois
to be near her physical-therapist-and-athletic-trainer fiancé, Paul Hospenthal.
They were married in 2005.
Scottsdale has recognized its car-racer resident by issuing
two speeding tickets--for driving 57 mph in a 40 mph zone in 2007, and 54
mph in a 35 mph zone in 2008. Go Danica!
Patton, George S.
his troops in the Arizona desert
George Smith Patton, Jr., 1885.11.14-1945.12.21)
General, U.S. Army.
In 1942, native Californian Major General George S. Patton
selected an area of the Arizona-California desert to prepare his troops
for action in the North African desert which would mark the US entrance
into World War II. The Desert Training Center would become the
largest Army base in the world, stretching from the outskirts of Pomona,
California east to within 50 miles of Phoenix, Arizona, south to Yuma,
Arizona and north to Las Vegas, Nevada. In Arizona, the facility
included Camps Bouse, Horn, Hyder and Laguna.
In the facility's brief lifespan--the need for desert
training dramatically decreased with victory in North Africa--nearly
1,000,000 troops received training there. Patton presided over his
troops at the camp until their departure in November, 1942. Other
troops followed, but the camp was closed in May, 1944.
Perrine, Valerie
Attended Camelback High
(1943.09.03- ) Actor.
Valerie got the acting bug at Camelback High School, but was
waylaid in Las Vegas as a topless showgirl before making her mark in
Petty, George
Lived in Scottsdale
George Petty was an obscure Chicago commercial artist when
the upstart Esquire magazine contracted him to do illustrations for
a series of cartoons. His realistic and suggestive drawings of the
female form appeared in seven of the first dozen Esquire issues,
and the "Petty Girl" was born.
Petty's advertising career soared. Prints of the
"Petty Girls" were offered in Old Gold ads, and Jantzen
introduced "Petty Girl" swimwear in the 1940's. In 1942,
he did the cover for Time magazine and he began doing the covers
for the Ice Capades revue.
Esquire brought in artist Alberto Vargas to replace
Petty in 1942 during negotiations. Although Petty continued to do
some illustrations for the magazine, the "Varga Girl" eventually
replaced the "Petty Girl."
Robert Cummings played the part of George Petty in the movie The
Petty Girl (1950). The fictionalized account of the artist's
life has him enrolling at a school of design in order to pursue an
attractive woman professor.
In an appearance on the panel show "What's My
Line?" in the 1950's, Petty identified his residence as Scottsdale,
Arizona, and announced his return to Esquire for creation of their
1955 calendar.
Piestewa, Lori
Lived in Tuba City
Attended Tuba City High
Lori Piestewa, 2003. |
U.S. Army Pfc, first Native American woman to die in combat.
her father who was a Vietnam veteran and her grandfather who was a World
War II veteran, Lori joined the service after high school. An army
Private first class, Lori was assigned to the 507th Maintenance Company
stationed in Fort Bliss, Texas, where she roomed with 19 year old supply
clerk Jessica Lynch.  |
Born Discovered in Flagstaff
Pluto with the other planets before
its unfortunate demise.
12-02. |
Ninth planet from the sun
planet Pluto made headlines worldwide when it was discovered by Clyde W.
Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. The joyous
birth of a new planet served as a distraction from the depression of the
1930's. Artists and scientists alike paid homage to the new planet.
In 1930, Disney created a cartoon dog to carry the name Pluto,
and in 1941, scientists named the new element plutonium in honor
of the
still youthful planet.
By the turn of the century, certain scientists had become disenchanted
with the newest planet and were even questioning its credentials.
With a callous disregard for the psyche of the millions who had memorized
all nine planets, not to mention the mammoth investment in
astronomical books and displays showing all the planets, Pluto
was summarily terminated as a planet in 2006. |