Over 180 celebrity
sightings of one nature or another are listed on this page.
For our purposes, it is not enough for a celebrity to have merely
visited the state, say to perform in concert or to play in some
sporting event. We require a bit more. Being born
here--like Rex Allen, Lynda
"Wonder Woman" Carter, Andy
Devine, Barbara
"I Dream of Genie" Eden, Stevie
Nicks, and Linda
Ronstadt--is sufficient. Living here, as did Steve
Allen, Amanda Blake,
Glen Campbell, Dick
Van Dyke, Loretta
Young and others, also warrants inclusion. Sufficient
credit for a listing will be earned by going to school here--Ted
Danson, Greg
Kinnear, Don Knotts,
Nick Nolte, Geraldo
Rivera, and Steven
Spielberg all received some part of their education in the
Dying in the state, whether by suicide--Charles
Boyer, Will
Rogers, Jr. and Walter
Winchell--or natural causes--Don
Ameche, Waylon
Jennings, Ben
Johnson, Linda
McCartney--automatically qualifies a celebrity for a
listing. The misfortune of suffering a violent death in our
peaceful state, like Bob
Crane and Tom Mix,
will probably result in an even larger listing.
A few celebrities were just passing through but managed
to do such interesting things that we had to list them. How
could we possibly omit Pamela
Anderson, who was hauled into the police station for improper
dress along Route 66, or Patrick
Swayze, who crash landed his plane in a quiet
neighborhood. A few qualified for their listing by being
Bonaduce for punching out a transvestite hooker, Diana
Ross for drunk driving, and Jim
Morrison and Axl Rose
for behaving like rock stars.
Newest additions to this
celebrity page include cartoonist Bil
Keane, hockey great Wayne
Gretzky, singing cowboys Gene
Autry and Roy Rogers,
the full figure girl Jane
Russell, and Richard
M. Nixon's partner in crime, John
D. Ehrlichman. In October, 2003, Rush
Limbaugh joined our Sierra Tucson alumni Julie
Andrews, Michael
Douglas, Robert
Downey Jr., Martin
Lawrence and Patrick
Swayze, by seeking treatment for addiction in Tucson.
If you would like to
nominate a celebrity for inclusion or if you have any comments about
those listed, please Email our webmaster. The address is on
the menu bar at the top of each page. Since we include only
listings corroborated by publications of at least minimal merit, our
Webmaster would be most appreciative if you include reference to
some source material.
A |
Aldrin, Buzz
Trained at Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, Sunset Crater & Lowell
Married in Phoenix
(Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr., 1930.01.20-
) NASA Astronaut, second person to walk on the moon, Ph. D, Colonel,
preparation for exploration of the moon, Buzz Aldrin and the other Apollo
astronauts received hands-on geography instruction which included field
trips to the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, and Sunset Crater in
Arizona. They visited the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff where they
got their first close-up view of the moon through the telescope purchased
by its founder Percival Lowell in 1896. 
Ali, Muhammad
Purchased home in Paradise Valley
(Cassius Marcellus Clay, 1942.01.17-
) "The Greatest" professional boxer.
Muhammad Ali when he was Cassius
Clay, 1967. |
In July 2005, Muhammad Ali and his wife, Yolonda, purchased a
$1.6 million dollar, six bedroom home in Paradise Valley. The
comparatively modest home for Paradise Valley--just $200,000 more than the
median price of homes there--is in a gated community south of Camelback
Golf Club, and just 2 miles from heavyweight champion Mike
Tyson's home.
In 1997 the Barrow Neurological Center in Phoenix named the
Muhammad Ali Parkinson Research Center for Ali, who has visited the center
frequently. Ali has been treated for Parkinson's since 1982. |
Allen, Rex
Born in Wilcox
Died in Tucson
(Rex Elvie Allen, 1922.12.31-1999.12.17)
Singing movie cowboy.
Rex Allen was the singing cowboy that replaced Roy Rogers at
Republic Pictures. In the title role for his first movie, The
Arizona Cowboy (1950), he foiled a scheme to wreck an irrigation
project and take farmer's land so that the villains could drill for the
oil only they knew was there.  |
Allen, Steve
Lived in Phoenix
Graduate of Phoenix
Union High; Attended ASU
On-air personality on KOY
(Stephen Valentine Patrick William Allen, 1921.12.26-2000.10.30)
Author, composer, host, musician, poet, playwright, performer.
on the day after Christmas in New York City, Steve Allen came to Arizona
when he transferred to Phoenix Union High School from Hyde Park in
Chicago. In spite of a late start he still received credit in the
yearbook for the Annual Staff, Journal Staff, Mor Follies, Entertainment
Committee, and Scribble and Blot. His trademark glasses are missing
from his senior picture. 
Ameche, Don
Lived in Scottsdale
Died in Scottsdale
(Dominic Felix Amici, 1908.05.31-1993.12.06)
Don Ameche in Ragtime,
1938. |
Like his brother Jim, Don started in New York radio, but
traveled west to Hollywood to become a dapper leading man in movies of the
1930's and 40's. His most memorable role may be John Bickerson whose
constant verbal sparing with his loud mouthed wife, Blanche, was heard on
radio and a series of albums.
He retired to Scottsdale, but made a movie comeback in the
1980's with roles in Trading Places (1983) and Cocoon (1985).
For his performance in Cocoon, he won an Oscar for Best Supporting
Actor. He continued acting until days before his death of prostate cancer.
Ameche, Jim
Died in Tucson
(Dominic Felix Amici, 1915.08.06-1983.02.04)
Jim Ameche was original Jack Armstrong in radio's Jack
Armstrong, the All American Boy. Although the program ran from 1933 to
1951, he bowed out in 1938. He remained in New York working in radio while
his brother Don went on to movies, taking over his brother's position of
host and announcer for The Chase and Sanborn Hour.
In the 1957 film The Story of Mankind, he portrayed Alexander
Graham Bell. His brother portrayed Bell in the 1939 biography, The Story of Alexander Graham Bell.
He was 67 when died of lung cancer in Tucson.
Anderson, Pamela
Almost arrested on Route
Pamela Anderson in 2009. Photo by
Glenn Francis, PacificProDigital.com . |
(Pamela Denise Anderson, 1967.07.01-
) Actor.
on Vancouver Island, Canada, Pamela gained media attention while attending
a British Columbia Lions football game. Cameramen spotted her taut
Labatt's Beer T-shirt in the stands and broadcast her image on the
stadium's wide screen. Fans cheered, and she was taken to the
50-yard line to be introduced to the crowd. Labatt's signed her to a
commercial contract as the company's "Blue Zone" girl.  |
Andrews, Julie
Treated in Tucson
Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins, 1964. |
(Julia Elizabeth Wells, 1935.10.01-
) Actor, singer.
The May 25, 1999 issue of the Globe claimed she was
there because she was addicted to prescription drugs. Her lawyers,
threatening suit against the tabloid, say she was there to get counseling
for ''problems with her singing voice as a result of throat surgery almost
two years ago'' and ''the death of a beloved aunt who played a pivotal
role in her childhood and professional development.'' She says that
she simply wanted to help with "emotional issues surrounding my
grief." (The Globe later recanted and apologized for its
Everyone can agree at least on one thing: Julie Andrews
was a guest at Tucson's exclusive Sierra Tucson clinic in 1999.
Arpaio, Sheriff Joe
Lives in Fountain Hills
) Maricopa County Sheriff.
Joseph Arpaio was elected sheriff of Maricopa County in
1992. Things haven't been the same in the county jail since. A
champion of self promotion, the sheriff quickly became known as as
"America's toughest sheriff."  |
Asner, Jules
Born in Tempe
Lived in Tempe Graduated from
McClintock High School in Tempe
Jules Asner in 2009. Photo by
Nicolas Genin
. |
(Julie Ann White, 1968- ) Model.
After graduating from McClintock High School in Tempe,
Arizona in 1986, Jules went on to modeling and marriage. She married
Edward Asner's son Matthew in 1992. She divorced him four years later,
but kept his name.
was the original host of E!'s Wild On from 1997 to 1999. Her short
movie resume (playing herself in two movies) may grow, since she
married producer and director Steven Soderbergh (1963- )
in 2003.
Astaire, Adele
Died in Tucson
Dancer, singer.
Adele Astaire in 1919. |
The younger sister and original dance partner of Fred Astaire
(1899-1987) had a stroke and died in Tucson at the age of 84, or 83, or 82--her
bios seem to have been some dancing around her birth date.
A lady erring on her age could be attributed to vanity, but
keeping a dancing kid act viable for vaudeville is equally plausible. And
the Astaire kids had quite a successful run in vaudeville.
Adele had been the bigger star, both on the vaudeville stage
and when they transformed their act into a successful adult dance team on
Broadway and the London stage. She was a particular favorite of
Great Britain's royals.
Adele retired from performing at the conclusion of their
smash 1931 run in a revue on Broadway. Adele got married and moved
to Ireland taking up residence in Lismore Castle as Lady Charles
Cavendish. Fred went west to become Hollywood royalty.
Astor, Mary
Married in Yuma
Mary Astor in 1941. |
(Lucile Vasconcellos Langhanke, 1906.05.03-1987.09.25)
When Mary Astor had appeared in about two-thirds of the 123
motion pictures she would eventually make, she flew to Yuma to marry the
third of her four husbands. There, on February 18, 1936, the
30-year-old actress married the 24-year-old Mexican sports figure Manuel
del Campo. Mary flew back to Los Angeles where at first she denied
the marriage, and Manuel flew to his home in Mexico where he continued to
deny the marriage. They were divorced in 1941.
Autry, Gene
Owned ranches in Florence
and Winslow, and TV stations KOOL in Phoenix and KOLD in Tucson
Gene Autry c. 1940. |
(Orvon Gene Autry, 1907.09.29-1998.10.02)
Singing movie cowboy.
Autry was the nation's most popular movie cowboy in the 1930's. In
1942, against the opposition of his studio and facing the loss of a
civilian income in the range of $600,000 a year, the 35 year old Autry
enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He was assigned to Special
Service at Luke Field, west of Phoenix. 
B |
Baldwin, Stephen
Lives in Tucson
Stephen Baldwin, 2010. Photo
by Gage Skidmore . |
(1966.05.12- ) Actor.
youngest of the four acting Baldwin brothers (the others being Alec,
William, and Daniel) lives on a ranch in Tucson. Clicks Billiards
claims Stephen as a longtime regular visitor at their Tucson location at
3325 N. First Avenue. In the late 1990's he partnered with
businessman Anthony Martino to open Anthony's Cigar Emporium in
Balsam, Talia
Attended the Treehaven
School in Tucson
(1960- ) Actor.
The daughter of Martin Balsam (1914-1996) and Joyce Van
Patten (1934- ) attended boarding school at the
Treehaven School in Tucson from approximately 1971 to 1974. She was
married to George Clooney (1961- ) from 1989 to 1993.
She married actor John Slattery (1963- ) in 1998.
Barger, "Sonny"
Imprisoned at the
Federal Correctional Institution, Phoenix
Lives in New River
(Ralph Barger, Jr., c. 1939- ) Hells
Angel icon, author, entrepreneur.
Barger is the world's most famous Hells Angel. He is the founding
member and President of the Oakland chapter who is credited with pulling
the disparate clubs together in the 1960's and unleashing the club on a
worldwide expansion drive.
In the late 1980's his biking career was interrupted for him
to spend some quality time in the Arizona sun. The four year hiatus
wasn't exactly voluntary. He was a guest at the federal prison in
Arizona for conspiring to blow up the clubhouse of the Outlaws, a rival
biker gang.  |
Barrymore, John
Married in Yuma
(John Sidney Blyth, 1882.02.14-1942.05.29)
Actor, grandfather of Drew Barrymore.
November 8, 1936, 54-year-old John Barrymore boarded a chartered plane in
Los Angeles with his 21-year-old protégé Elaine Berrie. When the
plane landed in Yuma, the couple headed for the Justice of the Peace where
they were married just after midnight. The bride's parents arrived
in Los Angeles from New York by plane the day before, and accompanied the
couple on the Yuma trip where they acted as witnesses to the
ceremony. Almost immediately, the wedding party returned to Los
Angeles by train.
At the time of the Yuma marriage, the ink was barely dry on
the final divorce decree from Barrymore's third wife, Dolores
Costello. Dolores was a mere 21 years younger than Barrymore, and
would become Drew Barrymore's grandmother. His second wife, Blanche
Oelrichs, and his first wife, Katherine Corri Harris, were within a
decade of his age. He and Elaine divorced in 1940, but she would be
the only of his three living ex's to attend his funeral. Elaine was
the first of his wives to use the Barrymore stage name and the first
Barrymore to undress on stage. |
Bauer, Jaime Lyn
Born in Phoenix
Born in Phoenix
Graduated from Phoenix
Junior College
(Norma Marvhne Bauer, 1949.03.09-
) Actor.
The former Miss Phoenix and runner-up in the Miss Arizona
Pageant left town to become a soap maven. She was Lauralee Brooks on The
Young and Restless (1973) from the start of the series until 1983, and
reprieved the role in 1984 and 2002. She was the fifth embodiment of Laura
Spencer Horton in Days of Our Lives (1965) from 1993 to 1999 and
again in 2003. |
Bayne, Beverly
Died in Scottsdale
Beverly Bayne in 1916. |
(Pearl Von Name, 1929.02.20-1989.08.16)
As a silent movie star, Beverly appeared in 155 movies
between 1912 and 1924. She married silent move heartthrob Francis X.
