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__________, "Buzz Aldrin \ Biographical Data," Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, NASA,, accessed 6-4-05. __________, "Speaker Astronaut Buzz Aldrin,",, accessed 6-4-05. __________, "The 24-inch Clark Telescope," Lowell Observatory,, accessed 6-4-05. __________, "Apollo 11," Wikipedia,, accessed 6-4-05. __________, "Mighty S&Ls quickly became down and out," Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, AZ, October 21, 1990, p. 1G. Ann Conway, "A Look Back Proves the County Is the Party Place to Be," Los Angeles Times [Orange County Edition], Los Angeles, Calif., December 29, 1988, p. 4. Ann Conway, "Test Your Wits on the Who, What and Where of With-Its," Los Angeles Times [Orange County Edition], Los Angeles, Calif., December 30, 1988. p. 5. Ann Conway, "Space-Age Marriage Has Earthly Setting," Los Angeles Times [Orange County Edition], Los Angeles, Calif., February 18, 1988. p. 4. Peter Margolin, "The Making of Lunar Explorers," Geotimes, August 2000,, accessed 6-4-05. 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See The Rex Allen Jr. Fan Page Biography.] __________, "Rex Allen Biography," Lycos, © 2002 by Lycos. __________, "Rex Allen," Internet Movie Database (IMDb), © 1990-2002, accessed 1-4-03 __________, "Steve Allen," Internet Movie Database (IMDb), © 1990-2002, accessed 1-4-03. __________, 1941 Phoenician, yearbook of Phoenix Union High School, p. 54. __________, "The Name's the Same," TV Tome,, accessed 11-27-04. Clara Y. Milt, "Steve Allen," Internet Obituary Network,, accessed 11-27-04. Master Sergeant (Retired) Al Davis, "Historic California Posts Camp Roberts," California State Military Department, The California State Military Museum,, accessed 11-28-04. ROBERT SIEGEL, LINDA WERTHEIMER, "Profile: Steve Allen remembered." All Things Considered (NPR), 10-31-2000. Bill Tush, "Entertainer Steve Allen dead at 78,", October 31, 2000. Image PD_allensteve.jpg: Steve Allen's senior class photo is from the 1941 Phoenician, yearbook of Phoenix Union High School. The photo was published in 1941 in a yearbook which contained no notice of copyright. Works published before January 1, 1978 that did not contain a valid copyright notice may be considered to be in the public domain. Although we claim no copyright of the photo, we do claim copyright ownership of the digital (jpg) image used on the web page. Ameche, Jim: __________, "Jim Ameche," Internet Movie Database (IMDb),, accessed 9-11-03. __________, "Jack Armstrong," Radio Hall of Fame,, accessed 9-11-03. Ameche, Don: __________, "Don Ameche," Internet Movie Database (IMDb), © 1990-2002, accessed 5-4-02. __________, "Don Ameche," Radio Hall of Fame,, accessed 9-11-03. __________, "Pamela Anderson," Internet Movie Database (IMDb), © 1990-2002, accessed 10-20-02. __________, "Playboy Magazines Back Issues," BACKIN.THEDAYS.COM, 1985-1989, 1990-1994, 1995-1999, 2000-2004,, accessed 11-24-03. John Carlin, "Drummer faces jail sentence for assault," Independent, 04-09-1998, pp 14. David A. 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S65-56205; Title: Astronaut Frank Borman looking into Gemini 7 spacecraft; obtained from JSC Digital Image Collection Press Release Images GT7,, Date Taken: 10/25/65 Description: "Astronaut Frank Borman, command pilot of the Gemini 7 prime crew, looks over the Gemini 7 spacecraft during weight and balance tests. The tests are conducted in the Pyrotechnic Installation Building, Merritt Island, Kennedy Space Center as part of preflight preparation." Copyright information: no copyright claimed; reproduction "for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages" authorized; see __________, "ARIZONA From Prehistoric Times To The End Of The Twentieth Century," Arizona Bluebook Millennium Edition, Arizona Secretary of State. Jerry Wright, "Frank Borman." Astronaut Biographies, Johnson Space Center, December, 1993. __________, "Frank Borman," Allstar Network, updated: February 04, 2002. 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