Wagner, Robert
Married in Scottsdale
(Robert John Wagner, 1930.02.10-
) Actor.
Wagner married Natalie Wood on December 28th, 1957 at the Scottsdale
United Methodist Church, 4140 North Miller. A reception followed a few
blocks west at the Ramada Valley Ho resort, 6850 East Main, Scottsdale.

Walsh, Kate
Raised in Tucson
Attended the University of Arizona
Kate Walsh, 2008. Photo by watchwithkristin
(Kathleen Erin Walsh, 1967.10.13-
) Actor.
Kate grew up in Tucson, Arizona, and eventually matriculated
at the University of Arizona. If she had followed the career
path of her character, Dr. Addison Montgomery, in the ABC dramas
Grey's Anatomy (2005- ) and Private Practice
(2007- ), she would have gone on to U of A's medical
school. Instead, she got involved in regional theater and dropped
out. |
Warhol, Andy
Passed through Oracle
Andy Warhol in 1963. |
(Andrew Warhola, 1928.08.06-1987.02.22)
Artist, director.
Warhol was famous for avant-garde art--from Campbell's soup cans to
Marilyn Monroe icons--but he also made incredibly unwatchable films, such
as the 1963 cult "masterpieces," Eat (nearly an hour of a
man eating a mushroom) and Sleep (8 hours of a man sleeping).
In 1968, Warhol brought his film company to Rancho Linda
Guest Ranch in Oracle, Arizona, to film "Lonesome Cowboys."
The FBI followed. 
Wayne, John
Ranched in Stanfield
John Wayne, 1959. |
Michael Morrison, 1907.05.26-1979.06.11)
John Wayne owned a number of ranches in Arizona, including
the "Red Eye Ranch" operated by his Red River Land Company, in
Wead, Doug
Carpetbagged to the 6th
Congressional District
(1946- ) Author,
Assemblies of God evangelist, Vice President Bush's liaison to the
Christian Right, close friend and advisor to George W. Bush for 14 years.
Author, politician and one-time Assemblies of God minister
Doug Wead evidenced a consistency in character in his national fifteen
minutes of fame and in his brief venture into Arizona politics. In
February 2004, Wead received much national press attention when he
released secretly recorded tapes of phone conversations with his
"friend" George W. Bush to promote his book, All the
Presidents' Children. The book, which just happens to bear the same
title as a book released by Larry D. Underwood in 2002, delves into the
effect of having a father who is president. Wead said that he
recorded his conversations with George W. because he viewed the then Texas
Governor as a historic figure. Less than pleased, the White House released
the statement, "The governor was having casual conversations with
someone he believed was his friend."
A dozen years earlier, Doug Wead ran for Congress in
Arizona's 6th Congressional District as a "Barry Goldwater
Republican." Explaining his interest in Arizona, Wead said
Goldwater's presidential candidacy encouraged him to visit Arizona in
1964. It only took him 28 years to "move" to the state
just in time to qualify for a run for Congress. His idol, Barry
Goldwater, whose picture hung in Wead's office, saw it differently.
"Hell," Goldwater stated bluntly, "the Republican fellow
came here from Washington because he thought he could practically steal
the seat. Hadn't been here long enough to spell Arizona before he
announced." Goldwater endorsed Wead's opponent, a
Democrat, who won. Wead left the state promptly after his loss.
Perhaps Goldwater saw something in Wead's character that George W. missed. |
Wheeler, Quentin
Dean at Arizona State
( - ) Arizona
State University entomologist.
Quentin Wheeler was named Vice President and Dean of the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University in 2006,
but that is not the fame which brought him to the attention of these
In 2005, while he was keeper of entomology at the Natural
History Museum in London, he discovery of 65 new species of slime-mold
beetle of the genus Agathidium, along with a co-slime-mold beetle
discoverer. As a discoverer of a new species he was entitled to give
the beetles their scientific names, using any name he chose.
named one after Darth Vader and others for President George W. Bush, Vice
President Dick Cheney and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, for
which he received national press coverage. He has said that he
intended the naming of the slime-mold beetles as a compliment.
White, Danny
Born in Mesa
Graduate of Westwood
High School and Arizona State University
Lives in Gilbert
(1952.02.09- ) Football player, coach.
White, the Dallas Cowboy's quarterback from 1976 to 1988 who took them to
three NFC East titles (1979, 1981, 1985) and into the playoffs five times,
is a long time Arizona resident living in Gilbert. 
Williams, Kenneth J.
Lived in Phoenix
( - ) FBI special
If they had listened FBI special agent Kenneth Williams, the
World Trade Center twin towers in New York might still be standing.