Bushman (1883-1966) in 1918, but was divorced seven years later.
She died
in Scottsdale from a heart attack.
Beck, Glenn
Lived in Phoenix area
Glenn Beck in 2010. Photo by David
Shankbone . |
(Glenn Edward Lee Beck, 1964.02.10- )
Right wing entertainer.
Months after Beck was terminated from Louisville radio
station WRKA in 1987, he was hired by Phoenix Top-40 radio station KOY-FM.
There he co-hosted the "morning zoo" program with Arizona native Tim Hattrick.
Beck promoted himself and his program through a rivalry with
competing pop music station KZZP and their morning host Bruce Kelly.
The high (or low) point in the rivalry was reached when Beck called
Kelly's on-the-air wife and mocked her recent miscarriage.
Beck left
KOY and Arizona in 1989.
Benét, Eric
Treated in Wickenburg
(Eric Benét Jordan, 1970.10.15-
) R & B singer, musician, composer.
Eric Benét, 2008. Photo
by Ed Kavishe . |
Eric Benét was treated for sexual addiction at The Meadows
in Wickenburg in June, 2002, at the behest of his wife of just over a
year, Halle Berry (1968- ). Halle first learned of
Eric's infidelity just days after she won the Best Actress Oscar for Monster's
Ball (2001), when he confessed to two affairs.
With the trust broken, Halle hired a private detective and
learned that there were at least 10 affairs. Eric then confessed to a
"sexual addiction" which started just six months after their
marriage. Reportedly, he did not initially feel that he was cheating
since his first indiscretions were limited to oral encounters which, of
course, would not be included in the Clinton definition of sex.
Still in love and forgiving but not forgetting, Halle
suspended divorced action on the condition that Eric get treatment.
After release Eric was reported to be transformed into a dutiful house
husband in an arrangement akin to house arrest.
Bennett, Michael
Died in Tucson
(Michael Bennett DiFiglia, 1943.04.08-1987.07.02)
Director, choreographer, author.
The director, co-producer, co-author and co-choreographer of
the long running "A Chorus Line" died in Tucson of AIDS-related
Berlin, Irving
Composed at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix
Composer, lyricist.
Irving Berlin in 1919. |
One of this country's most popular, prolific and important
composers, Berlin is reported by the Arizona Biltmore to have written White
Christmas [published May 6, 1942] while sitting poolside at the
hotel. Others are less certain but think that it might
have been composed during a visit to the hotel--or in New York--or maybe a
bit at both places. Berlin was a repeat visitor to the hotel, writing
scores for the movies Alexander's Ragtime Band (1938) and Carefree
(1938) on a November 1937 stay, and for Second Fiddle (working
title "When Winter Comes" 1939) on a return visit in January
Of the hotel, Berlin said, "It's great here. My only
wonder is that it isn't even more popular than it is." |
Bernhard, Sandra
Graduate of Saguaro High
School in Scottsdale
Sandra Bernhard, 2008. Photo
by Slomotion777 at en.wikipedia .
(1955.06.06- ) Comic,
Sandra spent her early years in the Midwest as the daughter
of a proctologist and an abstract artist. When she was 10, the family
moved to Scottsdale, Arizona. In her comedy act she has been known
to describe her youth as a "Jewess" in a sea of "blonde WASPs," which
might not an inaccurate description of Scottsdale.
After graduating from Saguaro High School in Scottsdale,
Sandra went to a kibbutz in Israel, and then to Hollywood where she was a
manicurist in Beverly Hills by day, and a stand up comic by night. She
parlayed her routine into television appearances and specials, and even
the occasional movie. |
Biehn, Michael
Lived in Lake Havasu City
Attended U of A
(1956.07.31- ) Actor.
Michael Biehn, 2008. Photo
by Bree Bailey
The Biehn family moved to Lake Havasu when Michael was 14. He
won a drama scholarship to the University of Arizona but left after 2
years to try his hand in Hollywood.
After small parts in a number of TV
shows, he was cast in the title role to stalk Lauren Bacall in The Fan (1983).
In James Cameron's The Terminator (1984) he came from the future to
save the world from Arnold Schwarzenegger. Cameron liked him so much
that he put him in Aliens (1986), The Abyss (1989) and Terminator
2: Judgment Day (1991) in which his scenes were cut, but restored in
the special DVD edition. His other films include Clockstoppers (2002),
Chain of Command (2000), The Rock (1996), Tombstone (1991),
and Navy SEALs (1990).
the Kid"
Lived in Globe area for 2
Killed his first man in
Camp Grant
(Probably born Henry McCarty, aka William H. Bonney, William
Antrim, Henry Antrim and Kid Antrim, 1859.11.23-1881.07.14)
West's most famous outlaw.
west's most famous outlaw killed his first man on August 17, 1877 in
George Adkins' Saloon in Camp Grant, midway between Globe and Tucson not
far off what is now state route 77. Billy had come to the Arizona
Territory about two years earlier when he ran away from his stepfather's
home in Silver City, NM, not wanting to face him following a prank
involving petty theft from a laundry. 
Blake, Amanda
Lived in Phoenix
Amanda Blake in 1950. |
(Beverly Louise Neill, 1929.02.20-1989.08.16)
Blake played Miss Kitty Russell, proprietor of Dodge City's Long Branch
Saloon, for 19 years on Gunsmoke.
At her four-acre home site at 5105 E. Exeter Street in the
Arcadia District of Phoenix, she operated a cat-house of different kind.
There she kept a lion and 10 rare cheetahs.  |
Bluth, Don
Lives in Phoenix
(1937.09.13- ) Animator,
producer, director.
Don Bluth, 2006. Photo
by Gil Megidish . |
Don was a chief animator at Disney after the death of Walt.
(Notwithstanding rumors to the contrary, Walt Disney (1901-1965) was not
put into cryogenic suspended animation upon his death--unlike Scottsdale
"resident" Ted
Amid rumors that the animation unit might be shut down, he
and a number of other Disney animators formed their own company to produce
The Secret of NIMH (1982), a creative success but box office
He was more successful when he teamed with one time Phoenix
resident Steven
Spielberg to create An American Tail (1986) and The Land
Before Time (1988).
When Fox decided to invest $100 million to animate pictures
in the desert, Don Bluth headed up the effort. The Fox Animation Studio at
2747 East Camelback Road, Phoenix opened in 1993. They hired over 300
animators and technicians and began work on Anastasia (1997). The
direct to video Bartok the Magnificent (1999) and Titan A.E.
(2000) followed. Titan cost $75 million to make, but brought in only $17
million at the box office.
In the face of such losses, Fox decided to shut down the
Phoenix studio in June 2000. Don remained in Phoenix forming Don Bluth
Films, Inc. Dragon's Lair will be the first film of the new company
and was set for release in the summer of 2003. You may check on the
progress of the production at donbluth.com. |
Bock, Fred
Died in Phoenix
(1918-2000.08.25) WWII pilot.
On August 6, 1945, a B-29 named "Enola Gay" dropped the
world's second atomic bomb, "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan. Three
days later another B-29 named "Bockscar" dropped the more powerful "Fat
Man" on Nagasaki, Japan, effectively ending World War II. "Bockscar"
was named after it's regular pilot, Fred Bock. He was not on that mission
since the crew of the "Greate Artiste" switched planes with them
for that mission. The world's first atomic bomb, "The Trinity
Device," was detonated from a tower in the New Mexico desert.
Bombeck, Erma
Lived in Paradise Valley
(Erma Louise Fiste Bombeck, 1927.02.21-1996.04/22)
Humorist, columnist and author.
Her book titles include The Grass Is Always Greener over
the Septic Tank, Motherhood: The Second Oldest Profession, All
I Know About Animal Behavior I Learned in Loehmann's Dressing Room,
and I Lost Everything in the Post-Natal Depression.
Erma met her husband, Bill, when they were both teenagers
working as copy clerks at Dayton newspapers. She became a feature writer
at the Dayton Herald, but left to be a full time mother. She returned to
write a column about family life in 1965, which was syndicated in 20
papers within a month. When the family moved to Arizona for the
climate in 1971, her column was appearing in 200 papers.
At the time of her death from complications of kidney
transplant surgery, she and her husband of over 40 years were living in a
tile-and-stucco Paradise Valley home overlooking Camelback Mountain. Her
burial plot at Woodlawn Cemetery in Dayton, Ohio, includes a 29,000-pound
boulder taken from an Arizona neighbor's property. Bill said that he
"wanted a piece of Phoenix" at his wife's grave to remember
their 25 years in Arizona.
Bonaduce, Danny
Lived in Phoenix
Arrested in Phoenix
(1959.08.13- )
Child actor, disk jockey, author, host.
was the red headed child actor playing the bratty Danny Partridge on The
Partridge Family from 1970 to 1974. Opportunities being what
they are for former child actors, Danny turned to radio, eventually
landing a spot on Phoenix's Power 92 KKFR where he kept Partridge as his
on air name.  |
Bonanno, Joseph
Lived in Tucson
Died in Tucson
Joseph Bonanno in 1964. |
Mafia godfather.
Many famous figures in Arizona history came to the state for
their health. When the model for the title character in Mario Puzo's
The Godfather was forced into "retirement" by an internal
Mafia conflict in the 1960's he too came to Arizona for his health.
Bonds, Barry
Graduated from Arizona
State University
(Barry Lamar Bonds, 1964.07.24-
) Major League Baseball player.
Barry Bonds, 1993. Photo
by Jim Accordino
When San Francisco Giant's slugger Barry Bonds hit his 699th
home run off the JumboTron scoreboard at the Diamondback's home field on
September 12, 2004, he was on the threshold of reaching the 700 home run
milestone only two players had passed before him--Hank Aaron (755) and
Babe Ruth (714).
Long before Bonds challenged Babe Ruth for the most career
home runs, or Jose Canseco for most effective use of steroids, he spent
three years playing for the Sun Devils. Although he was drafted by
the Giants in 1982, he chose to attend Arizona State University
instead. There he played college baseball before graduating in 1986.
In two of the three years he was at ASU, he took the Sun Devils to the
College World Series. As a .347 career hitter at ASU, he ranks third
in the Devil's all time list with 45 home runs. His .616 slugging
percentage ranks him 11th at ASU. In 1999 he was enshrined in the
Arizona State Sports Hall of Fame.
Bonds began his Major League career with the Pittsburgh
Pirates in 1986, but returned to his home state in 1993 when he joined the
San Francisco Giants. |
Borman, Frank
Lived in Tucson
(1928.03.14- )
Borman was born in Gary, Indiana, and raised in Tucson. He was a
quarterback on the Tucson High School football team that won the Arizona
state football championship in 1945. He had his sights set higher
than football, becoming an U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, and then a NASA
astronaut. He was the Commander of the 1968 Apollo 8 mission, making
him one of the first three humans to orbit the moon. 
Boyer, Charles
Married in Yuma
Lived in Paradise Valley
Overdosed in Scottsdale
Died in Phoenix
_thumb.jpg) |
Charles Boyer in a 1938 publicity photo. |
Charles Boyer was born in France, but became a major romantic
lead in films of the 1930's and 40's, never losing his French
accent. In 1938 he played the suave jewel thief Pepe le Moko in the
movie Algiers. He made such an impression that a cartoon
skunk, Pepe le Pew, was introduced by Warner Bros. to revisit the
In the 1956 I Love Lucy episode "Lucy Meets
Charles Boyer," he played a Charles Boyer look-alike hired by Lucy to
assuage Ricky's jealous streak. Naturally, the look-alike turned out
to really be Charles Boyer, much to Lucy's consternation.
Charles Boyer came to Hollywood in 1934 with his friend,
actor Maurice Chevalier. He met the English actress Pat Paterson
(1911-1978) who had arrived in Hollywood only three months earlier.
Within a month of their meeting, the 34-year-old Boyer and the 22-year-old
Paterson would elope and marry in Yuma. Later, they would move from
Hollywood to Paradise Valley.
Pat died in Phoenix from cancer in 1978. Just two days
after her death, Charles took an overdose of Seconal while at a friend's
home at 6806 North Desert Fairways Drive, Scottsdale. He was taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix where he died. Their only child, Michael
Boyer (1944-1965) also committed suicide. |
Brinley, Charles
Born in Yuma
An actor in nearly 140 films between 1913 and 1939.
Many of the films were silent, and he was frequently uncredited. He was born in Yuma.
Brooks, Jason
Attended the University
of Arizona
(Jason Maxwell Brooks, 1966.05.10-
) Actor.
The actor that played the evil Peter Blake from 1993 to 1998
on Days of Our Lives (1965- ) studied business
administration at the University of Arizona. Midway through his Days
stint, he appeared bare chested on the cover of the December 1995 issue of
Playgirl magazine. He moved on to play Sean Monroe on Baywatch
(1989- ) from 1999 to 2001, and then to numerous parts
in various television shows.
Brown, Amanda
Born in Arizona
Graduate of ASU
- ) Writer.
Amanda Brown was no stranger
to the law when she wrote the manuscript for Legally Blonde.
