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Bush, George

(George Herbert Walker Bush, 1924.06.12-    )  41st President of the United States (1989-1993).

Parachuted over Yuma

President Bush and Vice President Quayle pose together for their official portrait, 06/08/1989.  White House Photograph Office.

On Tuesday, March 25, 1997, former President George Bush strapped on a parachute and jumped out of a civilian plane flying 12,500 feet above the Army's Yuma Proving Ground.  After free falling for 8,000 feet, he deployed his chute and glided to a smooth landing at the training base used by the Army's precision parachuting team, the Golden Knights.

The jump made Bush the only US president to have ever jumped out of a plane.  It also made Arizona the first state in which a president has sky dived.  Arizona would have been the only state claiming this honor if Bush had not decided to celebrate his 75th birthday with a sky dive to lawn of the George Bush Presidential Library on the Texas A&M University campus in College Station, Texas.

Early in the senior Bush's administration, the Linden company began marketing a marvelously crafted doggie squeak toy at stores like PetSmart.  Note Vice President and Arizona resident Dan Quayle growing out of Bush's shoulder.  6-14.

In making the Arizona jump, Bush fulfilled a promise that he had made to himself 53 years earlier.  On September 2, 1944, Bush's torpedo bomber was struck by fire from the Japanese navy.  The 20 year old Bush bailed out of the strickened plane, making himself the promise that he would someday jump just for fun.  He was rescued from the Pacific Ocean by a U.S. submarine.  The youngest pilot in the navy when he received his wings, Bush was later awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in action for this incident.

In the interest of full disclosure, the 72 year old former president Bush had considerably more help in making his jump than did the 20 year old navy pilot Bush.  The day before his jump, Bush began his eight-hour training with the U.S. Parachute Association.  During the jump, two master parachutists held his harness until he opened his chute.  Medical personnel and Mrs. Bush stood by at the landing site.

Books from amazon.com
George Herbert Walker Bush: A Photographic Profile by David Valdez
All The Best, George Bush: My Life and Other Writings by George Bush
Barbara Bush: A Memoir by Barbara Bush
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