Williams was the FBI agent stationed in Phoenix that penned the July 2001
"Phoenix memorandum" warning of Islamic extremists taking flight
lessons in Arizona. He was also instrumental in the arrest of Kingman
resident Michael Fortier for his role in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P.
Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, which killed 168 people.
Williams, Ted
Frozen in Scottsdale
(Theodore Samuel Williams, 1918.08.30-2002.07.05)
Baseball player, fighter pilot.
Ted Williams, 1949. |
Williams, aka "Teddy Ballgame," "The Splendid
Splinter" and "The Kid," was number nine on Boston Red Sox
in a two decade baseball career starting in 1939, with time out for two
stints in the military. Williams spent three years as a Navy pilot
during World War II, and two years as a Marine pilot in Korean conflict.
On about half of the Korean missions, he was John Glenn's wingman.
He was said to be the best baseball hitter in the world (last major
leaguer to hit over .400), the best fighter pilot, and the best
Wilson, Dennis
Arrested in Tucson for
contributing to the delinquency of a minor
Drummer, singer, composer.
The good looking drummer for the very popular Beach Boys came
by his "bad boy" image the old fashion way--he earned it.
When the group which achieved national popularity in the 1960's came to
Tucson for a concert 1978, police found a sixteen year old girl in Dennis'
hotel room. The girl, exactly half Dennis' age, had called her
parents saying that she could not leave. Dennis was arrested for
investigation to contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Dennis
was released on $1,000 bond. He plead not-guilty and maintained that the
incident was a setup. Charges were eventually dropped when the girl
and her parents declined to press charges. Dennis' evening adventure
cost him a reported $100,000 in attorney's fees.
Winchell, Walter
Lived in Phoenix
Died in Phoenix
Walter Winchell, 1953. |
(Walter Winchel, 1897.04.07-1972.02.20)
Gossip columnist.
Winchell was a newspaper columnist credited with inventing
the gossip column. He took his column to national radio in 1932
which he began with the memorable "Good Morning, Mr. and Mrs. North
and South America and all the ships at sea ... let's go to press!"
From 1959 to 1963 his distinctive voice provided narration for the popular
television series The Untouchables. 
Winningham, Mare
Born in Phoenix
(Mary Megan Winningham, 1959.05.16- )
Actor and singer.
Mare Winningham was born in Phoenix, but left almost
immediately for Northridge, California--not necessarily of her own free
Wood, Natalie
Married in Scottsdale
Natalie Wood, c. 1960. |
(Natasha Nikolaevna Zakharenko, 1938.07.20-1981.11.29)
Wood married Robert Wagner on December 28th, 1957 at the Scottsdale United
Methodist Church, 4140 North Miller. A reception followed a few blocks
west at the Ramada Valley Ho resort, 6850 East Main, Scottsdale.  |
Wood, Ron
Treated in Tucson
Ron Wood, 2007. Photo by Kevin Dooley
(1947.06.01- )
The youngest member of The Rolling Stones received
treatment for alcoholism and cocaine addiction at Tucson's Cottonwood de
Tucson in spring 2002.
World, Jimmy Eat
Founded in Mesa
Jim Adkins performs with Jimmy Eat World, 2008. Photo by Thedeamonhog
. |
(1993- ) Band.
Mesa resident and singer/guitarist Jim Adkins (born in Mesa,
1975.11.10- ) founded the strangely named
band in 1993, enlisting drummer and friend-since-kindergarten Zach Lind
(1975.11.10- ), guitarist Tom Linton
(born in Mesa), and bass player Mitch Porter.
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Lived at Taliesin West,
Died in Phoenix
The world's most famous architect.
1926 the career of famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright was at a low ebb.
He had few projects pending. Taliesin, his headquarters and home,
had been seized by the Bank of Wisconsin which moved livestock onto the
complex. His personal life was hardly better. Separated from
his second wife and amid bitter divorce proceedings, Wright and his three
decades younger future third wife were arrested near Minneapolis for
violating the Mann Act. A call to come to Phoenix would mark the
rebirth of his career and a new direction in his life. 
Wrigley, William Jr.
Wintered in Phoenix
Died in Phoenix
William Wrigley, Jr. |
In 1928 the founder and advertising genius of the world's largest chewing
gum company began construction on a nearly 20,000 square foot home on the
outskirts of the small desert town of Phoenix. The home, dubbed La Colina Solano (sunny hill), was a 50th anniversary present to his wife,
intended to be a part-time "winter cottage" where they could
enjoy the warm desert winters and entertain wealthy friends and