Her father is the late Jack Brown who founded the Phoenix law firm Brown
& Bain. Her mother was a member of the second Harvard Law
College class to admit women to their ranks.  |
Bruckheimer, Jerry
Lived in Tucson
Graduate of U of A
Jerry Bruckheimer, 2010. Photo
by BrokenSphere at Wikipedia Commons
(1945.09.21- )
Bruckheimer is the quintessential Hollywood producer of the
multi-million dollar blockbuster motion picture. His productions
include Black Hawk Down (2001), Pearl Harbor (2001), the TV
series C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation (2000), Armageddon
(1998), Crimson Tide (1995), Top Gun (1986), Flashdance
(1983), American Gigolo (1980), and many others.
He graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in
Bush, George
Parachuted over Yuma
President George H. W. Bush, official
1989 portrait. |
(George Herbert Walker Bush, 1924.06.12-
) 41st President of the United States (1989-1993).
On Tuesday, March 25, 1997, former President George Bush
strapped on a parachute and jumped out of a civilian plane flying 12,500
feet above the Army's Yuma Proving Ground. After free falling for
8,000 feet, he deployed his chute and glided to a smooth landing at the
training base used by the Army's precision parachuting team, the Golden
Knights.  |
C |
Cage, Nicolas
Honeymooned in Phoenix -
Nicholas Cage, 2009. Photo
by Nicolas Genin
(Nicholas Kim Coppola, 1964.01.07-
) Actor.
Nicholas and his first bride, Patricia Arquette, honeymooned
at the Biltmore following their April 8, 1995 wedding. He must have
liked the accommodations since he returned to the Biltmore for a honeymoon
with his second wife, Lisa Marie Presley, after their August 10, 2002
wedding. |
Campbell, Glen
Lived in Phoenix and
Glen Campbell in 2004. |
(Glen Travis Campbell, 1936.04.22- )
Musician, singer, actor.
By the time Glenn Campbell got to Phoenix, he was an
established recording star (By the Time I Get to Phoenix, 1967; Gentle on
My Mind, 1967; Wichita Lineman, 1968; Galveston, 1969; Rhinestone Cowboy,
1975), a veteran television star (The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour,
1969-1972; The Glen Campbell Music Show, 1982-1983), a co-star with
sometime Arizona resident John
Wayne in True Grit (1969), and a star in a less than memorable
movie (Norwood, 1970).  |
Carbajal, Michael
Born in Phoenix
Lives in Phoenix
(1967.09.17- )
Boxer, Olympic Silver Medallist, 4 time Junior Flyweight Champion.
native Michael Carbajal was America's Junior Flyweight entry in the 1988
Seoul Olympics in South Korea. In a controversial decision, he took
the Silver medal after a match in which he dominated the Bulgarian boxer
to whom the judges gave the Gold medal. 
Carter, Lynda
Born in Phoenix
Lived in Phoenix
Graduated from Arcadia
High School
Lynda Carter, 2009. Photo
by The Heart Truth
(Linda Jean Cordova, 1951.07.24- )
From 1976 to 1979 Lynda Carter was the title character in the
Wonder Woman television series. While she might be thought of
as a one hit wonder, she can list a few more accomplishments, including
the Miss Arizona and Miss USA titles in the early 1970's, 25 guest and
acting appearances, two husbands and two children.
Linda was born and grew up in Phoenix. She graduated
from Arcadia High School in 1969.
Chavez, Cesar
Born near Yuma
Died in San Luis
Cesar Chavez, 1974. Photo
by Joel Levine
(Cesar Estrada Chavez, 1927.03.31-1993.04.23)
Union leader, activist.
Cesar Chavez was born on a small farm outside Yuma that his
grandfather homesteaded. When he was 10, his father lost the farm in
the Great Depression, and he began a life as a migrant worker.
In 1962, he founded National Farm Workers Association (NFWA).
In 1966, the NFWA merged with an AFL-CIO sponsored union to form the
United Farm Workers (UFW).
Claus, Santa
Plummeted to his apparent
death from a plane flying over Mesa
(c. 1823-1932.12.19) Merry old pot
bellied gentleman fond of red & white clothing.
the winter of 1932, business activity along Main Street in the rural town
of Mesa had slowed to a crawl. The nation was in a depression and
the 4,000 or so residents of the farming community were not spared. 
Cobb, Linda
Lives in Peoria
(c. 1950- ) Author,
radio/television personality, entrepreneur.
The Queen of Clean who holds court on the valley's Channel 3,
and more recently on HGTV, moved to Peoria in 1995 with her husband, John.
The former owner of a cleaning and disaster restoration company began
publishing a newsletter and became a local media darling. She appeared on
a radio program at a time when valley visits of the infamous Queen of
Mean, Leona
Helmsey, were receiving media attention. The radio personality
dubbed her the "Queen of Clean," and the name stuck.
Cohn, Harry
Died in Phoenix
Movie mogul.
In 1929, Harry Cohn, his brother Jack Cohn (1989-1956) and
friend Joe Brandt (1882-1939), formed Columbia Pictures. As the demanding
studio head he became the epitome of the venomous mogul. He achieved
infamy with quotes like "I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!"
Although possibly immune from ulcers, he did not have the
same protection from heart disease. While wintering at the Arizona
Biltmore resort he was strickened with a heart attack. He died in the
ambulance as it sped toward St. Joseph's Hospital.
The studio feared that Harry would be no more popular in
death than in life. To insure the presence of some mourners it ordered
employees to attend the funeral.
Colbert, Claudette
Married in Yuma
Claudette Colbert, 1933. |
(Lily Claudette Chauchoin, 1903.09.13-1996.07.30)
The year after Claudette Colbert stared in It Happened One
Night (1934) with Clark Gable, Miss
Colbert traveled to Yuma to marry Dr. Joel Pressman. Unlike many
other Yuma celebrity marriages, this one lasted. The Pressmans were
still husband and wife at her death. Her previous first marriage had
succumbed after 7 years. |
Condit, Gary
Has a home in North
Gary Condit, Con- gressional Pictorial Directory photo, 2001. |
(Gary Adrian Condit, 1948.04.21- ) U.S.
While serving as the Democrat Representative for California's
18th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, Condit had the
misfortune of having an affair with an intern for the U.S. Bureau of
Prisons who mysteriously disappeared in April, 2001. The body of
intern Chandra Levy was not discovered until May, 2002.  |
Cooper, Alice
Grew up in Phoenix
Attended Cortez High School
Lives in Paradise Valley
Alice Cooper, 2007. Photo
by pinguino k
Damon Furnier, 1948.02.04- )
Singer, songwriter, actor.
Vince was born in Detroit, Michigan, the son of a minister.
The family moved to Phoenix when he was 13. In high school, he
formed a band which was eventually became "Alice Cooper" after a
woman who was persecuted for witchcraft in Medieval Europe. 
Crabbe, Buster
Died in Scottsdale
Buster Crabbe from his 1955 NBC TV series, Captain Gallant of the Foreign Legion. |
(Clarence Linden Crabbe, 1907.02.17-1983.04.23)
Buster lost the chance to be the first movie Tarzan in the Tarzan
the Ape Man (1932) to Johnny Weissmuller (1904-1984). Buster did get
to play Tarzan in Tarzan the Fearless (1933), and became the
original movie Flash Gordon in 1936. Like Weissmuller, he had been an
Olympic swimming champion, winning the gold medal in the 400-meter
free-style at the 1932 Olympics.
He died in his home in Scottsdale from a heart attack.
He is buried in the Green Acres Memorial Gardens Cemetery.
Crane, Bob
Murdered in Scottsdale
Bob Crane from his 1965 CBS TV series, Hogan's
Heroes. |
(Robert Edward Crane, 1928.07.13-1978.06.29)
Actor, disk jockey, drummer.
The actor that made his mark playing the crafty
namesake in popular television series Hogan's Heroes made his last
appearance in a Scottsdale apartment. His bludgeoned body was
found next to video equipment and tapes containing performances of a
completely different nature. 
Cronkite, Walter
Namesake for & participant in the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
and Mass Communication at Arizona State University, Tempe
Walter Cronkite in 2004. |
(Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr., 1916.11.04- )
Newscaster, anchor "CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite"
1983 the Walter Cronkite Endowment was established at ASU's journalism
department when the former CBS managing editor and anchor became an active
participant in school activities and permitted the use of his name for the
endowment. In 1984, the endowment trustees recommended that
journalism school adopt Cronkite's name. The journalism department
was subsequently elevated to a school, and the Board of Regents approved
the name, the "Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and
Cussler, Clive
Lives in Paradise Valley
(Clive Eric Cussler, 1931.07.15- )
Adventure novelist.
The former advertising executive who first achieved literary
success with novels like Raise The Titanic has had a home in Paradise Valley
since the mid 1980's.
Crystal, Billy
Phoenix visitor &
Billy Crystal, 2007. Photo
by Bbsrock
(William Edward Crystal, 1947.03.14- ) Comic,
An avid NY Yankee fan, Billy is a partial owner of the
Arizona Diamondbacks. The two teams played each other in the 2001 World
Series which Arizona won.
D |
Danson, Ted
Lived outside Flagstaff
Ted Danson, 2008. Photo by Rob Dicaterino
(Edward Bridge Danson, III, 1947.12.29- ) Actor.
know for his role as bar owner Sam Malone in the long running television
series Cheers (1982-1993), Ted Danson grew up around Flagstaff
where his father, an archeologist and anthropologist, was a director of
the Museum of Northern Arizona.  |
Davis, Bette
Married in Yuma
Bette Davis, 1936. |
(Ruth Elizabeth Davis, 1908.04.05-1989.10.06)
On August 18, 1932, starlet Bette Davis married Harmon Nelson
in Yuma. Miss Davis omitted her occupation on the marriage license
leading the local paper to omit mention of the celebrity marriage.
It corrected its error two days later.
The Nelson-Davis marriage lasted only until 1939 when it
ended in divorce. Bette liked the institution enough to try it 3
more times. |
Davis, Dr. Loyal
Lived in Phoenix
Died in Phoenix
(1896-1982.08.19) Physician, editor,
adoptive father of Nancy Davis.
First Lady Nancy Davis Reagan was adopted by Dr. Loyal Davis
after he married her mother, Edith. Among numerous other positions,
Dr. Davis was the Chair of the Department of Surgery at Northwestern
University Medical School for 31 years. He was the Editor in Chief the Journal
of the American College of Surgeons from 1938 until 1982. Dr.
Davis' retired to Phoenix where he lived with his wife Edith at 24
Biltmore Estates. |
Davis, Patti
Attended The Orme School
in Mayer
Patti Davis, 1967. |
(Patricia Ann Davis Reagan, 1952.10.21-
) Actor, author.
The rebellious daughter of former President Ronald
Reagan and Nancy Davis (and sister of Ron Reagan and half-sister of
Michael and Maureen Reagan) was attending boarding school at The Orme
School in Mayer when her father was governor of California.
DeCamp, Rosemary
Born in Prescott
Rosemary DeCamp, 1945. |
One of the busier actresses of the 1940's and 50's, Rosemary
DeCamp played supporting roles in dozens of movies, on television, and on
radio. She might be best remembered as Marlo Thomas' mother on That
Girl (1966-1971) or as Margaret MacDonald on The Bob Cummings Show
In 1965 when Ronald Reagan
was hosting Death Valley Days (1952-1975) he decided to run for
governor of California. FCC rules did not allow him to appear in the show
when it was broadcast in California during the election, so he called on
Rosemary to take his place as host. When Reagan won the election, Robert
Taylor took over as host, but the sponsor, 20 Mule Team Borax, kept
Rosemary as their permanent spokesman.
Dees, Rick
Has a home in Phoenix
Rick Dees, 2009. Photo by laxhyundai
(Rigdon Osmond Dees, III, 1950.03.14-
) Radio DJ and talk show host.
Perhaps best known nationally for hosting the Weekly Top
40 on international radio (1984-2004), he was a top rated morning
personality in Los Angeles' KIIS radio until his 22 year run ended when he
was replaced by Ryan Seacrest.
Although his web site bio lists his residence as San Fernando
Valley, The Arizona Republic reported his purchase of a $3.95
million home in Phoenix's Biltmore Mountain Estates in May, 2005. If Rick
chooses to travel from Southern California by auto, he will be able to
choose any of 9 stalls in his new garage in which to park it.
DeGrazia, Ted
Lived in Morenci &
Graduate of University
of Arizona
(Ettorino DeGrazia, 1909.06.14-1982.09.17)
Impressionist artist.
grew up in Morenci, Arizona, where he graduated from Morenci High School.
In 1932, he enrolled at the University of Arizona. Although he
dropped out before graduating, he returned to earn a B.A. in in music and
art, and in 1945, a masters degree in art. He opened his first
gallery in Tucson at the end of World War II. 
Denny, Reginald
Lives in Lake Havasu City
(Reginald Oliver Denny, 1945- ) Truck driver, riot victim.
Reginald Denny came to the attention of millions of
television viewers when he had the misfortune of being at the wrong place
at the wrong time. The place was Florence and Normandie in
South-Central Los Angeles. The time was around 6:45 PM
on April 29, 1992, within hours after the acquittal of four Los Angeles
policemen an charges of beating Rodney King. It was then and there
that outrage at the verdict had erupted into a riot.  |
Denver, John
Lived in Tucson
(Henry John Deutschendorf Jr., 1943.12.31-1997.10.12)
Singer, composer, actor.
John Denver, 1985. |
The son of an Air Force officer, eleven year old Henry John
Deutschendorf Jr. was given his grandmother's guitar while the family was
living in Tucson. He took guitar lessons, joined a boy's choir and,
when his family was living in Texas, ran away from home to California.
