Quayle, Dan
Lives in Paradise Valley
Danforth Quayle, 1947.02.04- )
Dan Quayle, former Vice President under George Bush, was born
in Indiana, but spent much of his youth in Arizona. He lives in
Paradise Valley with his wife Marilyn.
Quinn, Anthony
Student at Taliesin West
(Antonio Rudolfo Oaxaca Quinn, 1915.04.15-2001.06.03)
Anthony Quinn, 1941. |
Although most identified for his Oscar nominated performance
as the title character in Zorba the Greek (1964), Anthony Quinn was
actually born in Chihuahua, Mexico. In high school he submitted an
architectural plan in a contest and received a scholarship to learn
architecture at Taliesin West under the tutelage of famed architect Frank
Lloyd Wright.
A close relationship developed between the student
and his teacher, and Wright paid for oral surgery to correct Quinn's speech
defect. Wright then suggested that his would-be protégé take
acting lessons to help retrain his tongue. Wright would later recall
that when he saw Quinn perform on stage, he knew Quinn would not return to