After returning to Texas and graduating from high school, he again headed
for California. He changed his name and replaced Chad in the Chad
Mitchell Trio before going out on his own in 1969.
His career was on a real Rocky Mountain High (1972) in
1975 when he was named the Country Music Association's Entertainer of the
Year and the American Guild of Variety Artists' Singing Star of the Year.
His career had stalled by 1997 when the amateur-built experimental plane
he was piloting crashed into Monterey Bay killing its only occupant.
The FAA attributed the crash to pilot error in an unfamiliar plane.
Depp, Johnny
Stopped for speeding in
(John Christopher Depp II, 1963.06.09-
) Actor.
Johnny Depp, 1990. Photo by Georges Biard
On Tuesday, October 22, 1991, when Johnny was in Tuscon for
the filming of the movie Arrowtooth Waltz (1993, re-titled Arizona
Dream) he took his 1991 black Porsche for a spin.
Around 10:30
pm DPS radar clocked him traveling 93 mph westbound on a section of
Interstate 10 near South Kino Parkway in Tucson with a posted 55 mph speed
limit. Before he was pulled over, he was clocked at 100 mph.
Since the 28 year old actor had no identification with him, he was taken
to the Pretrial Services office of Superior Court where he was released
after posting a $305 bond. |
Derickson, Uli
Lived in Tucson
Died in Tucson
(Ulrike Patzelt Derickson, 1944.08.08-2005.02.18)
Heroic flight attendant.
On June 14, 1985, Uli Derickson was a flight attendant for
TWA preparing for the 10:00 AM departure of Flight 847 from
Athens, Greece. Two Lebanese passengers managed to board the flight
with pistols and grenades they had smuggled through airport security.
The men would soon use the weapons to hijack the flight as it headed
toward Rome, Italy. A third hijacker had been bumped from the flight
and was arrested by the Greek government.  |
Devine, Andy
Born in Flagstaff
Grew up in Kingman
Attended ASU
Andy Devine, 1937. |
(Jeremiah Schwartz, 1905.10.07-1977.02.18)
Although best known as the comic sidekick in countless
westerns, Andy Devine had a film career starting in silent movies and
spanning 183 films.
Andy was born in Flagstaff on October 7, 1905, where his
father worked for the railroad. The following year, the family moved to
Kingman to operate the  |
Dhiegh, Khigh
Died in Mesa
(Kenneth Dickerson, 1910-1991.10.25) Actor.
The actor best know for playing the recurring villain "Wo
Fat" on the popular detective show, Hawaii Five-O (1968-1980)
died in Mesa of kidney and heart failure. Although he often
portrayed Asians, he was actually of Anglo-Egyptian-Sudanese ancestry. |
Dillinger, John
Captured in Tucson
(John Herbert Dillinger, 1903.06.22-1934.07.22)
FBI Public Enemy Number One.
asked where the infamous bank robber John Dillinger was captured, most
people would say outside of the Biograph Theater in Chicago. That
would not be correct. John Dillinger was killed in Chicago in an FBI
shootout following his escape from jail; Dillinger and most of his gang
were captured in Tucson. 
Dorr, Goldthwaite Higginson,
Lives in Phoenix
(c. 1932- ) Former Phoenix Art
Museum director.
The Coen brothers gave the protagonist of their 2004 film The
Ladykillers the fanciful name of Goldthwaite Higginson Dorr, III, and
cast Tom Hanks to play that role. In their remake of the 1955 British
movie bearing the same title, the Hanks character and his gang move into
the home of an elderly lady whom they think they can easily dispose of
when their robbery plot is done.
While the character's name may sound totally made up, Goldthwaite
Higginson Dorr, III, was actually the director of the Phoenix Art Museum
from 1969 to 1973, and still lives in Phoenix. He came to Phoenix
after serving as the director of museums in Portland, Maine and Santa
Barbara, California, as well as the Minneapolis Museum of Art.
The Coen brothers grew up in Minnesota where much of their classic 1996 movie Fargo
was set. They remembered the Dorr name from their childhood and
used it in their screenplay. They were not aware that the real Dorr
was living in Phoenix. |
Dorrance, Bennett
Lives in Paradise Valley
Graduate of the
University of Arizona
(c. 1947- ) Heir to Campbell's
Soup fortune.
Bennett is listed as number 185 on Forbes Magazine's list of
the 400 wealthiest Americans for 2002, along with fellow Arizonans David
and Peter
Sperling. The three are the highest ranking Arizonan appearing
on the list.
Bennett's grandfather, John T. Dorrance, founded Campbell
Soup. When his father, John Jr., died in 1989, his older brother,
John III, became an Irish citizen to avoid U.S. taxes. The family
still controls half of the shares of the Campbell Soup Company stock.
Bennett's personal wealth was listed by Forbes as $1.1 billion.
Douglas, Michael
Treated in Tucson
Michael Douglas, 2004. |
(Michael Kirk Douglas, 1944.12.09- )
Actor, producer.
At the insistence of his first wife who was tired of his
womanizing, Michael Douglas checked into Tucson's pricey Sierra Tucson
Centre reportedly for treatment of sexual addiction in 1992.
The treatment may not have taken since she filed for divorce three years
later. Douglas later married Catherine Zeta Jones who shares his
birthday, less 25 years. 
Downey Jr., Robert
Treated in Tucson
Robert Downey, Jr., 1990. Photo by Alan Light
(Robert John Downey Jr., 1965.04.04- )
Robert Downey, Jr. has been in and out of so may drug
treatment programs that one might question a facility's credentials if
Robert hasn't been one of its patients. 
Downs, Hugh
Lives in Scottsdale
(1921.02.14- )
Announcer, host.
Downs, a descendant of Davey Crockett, clocked the most hours on network
commercial television according to the 1985 Guinness Book of World
Records. In 2004 his record was surpassed by Regis Philbin.
Hugh started his career as announcer for a one toothed dragon, a blond and
a bald kid--Kukla, Fran and Ollie (1947-1957). 
DuBois, Allison
Born in Arizona
Lives in Phoenix
(1972.01.24- ) Research medium,
criminal profiler, author, title character and inspiration for NBC's Medium
television series.
Allison is a self-proclaimed psychic, married to an
aerospace engineer, living in North Phoenix with their three
daughters. On her web site [allisondubois.com],
she explains what she does, "I can contact the deceased, I can
profile the living and I predict future events." So as
not to inconvenience those in need of her services, readings could
be conducted on the phone and by e-mail. The Arizona
Republic reported that the charge for such a reading was
$250/hour.  |
E |
Earp, Wyatt
Lived in Tombstone
for murder in Tombstone
Wyatt Earp, c.1881, around the time
of the famous gunfight. |
(Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp, 1848.03.19-1929.01.13)
Deputy marshal.
Earp arrived in Tombstone in 1879 with his two brothers, Virgil and
Morgan. Just two years later, on October 26, 1881, they and Doc
Holiday would take on cowboys Tom and Frank McLaury, and Ike and Billy
Clanton in the famous "gun fight at the OK Corral."
Following the fight, which actually took place on Fremont Street and not
at the corral, Frank McLaury and Billy Clanton lay mortally wounded.
The unarmed Ike Clanton escaped injury when he ran off at the start of the
shooting. Doc, Virgil and Morgan were all wounded, but not
seriously. Wyatt was uninjured.
Wyatt and Doc were charged with murder, and just 3 weeks
later they were brought to trial. Thanks to a Justice Court
Magistrate who was a friend of Wyatt and the unsavory reputation of the
Clantons and McLaury's, there was found to be insufficient cause to bind
them over for trial and they were released. 
Eddy, Duane
Lived in Phoenix
(1938.03.26- )
Guitarist, composer.
When Duane Eddy arrived in Phoenix as a teen in 1955, he had
been playing a guitar for a dozen years. Local disc jockey and
promoter Lee Hazlewood saw a future for the boy with the twangy red
Gretsch guitar and teemed up with him. Hazelwood had Eddy and his
band on a weekly Saturday night radio show on KCKY in Coolidge. In
1957 they appeared on "The Hit Parade" hosted by Ray Odom on
Phoenix television station KTVK. 
Eden, Barbara
Born in Tucson
Lived in Tucson
(Barbara Jean Moorhead, 1916.08.23- )
Barbara Eden is best know for her role as the genie in I
Dream of Genie which ran from 1965 to 1970. Some of the success
of the series must be attributed to the curvaceous Genie's scanty dress,
which because of the NBC censors did not include revealing her belly
Barbara Eden was born in Tucson, but moved to San Francisco
where she was a cheerleader at Abraham Lincoln High School.
Ehrlichman, John D.
Imprisoned near Safford
Aide to President Richard Nixon, felon, author.
The former domestic advisor to President Nixon entered the
federal prison camp near Safford on October 28, 1976, to begin serving his
2-1/2 to 8-year sentence for his participation in the Watergate
Elam, Jack
Born in Miami
Lived in Phoenix
Graduated from Phoenix Union High School
if you don't recognize the name, you would probably recognize the
face. Elam is the character actor distinguished by a grizzled
appearance and a wandering eye. His left eye was left sightless from
a childhood fight. 
Engvall, Bill
Grew up in Winslow
Bill Engvall, 2010. |
(1957.07.27- )
Long before Bill got his big break and appeared with Johnny
Carson on NBC's Tonight Show, or won won the American Comedy Awards Male
Comic of the Year (1992), he was home in Winslow watching Wallace &
Ladmo. Every few months, the family would drive down to the big city
of Phoenix to stay at the Kon-Tiki motel at Van Buren and 24th Street.
Espinoza, Louie
Lives in Chandler
(1962.05.12- )
Louie Espinoza became Arizona's first world champion boxer
when he won the World Boxing Association (WBA) junior featherweight title
in 1987. In his professional career, he had 52 wins, 12 losses, and
2 draws.
Lives in Phoenix area
(Stephen Paul, 1948- )
grew up as Stephen, one of four children of a Pittsburgh
steelworker. He majored in music and English at Carnegie Mellon
University, and went on to study under guitar maestro Andres Segovia in
Spain. Unable to pronounce "Stephen," Segovia called him
the Spanish equivalent which eventually became his stage name. 
F |
Farina, Dennis
Lives in Phoenix
Dennis Farina, 2007. Photo by David Shankbone
(1944.02.29- ) Actor.
Farina is an ex-Chicago policeman who turned to acting,
playing a lot of cops. He has made nearly 50 film appearances
including Big Trouble (2002), Snatch (2000), and Saving
Private Ryan (1998).
He is a sometimes Phoenix area resident and reportedly gets
his hair clipped by Stan Demory at the Phoenician who also does Fife
Symington, and Dan Quayle.
Fay, Dorothy
Born in Prescott
(Dorothy Fay Southworth, 1915.04.04-2003.11.05)
Sometimes billed as Dorothy Fay Ritter, she may be more
widely recognized as the wife of singing cowboy Tex Ritter (1905-1974), or
the mother of actor John Ritter (1948-2003). She died less than two
months after the unexpected death of her son.
Faye, Alice
Married in Yuma
Alice Faye, 1938. |
(Alice Jeanne Leppert, 1915.05.05-1998.05.09)
Actor, singer.
To quote A&E's Biography, "She rose from the
mean streets of New York's Hell's Kitchen to become the most famous
singing actress in the world." On September 4, 1937, the 22
year old starlet interrupted her career long enough to take a plane from
Los Angeles to Yuma. There she married to 24 year old singer Tony
Martin. According to the nationwide Associated Press report,
"Miss Faye was attired in a powder blue suit and wore an orchid
corsage." The AP also reported Martin's age as 22. They
were divorced in 1940.
Finkbine, Sherri
Lived in Phoenix
(Sherri Chessen, c. 1942- )
Television performer.
In 1962 Sherri Finkbine was Miss Sherri on the popular
children's show Romper Room which was produced and broadcast
locally from the studios of KTAR Channel 12 (now KPNX) at 1101 N. Central
in Phoenix. Mrs. Finkbine was also the mother of four healthy
children who was then expecting her fifth. During this pregnancy she
took the prescription tranquilizer Thalidomide. That drug was soon
to be linked with thousands of serious birth deformities (mainly in
Europe, Australia and Canada since the FDA had been slower than its
counterparts in those countries to approve the drug). The Finkbines
decided to seek an abortion rather than risk the birth of a tragically
deformed child.
At the time abortions were illegal Arizona as in the rest of
the nation. The Arizona law which was adopted in 1901 allowed an
abortion only if it was clearly necessary to save the mother's life.
Abortions would not become legal nationally until January 2, 1973 when the
U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decision in the landmark case, Roe v.
When Mrs. Finkbine was in her third month of pregnancy, she,
her teacher husband, and the Good Samaritan Hospital filed suit seeking a
declaratory judgment making the abortion legal. The case caused a
national furor. Some public reaction was so intensely
negative--including anonymous death threats in the mail and on the
phone--that the FBI stationed agents in the Finkbine home. She was
dismissed from her job and Mr. Finkbine was suspended from his teaching
When the Arizona court turned down her plea, the Finkbines
traveled to Sweden where she received an abortion. The fetus had no
legs and only one arm. On January 31, 1965, Mrs. Finkbine gave birth
to her fifth child, a healthy baby girl.
The Finkbines were divorced in 1974. In 1991, Sherri
married a obstetrician and gynecologist who had practiced in a Scottsdale
hospital that had turned down her abortion 30 years before. Had the
scheduled physician declined to perform the abortion, her future husband
would have been the next in line to be scheduled.
In 1992 HBO made the movie A Private Matter of the
Finkbines personal tragedy. Sissy Spacek was cast as Mrs. Finkbine,
Aidan Quinn played her husband and Estelle Parsons played her mother.
Fishel, Danielle
Born in Mesa
(Danielle Christine Fishel, 1981.05.05-
) Actor.
Best known for her roll in the television sitcom Boy
Meets World (1993-2000) as Topanga Lawrence, Danielle was born in
Mesa. She remained in the state for all of three weeks when her
family moved to Yorba Linda, California.
Foss, Joe
Lived in Scottsdale
Died in Scottsdale
(Joseph Jacob Foss, 1915.04.17-2003.01.01)
Marine pilot, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient (1943), governor of
South Dakota (1955-1957), president of the American Football League
(1960-1966), host of American Sportsman (1964-1967), president of the
National Rifle Association (1988-1990).
on a farm outside Sioux Falls, the young farm boy was captivated by the
exploits of Charles Lindberg who had visited a nearby airport. He
supported himself waiting tables while at the University of South Dakota,
earning a business degree in 1940, and at the same time managed to
complete a civilian pilot training program. 
Frost, Lee
Born in Globe
(1935.08.14- )
Director, writer, actor, cinematographer.
Lee is a modestly prolific movie director with some
consistency. His movies are consistently mediocre if not awful, and are
typically sexploitative. The 28 titles for which he is given directorial
credit by the Internet Movie Data Base
include Hollywood's World of Flesh (1963), Chain Gang Women (1971),
The Thing with Two Heads (1972) and The Boob Tube Strikes Again!
(1977). As a director he might be billed as R. L. Frost, R. Lee Frost
and David Kayne. As an actor or writer he might also be credited as Carl
Borcht, Les Emerson, F. C. Perl or Elov Peterssons.
G |
Gabaldon, Diana
Born in Williams
Grew up in Flagstaff
Graduate of Flagstaff HS
Lives in Scottsdale
(Diana Gabaldon Watkins, 1952.01.11-
) Author.
does a little girl from a small community in Northern Arizona grow up to
become a best selling author? By writing a huge novel about a nurse
in World War II England that travels back in time to 18th century Scotland
while on her second honeymoon--where she falls for a warrior and returns
to her husband to have the warrior's child. 
Gable, Clark
Married in Kingman
Honeymooned in Oatman
Clark Gable, 1939. |
Gable was wed to Carole
Lombard at the Methodist church in Kingman in 1939. They honeymooned
in Oatman. 
Garagiola, Joe
Lives in Phoenix
(1926.02.12- )
Baseball catcher, sportscaster, host.
Joe Garagiola calls Phoenix his home. He was a major
league catcher, a network baseball broadcaster for 27 years and co-host of
NBC's Today Show. He continues his public criticism of tobacco
products, especially the chewing tobacco products. His son, Joe
Garagiola, Jr., is the vice president and general manager of the Arizona
Garth, Jennie
in Glendale
Attended Greenway and Apollo High Schools
(Jennifer Eve Garth, 1972.04.03- )
Jennie Garth, 2009. Photo © by Albert Domasin,
used by permission Wikipedia OTRS. |
Jennie's family moved to Glendale when she was 13 where she took
dancing lessons and did some modeling. The dancing led to her entry
in a talent competition when she was 15. A Hollywood talent scout
and manager discovered her in the competition and encouraged her to pursue
a career in acting.
Jennie completed her freshman year at Greenway High School, and
transferred to Apollo High School in her sophomore year. She dropped out of high
school in her junior year, and moved to Los Angeles with her mom, where
that talent scout helped her land a part in a television series.
Born in upper Gila River
country of Arizona Territory
Lived in Arizona
(Goyathlay, c. 1829-1909.02.17) Apache
Indian leader.
Geronimo was born in the upper Gila River area it was a part Mexico.
Mexican soldiers were attempting to control the troublesome Apaches with
methods approaching genocide. In 1858 the soldiers killed the young
Geronimo's mother, wife, and three small children. 
Goldwater, Barry
Born in Phoenix
Lived in Phoenix,
Paradise Valley
Died in Paradise Valley
(Barry Morris Goldwater, 1909.01.01-1998.05.29)
Senator, presidential candidate, photographer.
the time of his death at 89, Barry Goldwater was the icon of Arizona
politics. Had he never entered politics, he would still be remembered for
his pursuits in business, photography, and the military. 
"Superstar" Billy
Lives in Phoenix vicinity
Treated at Mayo Clinic
Hospital in Phoenix
Billy "Superstar" Graham, 2009. Photo by shstrng
(Eldridge Wayne Coleman, 1943.09.10- )
Professional wrestler.
The 6'4", 300 pound two-time holder of the WWF World
Heavyweight Championship, and heavy steroid user, worked as a bouncer in
small town Arizona before gaining wrestling fame. He returned to
Arizona to retire in Phoenix.
Twenty years of heavy steroid use resulted in avascular
necrosis, which destroys bone joints by cutting off their blood
supply. By the 1990's he was living on Social Security disability in
an apartment in Toluca Lake, California. Having had his left hip
replaced multiple times and his right ankle fused, he could barely
walk. He testified in the prosecution of the doctor that prescribed
the steroids, sending him to prison for 3 years.
On October 25, 2002, he received a new liver at the Mayo
Clinic Hospital in Phoenix.
Gravano, Sammy "the
Imprisoned in Arizona
Lived in Tempe
Convicted for drug
trafficking in Arizona
Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, 2009 FBI mug shot. |
(Salvatore Gravano, alias Jimmy Moran, 1945.03.12- )
Mafia underboss.
earned his tag name as a dyslexic kid that beat up older kids in
Brooklyn. He rose up the mob ranks running gambling operations,
fixing construction contracts, and loan sharking, eventually becoming a La
Cosa Nostra mob underboss. Along the way he committed 19
Gray, George
Raised in Tucson
Graduated from
University of Arizona
Lives in Bisbee
George Gray, 2007. Photo by lukeford.net
(Eldridge Wayne Coleman, 1968.03.11- )
Comic, television host, actor.
The host of Weakest Link (2001) and sometimes actor was
raised in Tucson and graduated from the University of Arizona. His
comedy career began at Laffs Comedy Caffe, 2900 E. Broadway Boulevard,
Tucson. When not on the set, he lives in Bisbee.
Gregory, James
Lived in Sedona
Died in Sedona
James Gregory, 1948. |
Perhaps best know as the irascible loudmouthed Inspector
Luger in the television situation comedy, Barney Miller (1975-1982),
James Gregory made nearly 200 appearances in movies and television shows.
After suffering two strokes he retired to Sedona in 1983 with his wife of
58 years, Ann Miltner. Ann, who had been an occasional singer the
pop group the Chordettes, survived him.
Gretzky, Wayne
Has a home in Scottsdale
Wayne Gretzky, 2007. Photo by Hakandahistrom
(Wayne Douglas Gretzky, 1961.01.26-
) Hockey player.
Considered by most to be the greatest hockey player of all
time, Gretzky spent most of his professional career with the Edmonton
Oilers. In 1992, he engineered his trade to the Los Angeles Kings
where he played for 2 seasons. When he retired from playing
professional hockey in 1999, the NHL retired his jersey number, 99.
In 2001 Grezky was President and part owner of Phoenix
Coyotes. In 2002, he purchased a home in the 6500 Camelback
development in Scottsdale. Since he is reported to have homes in
Toronto, Los Angeles, New York and Vancouver, he might not be answering
the door in Scottsdale most of the year.
H |
Haggard, Ted
Treated in Phoenix
(1956.06.27- )
Evangelical preacher, founder of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs,
CO, and the Association of Life-Giving Churches, and the leader of the
National Association of Evangelicals; alleged user of crystal
methamphetamine and of a male prostitute.
In November 2006 the married father of five was outed by the
male prostitute with whom he had a three year affair, because the paramour
was offended by the reverend's position on gay marriage. Then next day,
the Reverend Ted resigned as leader of the National Association of
Evangelicals, and two days later, he was terminated as pastor of the
church he founded. By February 2007, however, he was pronounced
"completely heterosexual" thanks to "an intensive
three-week spiritual restoration process" in Phoenix which he
received under the sponsorship of Tommy Barnett, pastor of the First
Assembly of God church. (The church is not generally identified by
its acronym.)
Hall, Gary, Jr.
Born in Phoenix
Lives in Phoenix vicinity
(1974.09.26- )
Swimmer, Olympic Bronze, Silver & Gold Medalist.
Hall, Jr. won Silver medals in the 50 and 100-meter freestyle in the 1996
Olympics in Atlanta. In 1998, he was suspended from swimming for 3 months
and dropped by his sponsor, Speedo, after testing positive for marijuana.
In 1999 he developed diabetes. In the Sydney, Australia, 2000 Olympics he
won Bronze for the 100-meter freestyle, Silver in the 4x100-meter relay,
and Gold for a dead heat tie the 50-meter freestyle. 
Halliwell, Geri "Ginger
Treated in Tucson
Geri Halliwell, 2008. Photo by
(Geraldine Estelle Halliwell, 1972.08.06- )
The onetime member of the temporarily famous singing group The
Spice Girls checked into the exclusive Cottonwood de Tucson clinic in
2002 for treatment of the eating disorder bulimia.
Scandal followed
in short order. Her romantic link with another patient was
apparently against clinic rules and he was asked to leave. When Geri
learned of his departure, she too left and joined him at a local hotel.
Hanjour, Hani
Trained as a pilot in Phoenix
Born in Saudi Arabia, Hanjour first came to the United States
in October 1991 to study English at the University of Arizona's Center for
English as a Second Language. He returned to Saudi Arabia in February
He applied for a job with Saudi Arabian Airlines but was
turned down because of poor grades. He was reportedly told by the
airline that they would consider hiring him if he obtained a commercial
pilot license in the United States.
Hanjour returned to the United States in April 1996 where he
admitted to the Sierra Academy of Aeronautics in Livermore, California.
Before he could start his training, the academy required him to take
intensive English courses in Oakland, which he completed prior his first
day of ground school in September. That turned out to be his
last day of training there, possibly because of the high expenses for the
In September, he moved to Phoenix, Arizona where he started
lessons at CRM Flight Cockpit Resource Management in Scottsdale for a
fraction of the cost of the California school. In November, he
dropped out of flight school because of poor grades and returned to Saudi
Hanjour reentered the United States in November 1997, taking
additional English courses in Florida before resuming training at CRM.
After a few weeks he transferred to Arizona Aviation and also took some
flight simulator classes at Sawyer Aviation. It was during this
period that the Arizona office of the FBI became interested in Hanjour.
Hanjour earned a commercial pilot certificate in 1999 and
returned to Saudi Arabia where he unsuccessfully sought work as a
commercial pilot. Apparently frustrated, he turned his attention to
religious texts and militant Islamic preachers. In late 1999 he is
believed to have attended an Al-Qaeda
training camp where he was selected to participate in the September 11
attack on the United States.
He returned to the United States in December, 2000. In
January he started classes at Arizona JetTech where flight school managers
reported him to the FAA several times because his English was inadequate
for the commercial pilot certificate which he had already obtained.
By April, Hanjour had moved on to Falls Church, Virginia.
He was one of the team of hijackers that took control
of American Airlines Flight 77 soon after it departed the Dulles
International Airport outside of Washington, D.C. The plane crashed into the Pentagon
at 9:37AM
on September 11, 2001, killing the
64 passengers on board and 125 people in the Pentagon.
Harlow, Harry
Lived in Tucson
Frederick Harlow, 1905.10.31-1981.12.06)
Harry Harlow is famous in psychological circles for primate
research. No introductory psychology course would be complete lest
it include his famous studies which found, not surprisingly, that baby
rhesus monkeys prefer upholstered surrogate mothers to wire frame mothers. 
Harris, David
Served time near Safford
(1946- ) Antiwar protestor,
one time husband of Joan Baez, journalist, author.
March 30, 1969, folk singer Joan Baez was the special guest on The
Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (1967-1970). She introduced her
performance of "Green, Green Grass of Home" by saying, "I'd
like to dedicate this song to my husband who will be going to jail for
draft evasion." When the show was broadcast, politically
sensitive CBS censors had deleted "for draft evasion." 
Harry, Prince of Wales
Attended helicopter training in Arizona
(Henry Charles Albert David, 1984.09.15- )
British prince, third in line of succession to U.K. throne.
Prince Harry 2008. Photo by Billpolo
Prince Harry was one of 20 British Army helicopter pilots attending a two
month course in the United States in fall 2011. The program included
training in the firing of missiles, rockets and cannons from the Apache
Helicopter at the Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field in southern Arizona.
Just before Thanksgiving weekend, 27 year old Prince Harry entered
Hacienda Harley-Davidson in Scottsdale in jeans and a baseball cap.
There he rented a Harley Davidson motorcycle for a 6 hour trip to Las
Vegas where he stayed at the Wynn casino hotel.
Harvey, Paul
Lived in Phoenix
Died in Phoenix
Newscaster, commentator.
Paul Harvey receiving the Presidential Medal Freedom in 2005. |
Paul Harvey was in broadcasting ever since his high school
drama coach in Tulsa took him to a local radio station where he got a job
that included some announcing. 68 years later, he signed a contract
which would extend his career to 2011 when he would have turned 91.
In 2001, his news and comment programs were heard by 22
million people each week, making him the most listened to man on radio.
While he was known for his conservative positions, he did go against
stereotype supporting the women's Equal Rights Amendment, gay rights and
abortion choice, and opposing the Vietnam War.
The Harveys had homes in Chicago, St. Louis, and Phoenix,
each with a small broadcast studio. At his Phoenix home near the
Arizona Biltmore, he had been know to broadcast in his pajamas from his
upstairs studio, but he usually wore a white shirt and bolo tie. And
that is "the rest of the story."
Hayworth, J. D.
Lives in Scottsdale
(John D. Hayworth, Jr., 1958.07.12-
) Politician.
Hayworth is the U. S. Representative from Arizona's Fifth District.
That district covers Scottsdale and parts of other East valley
As he neared the end of his fourth two-year term, he received
a questionable honor. Washingtonian magazine announced that
in a survey of congressional staffers, Hayworth was named the second
"biggest windbag" and its second "funniest" member. 
Hedlund, Garrett
Lived in Scottsdale
Graduated from Horizon High School, Phoenix
Garrett Hedlund, 2010. Photo by
(1984.09.03- )
Garrett's family moved to Scottsdale when he was in the ninth
grade where he began taking acting lessons. He attended Horizon High
School where he participated in ice skating, wrestling, and football, and
graduated a semester early. Fellow thespian Aneliese Rutger was a classmate at Horizon.
Helmsley, Harry
Wintered in Paradise
Died in Scottsdale
Real estate mogul.
A one- time owner of The Empire State Building and numerous
other landmark properties, Harry was married to Leona Helmsley. He
died of pneumonia at Scottsdale Memorial Hospital.
Helmsley, Leona
Wintered in Paradise
Leona Helmsley in her 1988 mug shot. |
Mindy Rosenthal Helmsley, 1920.07.04-2007.08.20)
Real estate salesperson, heiress, felon.
The "Queen of Mean" and heiress to Harry Helmsley's
real estate holdings which once included the Empire State Building, spent
9 winters in digs that surpass any other snowbird's. 
Hope, Bob
Played Phoenix Open 52
Bob Hope, 1940. |
(Leslie Townes Hope, 1903.05.29-2003.07.27)
Actor, comic.
Bob Hope first played the Phoenix Open in 1939 when he
partnered with Bob Goldwater, Sr., the older brother of Barry Goldwater
and father of the Phoenix Open. He must have enjoyed it since he
returned year after year, playing in the Open for the last time in 1991.
Hormel, Geordie
Lived in Paradise Valley
Died in Paradise Valley
Heir, musician, songwriter.
An heir to the Hormel Foods (Spam) fortune, Geordie
and his wife Jamie purchased the Wrigley Mansion in 1992. The
Hormels came to the rescue of the mansion as it faced demolition for
construction of condominiums on its 10 acre hilltop site overlooking the
Arizona Biltmore Resort. Geordie playing piano during Sunday brunch
at the mansion.
Hughes, John
Attended the University
of Arizona
Director, writer.
The writer and director of Sixteen Candles (1984), The
Breakfast Club (1984), Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986), and Home
Alone (1990), dropped out of the University of Arizona.
Hyman, Misty
Born in Mesa
Lives in Phoenix
Graduated from Shadow
Mountain High School, Phoenix
(1979.03.23- ) Olympic
surprise Gold Medal winner in the 200 meter butterfly at the 2000 Summer
Olympics graduated from Shadow Mountain High School with a 4.0 GPA before
going on to Stanford University. 
I |
Irwin, Bernard J.D.
Apache Pass, Arizona, performed the earliest action leading to the award
of the Congressional Medal of Honor
(1830.06.24-after 1894 [retirement year]
) Congressional Medal of Honor recipient.
Bernard J. D. Irwin, recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, 1894. |
December, 1861, Congress passed a bill authorizing the production and
distribution of medals honoring the gallant actions of Naval personnel
during the Civil War. A second bill authorizing medals for Army
personnel was passed two months later. President Lincoln signed both
bills into law and the Congressional Medal of Honor was born.
When the authorizing bill was passed, Bernard J.D. Irwin was
an Assistant Surgeon in the United States Army. He was stationed in
the western territory which is now Arizona. The actions he took at
Apache Pass (about 26 miles east of Wilcox) on February 13 and 14, 1861,
would become the earliest to lead to the awarding of a Congressional Medal
of Honor.
The citation for the medal reads that Irwin "Voluntarily
took command of troops and attacked and defeated hostile Indians he met on
the way. Surgeon Irwin volunteered to go to the rescue of 2d Lt. George N.
Bascom, 7th Infantry, who with 60 men was trapped by Chiricahua Apaches
under Cochise. Irwin and 14 men, not having horses began the 100-mile
march riding mules. After fighting and capturing Indians, recovering
stolen horses and cattle, he reached Bascom's column and help break his
Over 30 years later, on January 24,1894, when Colonel Irwin
was leaving the service, his act of heroism was finally recognized with
the awarding of the Congressional Medal of Honor.
J |
Jackson, Reggie
Attended Arizona State
Reggie Jackson signing with the Yankees, 1976. |
(Reginald Martinez Jackson, 1946.05.18-
) Professional baseball player.
Before he was number 44 on the New York Yankees, and long
before his 1993 induction into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame,
Reggie Jackson attended Arizona State University on a football scholarship.
He played one season under legendary coach Frank Kush, but left ASU for a
minor-league contract with the Oakland A's.
Jameson, Jenna
Lives in Paradise Valley
Jenna Jameson, 2008. Photo by Glenn
Francis, PacificProDigital.com
Marie Massoli, 1974.04.09- ) Porn
star, entrepreneur.
In August 2005, quite a few eyebrows on south Scottsdale
residents were raised when they discovered that pornography
"actress" Jenna Jameson had acquired a club in their quiet
neighborhood. Never mind that the club was the infamous Babe's
Cabaret at 2011 N. Scottsdale Road which already featured mostly naked
dancers to titillate patrons into a state of arousal. Jenna was a
star of major proportions. One could only imagine the result
if such a celebrity leveraged her talents in their neighborhood. A
pornographic theme park catering to perversions of unimaginable variety
would not exceed the range of possibilities. 
Jennings, Waylon
Lived in Phoenix, Mesa
Died in Mesa
Singer, musician.
in Littlefield, Texas, Jennings started as a radio DJ when he was only
12. In Lubbock, he became friends with Buddy Holley and they
co-wrote a Holly demo. Jennings played bass on Holly's last tour,
giving up his seat for The Big Bopper on the plane that crashed killing
Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper. 
John Paul II, Pope
Visited Phoenix, Tempe
Pope John Paul II, 1983. |
(Karol Wojtyla, 1920.05.18-2005.04.02)
Head of Catholic church from October 16, 1978 until death
Pope John Paul II visited Phoenix on September 14,
1987, as a part of his whirlwind tour of the United States. In
Tempe, he held mass for 75,000 of the faithful at a stadium paying
homage to the Devil. 
Johnson, Ben
Lived in Mesa
Died in Mesa
Ben Johnson was a ranch hand and rodeo performer until
he found that the movies paid better with less risk. He
appeared in more than 300 movies and won the Academy Award for his
performance in The Last Picture Show (1971). 
Johnson, Randy
Lived in Phoenix
David Johnson, 1963.09.10- )
Pitcher, MLB.
"The Big Unit," at 6'10", was MLB's tallest
player when he joined the Diamondbacks in 1999. He was 2001 World
Series Co-MVP with Curt Schilling
when the upstart Diamondbacks surprised everyone to take home the trophy
in their third season. He pitched a perfect game (one pitcher
sending 27batters in a row down without any reaching base) in his final
start at Livermore (CA) High School. He repeated the feat for the
Diamondbacks against the Atlanta Braves on May 18, 2004. It was only
the 17th perfect game in MLB history, and at 40, Randy was the oldest
pitcher to do it.
Judd, Winnie Ruth
Lived in Phoenix
Murdered, tried,
imprisoned in Phoenix
(c. 1905-1998.10.23) "The
Trunk Murderess"
Winnie Ruth Judd was the 26 year old wife of a 56 year
old physician. The couple had moved to Phoenix in 1930 hoping that
the dry climate would keep Winnie Ruth's tuberculosis in check, and
that Dr. Judd could find employment. 
K |
Kagan, Daryn
Lived in Phoenix
TV Reporter on KTVK,
(1963.01.26- )
Television reporter, anchor, host.
For five years starting in the late 1980's Daryn Kagan was a
general assignment news reporter at KTVK-TV in Phoenix. Her work did not
go unnoticed. She received three local Emmy Award nominations and
was named top reporter in the seven-state Rocky Mountain region. She
also received an offer from CNN.
In 1994 Daryn headed to Atlanta to join CNN. Her first
assignment was as a sportscaster, but later she anchored Live This
Morning, and then hosted CNN Live Today. She left CNN in
In September, 2004, the Washington Post reported that
ultraconservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh was dating Daryn, a
figure of "the liberal media axis." Rush
Limbaugh, who had a shorter and less publicized visit to Arizona
courtesy of his OxyContin addiction, had announced his separation from his
third wife in June, 2004. The left-meets-right romance was reported to
have ended in February 2006.
Kardashian, Kourtney
Graduated from the University of Arizona
Kourtney Kardashian, 2009. Photo by Glenn Francis, PacificProDigital.com
(1979.04.18- )
Entrepreneur, socialite, model, and reality television personality.
Kourtney graduated from the University of Arizona earning a
degree in Theatre Arts with a minor in Spanish. Classmates at U of A
included Nicole Richie and Luke Walton.
Like a number of other Hollywood socialites, Kourtney is
famous primarily for being famous. In her case, fame got repeated
jump starts from the reality television shows Filthy Rich: Cattle
Drive(2005), Keeping Up with the Kardashians (2007), Kourtney and
Khloe Take Miami (2009), and Kourtney and Kim Take New York (2011).
Caution--pedigree follows: Kourtney is the
oldest child of Robert Kardashian and Kris Jenner. The late Robert
Kardashian, a member of an upper class LA family, was best known as one of
the "dream team" attorneys for O. J. Simpson in the infamous LA murder
trial. Kris Jenner used to be married to Robert but divorced him and
married to Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Summer Olympics Champion.
Keane, Bil
Lived in Paradise Valley
Bil Keane in 1990. Photo by
Christopher Keane
Since 1960 Bil has penned the popular syndicated cartoon
"Family Circus" from his home in Paradise Valley. Prior to the
circus, he created "Channel Chuckles" which was carried in
papers across the nation from 1954 until 1977.
Kennedy, John F.
Toughened up,
recuperated in Arizona
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917.05.29-1963.11.22)
35th President of the United States.
the spring and summer of 1936, JFK and his brother older brother, Joseph
P. Kennedy, Jr., were hired ranch hands of John G. F. Speiden.
Speiden left his Wall Street banking job in 1932 and moved to Arizona for
his health. In Arizona he operated the 40,000 acre Jay-Six Ranch
outside Benson. In addition to cattle, the ranch became known for
graciously entertaining guests such as author Thornton Wilder. 
Killebrew, Harmon
Lived in Scottdale.
Died in Scottdale.
(Harmon Clayton Killebrew, 1936.06.29-2011.05.17)
Professional baseball player.
days before his 18th birthday, Killabrew became the youngest player in the
majors at the time when made his debut appearance on the diamond for the
Washington Senators. He stayed on the diamond for 22 years playing
for the Washington Senators (1954-1961) staying with them when they became
the Minnesota Twins (1962-1974), then moving to the Kansas City Royals
He was inducted into the Baseball hall of Fame in 1984. He moved to
Scottsdale in 1990 where he chaired the Harmon Killebrew Foundation.
He died at his home in Scottsdale of esophageal cancer.
Kimmel, Jimmy
Lived in Phoenix, Tucson
Attended ASU
Phoenix, Tucson radio
writer & performer
Jimmy Kimmel in 2007. Photo by Ken Conley
(James Christian Kimmel, 1967.11.13-
) Talk show host.
Born in Brooklyn, raised in Las Vegas, this host of late night talk
got into broadcasting in Phoenix. He would not been in Phoenix had
he not transferred from the University of Nevada Las Vegas to ASU where he
promptly dropped out.
According to an interview with Maxim magazine, Jimmy began his
broadcast career when he walked into a station announcing, "I'm here
to learn." Jimmy's radio career in Phoenix began with him
writing bits for Power 92's (KKFR 92.3 FM) morning team, Mike Elliot and
Kent Voss. A few radio stints later, and Jimmy became the second
banana to Mike Elliott on Tucson's KRQ 93.7 FM in 1993-1994. |
King, Larry
Likeness carved in corn in
Queen Creek
Larry King in 2010. Photo by Angela George
(Lawrence Harvey Zeiger, 1933.11.19-
) Interviewer.
you happened to be flying over Schnepf
Farms in Queen Creek during the fall of 2003, you might have seen the
image of CNN's longtime talk show host Larry King carved in a ten acre
corn maze. The maze image was cooked up by Larry's seventh wife (sixth if
you don't count repeat marriages), Shawn Southwick, and the Schnepfs to
kick off the celebration of his 70th birthday.  |
King, Wayne
Lived in Scottsdale
Died in Scottsdale
(Wayne Harold King "The Waltz King", 1901.02.16-1985.07.16)
Band leader.
his sophomore year saxophonist and business major Wayne King dropped out
of Valparaisio University in Indiana to pursue a music career. His
Wayne King Orchestra became hugely popular in the early years of the big
band era. For seven consecutive years from 1934 to 1940, they
received the Radio Guide Trophy for radio's most popular dance orchestra.
The orchestra was disbanded in 1942 when King joined the
army. The 41 year old bandleader was made captain in the Army
Specialists Corps as a music officer. In 1946, the orchestra was
reformed and returned to radio. King brought his live dance music to
NBC television with The Wayne King Show (1949-1952), which the
Chicago Federation of Advertising Clubs chose as the best musical show on
television. Wayne King and Orchestra played at President
Eisenhower's Inaugural Ball 1953.
Although the orchestra continued to tour through 1983, King's
celebrity had faded enough by the late 1950's that he could be a
contestant on the first incarnation of the television game show To Tell
the Truth (1956-1968). In the Goodson-Todman game show the story
of one of three contestants is told to a celebrity panel. The
remaining two contestants attempt to impersonate the contestant whose
story has been told as the panel asks questions of the contestants.
In his appearance, after successfully fooling most panel members, William
King mentioned some of his business interests which included the Greyhound
Car Rental in Phoenix.
Wayne King retired to Scottsdale, Arizona, where he died in
1985. |
Kinnear, Greg
Graduate of University
of Arizona
(1963.06.17- ) Actor.
Greg Kinnear, 2006. Photo by Angel Schatz
Greg Kinnear enrolled at the University of Arizona as a drama
major, but switched to broadcast journalism after the first
semester. He graduated in 1985 with a degree in journalism.
He headed directly to Los Angeles where he landed a job in
1987as an on-air reporter for Movietime, a local cable
station. The budget was so tight that they operated out of an old
porno studio.
Things changed when Movietime was sold and became E!
Entertainment Television: Kinnear was fired. Then he was
re-hired to become the first host of "Talk Soup" (1991-1994) for
which he received an Emmy Award. He moved on to host the modestly
rated late-night NBC network talk show, "Later With Greg Kinnear"
After appearing in Sydney Pollack's 1995 remake of Sabrina,
he decided to devote full time to acting. He received an Oscar
nomination for Best Supporting Actor in As Good As It Gets (1997),
in which he played Simon Bishop, the homosexual neighbor of bigoted,
cranky, obsessive-compulsive writer Melvin Udall (Jack Nicolson).
Kinnear returned to Arizona, if only in spirit and the last
reel, to play Bob
Crane in Autofocus (2002), a film about Crane's career,
obsessions, and death in Scottsdale.
Kleindienst, Richard
Born near Winslow
Attended of University
of Arizona
Lived in Phoenix and
Died in Prescott
U.S. Attorney General, Lawyer.
Kleindienst assisted in Richard Nixon's 1968 presidential campaign.
He was rewarded for his efforts by appointment as Nixon's Deputy Attorney
General. When Attorney General John Mitchell resigned in 1972 to
head the ill-fated Committee to Re-elect the President, Kleindienst
succeeded as Attorney General. 
Knotts, Don
Attended the University
of Arizona
(Jesse Donald Knotts, 1924.07.21-2006.02.24) Actor, comedian.
Don Knotts, 1961. |
Long before Don Knotts won an Emmy for portraying Barney
Fife, the nervous deputy to Sheriff Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith), on The
Andy Griffith Show (1960-1968), he attended the University of
Arizona. Although the university offered him a teaching fellowship,
he left for New York where he landed a role in the Broadway play No
Time For Sergeants with Andy Griffith. This role and his
friendship with Andy lead to him being cast in the movie version of the
play and Andy's television show.
While in New York, Don made television appearances as a
"man on the street" being interviewed by a former undergraduate
at a rival Arizona school, Steve
Korbut, Olga
Teaches gymnastics in
Olga Korbut on a Azerbaijan Republic
postage stamp commemorating her 1972 Olympic victory. |
(1955.05.16- ) Olympic
athlete, child actress, gymnastics instructor.
Olga Korbut was a champion Olympic athlete for the Soviet
Union when there was still a cold war. Three decades later she was
the main attraction for a strip mall gymnastics school in
Scottsdale. Not surprisingly, she took a circuitous path to make it
from her native Grodno, Byelorussia, to the Arizona desert. 
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
Lived in Scottsdale
Died in Scottsdale
Psychiatrist, author.
In 1999 Time magazine listed Elisabeth Kubler-Ross as
one of the "100 Most Important Thinkers" of the past
century. This recognition was due in part to her groundbreaking 1969
book, On Death and Dying which popularized the theory that the
dying go through five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining,
depression, and acceptance.
L |
Landis, Carole
Married in Yuma
(Frances Lillian Mary Ridste, 1919.01.01-1948.07.15)
Carole Landis, 1941. |
On January 14, 1934, when Carole was just 15 and attending
San Bernadino High School in California, she eloped to Yuma with 19
year-old Irving Wheeler. Even though Arizona's laws at the time were
less stringent than California's, they did require that both partners be
16. Three weeks later, the marriage was annulled. Carole
returned to school but on August 25, 1934, she remarried Wheeler.
Less than a month later, Wheeler threatened to throw her out. She
walked out but the twice marrieds were not divorced until 1939--just in
time for her to marry her second of 5 husbands. |
Lapre, Don
Alumni of Sunnyslope High School
Lived in Phoenix Metro area
Arrested in Tempe
Died in Florence
(Donald D. Lapre, 1964.05.19-2011.10.02)
TV pitchman.
The self-proclaimed "King of Infomercials" started
his career of marketing products questionable value 1990 with his Unknown Concepts
credit-repair business. An FHA insurance refund pamphlet, and a
"900" phone line scheme followed. By 1992 he was hosting "The Making
Money Show with Don Lapre" telling views how to get rich quick if they
just buy a package of booklets, tapes and tips from him.
Later, he came up with "The Greatest Vitamin in the
World"--which the FDA did not think was so great, shutting down his claims
that it treated
diabetes, stroke, heart disease, insomnia, cancer, and arthritis.
In June, 2011, he was indicted by a federal Grand Jury in
Phoenix on charges of bilking 220,000 victims out of more than $52 million
for worthless internet businesses.
When he was arrested within the month, he attempted suicide
by trying to slit his femoral artery.
Just a few days before his trial was to start, he was found
dead from an apparent suicide in his jail cell in Florence, Arizona.
Laurel, Stan
Married in Florence
Married in Yuma
Married in Yuma (again)
Married in Yuma
(Arthur Stanley Jefferson, 1890.06.16-1965.02.23)
Stan Laurel, 1925. |
The skinny half of the famous Laurel and Hardy comedy team
must have thought that Arizona was the ideal place for a marriage.
Stan Laurel chose the state as the site for three of his five marriages
(or four of his six marriages, depending upon how you count them).
Not to detract from the romance of desert nuptials, he might have liked
the location for other reasons. Prior to 1957, Arizona had the
advantage of requiring neither a blood test nor a 3 day waiting period
before a hurried couple could marry.
In 1935 Stan married his second wife, Virginia Ruth Rogers,
in Florence, Arizona. Virginia Ruth filed suit for divorce within 2
years, but just as the decree was becoming final, she filed an affidavit
asking that the final decree not be entered. Her claim was that
because of the numerous reconciliations and separations a final decree
would not be legal. Her motive might have had something to do with
news that Stan was about to marry the Russian singer Vera Ivanova
The court did not delay the final decree, and it was entered
on December 31, 1937. Immediately, Stan headed for Yuma with the
Russian singer. Virginia Ruth followed seeking to stop the Yuma
nuptials, but to no avail. Stan's third marriage took place as he
had planned, on January 1, 1938. Virginia Ruth's affidavit left some
doubt as to the validity of the New Year's Day marriage. On February
27, 1938, when a final ruling was entered on the divorce decree, the
couple returned to Yuma for a repeat of the ceremonies.
Virginia Ruth did not take the marriage or the remarriage as
a defeat. When Stan's third marriage ended in divorce in 1940, she
was ready, willing and able to take him back. Stan married Virginia
Ruth for a second time in 1941. By 1946, however, divorce
proceedings were again in the works.
In May, 1946, Stan Laurel and Ida Kitaeva Raphael learned
that Stan's divorce was final. The next day the two set out for Yuma
to be married. They arrived in Yuma late because they had gotten
lost along the route and had to get the judge out of bed to perform the
wedding. They drove the rest of the night to spend their honeymoon
at the Grand Hotel in San Diego.
As Stan's Arizona marriages go, the third time was a charm.
The couple was still married nearly two decades later when Stan suffered a
heart attack and died. |
Lawrence, Martin
Treated in Tucson
(Martin Fitzgerald Lawrence, 1965.04.16- ) Actor,
The star of the television series Martin (1992-1997)
says his then wife used "a lot of trickery" in getting him to
check into the Sierra Tucson drug-rehab center in Tucson. She
appears to have had good reason for the trickery--she pointed to his
"irrational and abusive behavior" and use of
"psychotropic" medicine. In May before entering Sierra
Tucson he was found ranting "Fight the power!" in a busy Sherman
Oaks, California intersection and had to be forcibly subdued by police.
In August he was arrested at Burbank Airport for carrying a loaded
The treatment was abbreviated at best. Martin says,
"I was there for one day and came home. I found that it took me to
get myself together, instead of some program." If he did
get himself together, it didn't take immediately since the next January
his Martin co-star, filed a suit alleging sexual harassment and in
March he was arrested for punching a man in Hollywood night spot.
Lee, Tommy
Arrested in Phoenix
(Thomas Lee Bass, 1962.10.03-
) Musician.
Tommy Lee, 2005. Photo by Joel Telling
The former drummer for the rock band Motley Crue is no
stranger to arrests on assault. In December, 1997, the band was
performing in Phoenix. The band urged fans to rush the stage.
When a security guard attempted to keep fans off the stage, Tommy Lee and
bassist Nikki Sixx assaulted the guard.
Tommy received a 30 day sentence which he was able to serve
concurrently with a six month sentence in California on charges of
assaulting his wife, Pamela
Anderson. Pamela has only almost been arrested in
Arizona, thanks to an indiscreet Playboy photo shoot on Route 66.
Lemon, Meadowlark
Lives in Scottsdale
Meadowlark Lemon, 1988. |
(1932.03.25- ) Basketball
As of 2005, the most famous Harlem Globe Trotter, the the
"Clown Prince of Basketball", was reported to be an ordained
Minister living in Scottsdale.
Liddy, G. Gordon
Lives in Scottsdale
(George Gordon Battle Liddy, 1930.11.30-
) Talk show host, White House "Plumber," felon.
"G" man, as syndicated talk radio listeners may know him, did
not personally bring down the Presidency of Richard M. Nixon, but he
masterminded the Watergate burglary which brought national attention to
corruption at the White House. 
Limbaugh, Rush
Treated somewhere in
Rush Limbaugh, 2009. |
(Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, 1951.01.12-
) Ultraconservative radio talk host.
On his show, Friday, October 11, 2003, Rush announced that he
was leaving the microphone for 30 days to seek immediate treatment for his
addiction to prescription pain drugs. According to N.Y. Post
sources, the place that the highest paid talk show host in radio history
would be receiving treatment was the pricy Sierra Tucson addiction
treatment facility. 
Lofgren, Nils
Lives in Scottsdale
Nils Lofgren, 1997. Photo by Gerry Gardner
(Nils Löfgren, 1951.06.21-
) Guitarist, actor, composer.
The guitarist and member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street
Band lives in Scottsdale. In 2003, Nils and his wife, Amy,
bought a 3,400 square foot home near the McCormick Ranch Golf Club.
The reported price of the eight room, three bath home was $1,600,000.
According to a waiter at Scottsdale's China Gate restaurant,
Nils is a frequent guest at the restaurant, and Bruce Springsteen has been
a guest annually. Bruce orders vegetarian.
Lombard, Carole
Married in Kingman
Honeymooned in Oatman
Carole Lombard, c. 1938. |
Carole Lombard wed Clark
Gable at the Methodist church in Kingman in 1939. The newlyweds
honeymooned in Oatman at the Oatman Hotel. 
Loud, Kevin
Lives in Paradise Valley
(1955- ) Reality television subject.
The original reality television show was broadcast on PBS in
1973. The series, An American Family, followed the Loud
family as the flamboyant older son came out of the closet, and the Loud
marriage disintegrated. Kevin, the second oldest of the Loud's 5 children,
eventually made his way to Arizona.
In 2004, Kevin and his wife Judith sold their Paradise Valley
home near the Hermosa Inn for $1,919,000, and purchased another PV home
next to the Camelback Golf Club for $1,120,000.
Luce, Clare Boothe
Lived in Phoenix
Clare Boothe Luce, 1932. |
Congresswoman, ambassador, journalist, playwright, author.
Aside from the above titles, Clare Boothe Luce also claimed
the title of wife of Time, Life, Fortune and Sports
Illustrated magazine founder Henry Luce (1898-1967). She is
credited with warning a disbelieving FBI about a potential the attack on
Pearl Harbor, and later being the first to discover the Russian missiles
in Cuba. She retired to Arizona.
M |
Macpherson, Elle
Treated in Wickenburg
Elle Macpherson, 2009. Photo by Manfred Werner / Tsui
. |
(Eleanor Nancy Gow, 1963.03.29-
) Model, actor.
Supermodel Elle Macpherson reportedly spent a month at The
Meadows in Wickenburg for treatment of post-natal depression following the
birth of her second child, a son named Aurelius Cy Andre, in February
Majors, Lee
Had a home on the shores
of Lake Mead
Lee Majors, 2008. Photo by dalekhelen
. |
(Harvey Lee Yeary, 1939.04.23-
) Actor.
The bionic man from the Six Million Dollar Man
(1974-1978) and various revisits to the Steve Austin character had a home
on the shores of Lake Mead.
Make-A-Wish Foundation®
Formed in Phoenix
(1980.10.00- )
Charitable Foundation.
For much of his short life 7 year old Chris Geicius had
dreamed of becoming a police officer. On April 19, 1980, Chris got
his wish and became the first and only Honorary State Trooper in the
history of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. He was outfitted
in his own police uniform, flew in a helicopter and rode in a patrol
car. He even got to write tickets for jaywalking pedestrians.
When his official duties end, he was quoted as saying, "This has been
the best day of my life."
Just five days later, leukemia took his life. He was
given a police funeral with full honors, and was buried in his police
Chris had his wish granted because of a few warm hearted
Arizona DPS officers who learned of Chris' illness and his dream.
The reaction to this first wish lead to the granting of other wishes to
critically ill children, and to the formation of the non-profit
Make-A-Wish Foundation in October, 1980. The original wish grantors
included DPS public information director Alan Schmidt, and Grace LaScala,
a teacher at Greenway High School. Initially intended to serve only
the Phoenix area, the organization grew rapidly as people all across the
country asked how they could help terminally ill children around the
nation realize their wishes.
Martin, Tony
Married in Yuma
Tony Martin in Till the Clouds Roll By, 1946. |
(Alvin Morris, 1913.12.25-
) Singer, actor.
Rising star Tony Martin married starlet Alice
Faye in Yuma following a short plane trip from Los Angeles on
September 4, 1937. They were divorced within 3 years. He
married dancer Cyd Charisse in 1948, to whom he was still married when she
died in 2008.
Martinez, Frank
Lived in Phoenix where he
slept with his dead wife for 11 years
(Frank Alvarado Martinez, c. 1931.00.00-
) Proofreader for the Los Angeles Times.
the morning of Wednesday, June 10, 1998, 67 year old Frank Alvarado
Martinez entered the Whataburger fast food restaurant across the street
from the trailer park where he lived since 1985. He proceeded to the
restroom at the back of the restaurant and locked the door behind him. 
Marvin, Lee
Lived in Catalina
Mountains outside Tucson
Died in Tucson
Lee Marvin in the movie Attack, 1956. |
A perennial tough guy, Lee Marvin appeared in more than 70
films between 1951and 1986. He began playing heavies and cops, and
became a star as a villain in movies like Eight Iron Men (1952), The
Big Heat (1953) and The Wild One (1954). He broadened his
roles becoming a police detective in the TV series M Squad
(1957-1969), and won an Oscar for a dual role as a drunken gunfighter and
his evil brother in the Western comedy Cat Ballou (1965). He
followed this triumph with an unfortunate appearance in the musical Paint
Your Wagon (1969).
In 1979, Lee was sued by his girlfriend of six years for $1.5
million in support after their separation. The landmark case
established the right of live-in companions to support, but Michelle
Triola was awarded only $104,000. Michelle later moved in with
former Cave Creek resident, Dick
Van Dyke.
By the time of the palimony suit, Lee had married Pamela
Feeley, a sweetheart from his past. When Lee was 21 and fresh out of
the Marine Corps following World War II, he had dated Pamela in their
hometown of Woodstock, N.H. Pamela was six years his junior and
still in high school. Lee left his hometown and his girlfriend to
pursue an acting career.
In 1970 Pamela was visiting California where Lee lived.
The romance was rekindled after Lee learned of her visit and invited her
to dinner. On October 18, 1970, they were married. In 1971,
Pamela made her first trip to Arizona when she accompanied her husband to
the location where he and co-star Paul Newman were filming Pocket Money
(1972). Pamela fell in love with Arizona, and in 1975 the couple
purchased a home in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains outside
Tucson. The home was designed by Tucson's most recognizable
architect, Josias Joesler.
Lee Marvin suffered a heart attack and died in Tucson in
1987. A Marine in World War II and wounded at the Battle of Saipan
in 1944 in the South Pacific, Marvin was buried with fellow veterans in
Arlington National Cemetery.
Mauldin, Bill
Lived in Phoenix
Graduated from Phoenix
Union High School
Cartoonist, writer.
and Joe were the cartoon embodiment of the American infantry soldier in
Europe during World War II. They made their first appearance in Stars
and Stripes, a publication produced by and for servicemen.
Unlike General Patton, GIs loved the irreverent characters and Willie made
the cover of Time magazine. 
Mayer, Louis B.
Married in Yuma
Louis B. Mayer in 1953. |
(Ezemiel Mayer, 1885.07.04-1957.10.29)
Movie magnate (the last M in MGM).
Movie magnate Louis B. Mayer and his intended, Lorena L.
Danker, traveled to Yuma in December, 1948 to be married. They
intended to keep the wedding quiet, but the press got word of the event
and followed them to their lodgings at the Coronado Motel at 233 S. Fourth
Avenue. The marriage, Mayer's second, lasted until his death.
McCain, John
Lived in Tempe
Lives in Phoenix
(John Sidney McCain III, 1936.08.29-
) U.S. Senator (1987-present), U.S. Representative from
Arizona 1st District (1983-1987), POW (1967-1972), Navy pilot, first
sitting Senator to host Saturday Night Live (2002).
Born in the Panama Canal Zone, John McCain shares the
headstrong, blunt, maverick traits of his father and grandfather,
who were the first father and son four star Admirals in the U. S.
McCartney, Linda
Attended University of
Lived in Catalina
Mountains outside Tucson
Died at her Catalina
Mountain ranch
(Linda Louise Eastman, 1941.09.24-1998.03.17)
Photographer, singer, composer, wife of Beatle Paul McCartney.
Linda McCartney behind Paul, performing with
Wings in 1976. Photo by Jim Summaria
Linda was born in New York City. She attended the
University of Arizona, studying art history and geology. Her first
husband, geophysicist John Melvin See, still lives in Tucson. In
1967, after her divorce, she went to London where she became known for her
photographs of rock celebrities. In 1968, one of her subjects was
Beatle Paul McCartney. A year later they were married.
In 1979, Linda and Paul purchased a 150 acre ranch in the
Catalina Mountains east of Tucson. There the couple and their
children found the privacy that eluded them in more metropolitan
areas. A neighbor reported that the McCartneys typically resided in
their tin roofed, sand colored stucco home in the spring and fall.
The neighbors, used to celebrity residents like Robert Mitchum and Lee
Marvin, treated them like any other resident.
The couple's devotion to each other was apparent even in the
tabloids. During their nearly 30 year marriage, they were apart only
11 days--while Paul was in jail in Japan on pot charges.
When Linda's breast cancer was in its terminal stage, the
couple returned to the ranch where she died in 1998.
McDonald Brothers
Built first McDonald's franchised restaurant with Golden Arches in Phoenix
"Dick" McDonald, c.1909-1998.07.14, and Maurice
"Mac" McDonald, -1971) Originators
of the Speedy Service System and McDonald's restaurants.
Contrary to popular belief, the first McDonald's franchise,
and the first McDonald's to feature the infamous golden arches was located
not in California, nor in Illinois. It was built right here in Phoenix,
two years before Ray Kroc met the McDonald brothers.  |
McFarlane, Todd
Lives in Phoenix (Ahwatukee)
) Cartoon artist, redesigner of Spider-Man, creator of Spawn.
An emigrant from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Todd is famous in
comic circles for the drastic redesign of Spider-Man and other characters,
and for the creation of the comic super-hero, Spawn.  |
McGreevey, James
Treated in Wickenburg
(1957.08.06- ) First
openly gay governor in the US.
twice-married, father of two who resigned as governor of New Jersey
(2002-2004) when a sexual harassment lawsuit outed his "adult
consensual affair with another man" received a month long treatment
at The Meadows in Wickenburg shortly after he resigned as governor, but
before he took up housekeeping with Australian-American executive, Mark
McVeigh, Timothy
Lived in Kingman
(1968-2001.06.11) Terrorist.
country's most notorious home grown terrorist took up residence in
Kingman, Arizona, where he plotted to blow up the federal building in
Oklahoma City. And, blow it up, he did. On Wednesday, April 19,
1995 McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck packed with 7,000 pounds of
explosive in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma
City. McVeigh walked way from the truck, and at 9:02 AM
the truck exploded destroying the front of the building and killing 168
people including 19 children. 
Means, Russell
Lived in Chinle
Treated in Tucson
) Indian activist, actor.
Russell Means is the Oglala/Lakota Sioux Indian that came to
national attention in 1972 from his role as national director of the
American Indian Movement (AIM) in a standoff with the US government at
Wounded Knee. 
Mercer, Jacque
outside Litchfield
Graduated from Arizona State University
Miss America, 1949.
Raised on the X-Bar-X ranch outside Litchfield, Jacque was
the last Miss America not born in a hospital. She would also be the
last Miss America to hold the title after getting married. Learning
from her brief, unhappy marriage, she urged pageant officials to amend the
rules so that Miss America would not be permitted marry and continue to
hold the title.
Jacque returned to Arizona where she graduated from
Arizona State University, then taught school. She married
fellow Arizona State student Dick Curran. He would become an
All-American Football Player and be drafted by the Green Bay Packers 1953.
Later he became advertising executive. They had two children.
Mikan, George
Lived in Scottsdale
Died in Scottsdale
The first really big guy in professional basketball.
George Mikan (right), 1944. |
In college George Mikan demonstrated how much more adeptly a
6'10" player can put a 9" ball through an 18" hoop mounted
10' above the floor than players a foot or so closer to the ground.
Playing professionally for the Chicago Gears (1946-7) and the Minneapolis
Lakers (1948-1956), he became the game's first superstar.
The superstar moved to Scottsdale around 2000. He died just
days short of his 81st birthday at the Life Care Center of Scottsdale
following a struggle with diabetes and kidney ailments.
Miles, Sarah
Witness at a coroner's
Sarah Miles, 1966. |
(1941.12.31- ) Actor.
When Sarah Miles was filming the movie The Man Who Loved
Cat Dancing (1973) near Gila Bend, she became fodder for the tabloids
when her younger paramour was found dead in the motel room they shared. 
Miller, Ann
Lived in Sedona
Dancer, singer, actress.
Ann Miller in Small Town Girl, 1953. |
Ann Miller danced her way to stardom and in retirement became
a halftime resident of Sedona. As a spiritualist who dabbled in
psychic phenomena and astrology--she believed that she was Queen
Hathshepsut of Egypt in a former life--she was well suited for a community
situated in a spiritual vortex. In 1998, the water pipes in her
Sedona home burst flooding the downstairs which was filled with priceless
antiques. Her Spanish style mansion in Beverly Hills suffered no
such indignity.
Mingus, Charlie
in Nogales
Charlie Mingus, 1976. Photo by Tom Marcello
(Charles Mingus, 1922.04.22-1979.01.05)
Musician, singer, composer, band leader, actor.
Charlie Mingus was a famous jazz musician who appeared as
himself in five movies and one TV mini series, most of which were about
his life. In 1995, he was featured in a U.S. commemorative stamp on
Jazz Musicians.
He was born in Nogales, Arizona, but grew up in the Los
Angeles district of Watts. He played his last concert in Phoenix,
Arizona just before diagnosis of the illness which claimed his life.
Like Arizona's Governor Osborn, he suffered from ALS (amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, most commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease). His ashes
were scattered in the Ganges River, India.
Miranda, Ernesto
Lived in Mesa
Arrested in Phoenix
Died in Phoenix
For nearly 40 years police have been reading suspects their
rights because of a landmark 1966 United States Supreme Court case, Miranda
v. Arizona. That case had its origins in an interrogation room
of the Phoenix Police Department. 
Mitchum, Robert
Had a home near
Robert Mitchum in The Sundowners, 1960. |
(Robert Charles Durman Mitchum, 1917.08.06-1997.07.01)
In addition to his home in Montecito, California, where he
died, Mitchum had a home near Scottsdale, and was a frequent visitor to
Mix, Tom
Married in Yuma
Died outside Florence
(Thomas E. Mix, 1880.01.06-1940.10.11)
Actor, rodeo and circus performer.
Mix was a huge star of silent movie Westerns. He appeared in
336 feature films, directing 117 of them. For filming many of
his movies he returned to the Prescott area where had won the National
Rodeo Championship at the Frontier Days Rodeo in 1909. After the
advent of talking movies, he appeared in only nine features, and he moved
on to appearances in rodeos and circuses. Mix was a pioneer of the action
movie, keeping himself in top physical condition and performing his own
dare-devil stunts. 
Moran, Lois
Lived in Sedona
Died in Sedona
(Lois Darlington Dowling, 1909.03.01-1990.07.13)
Lois Moran, 1932. |
The movie Transatlantic (1931) was the feature at the
grand opening of the Phoenix Fox Theater on July 30, 1931. It
starred the Irish beauty Lois Moran in one of her last screen roles.
Her prolific though brief screen career was followed with greater fame
came as the inspiration for F. Scott Fitzgerald's character
"Rosemary" in his novel, Tender is the Night. The
two had an affair when the he was a screenwriter in Hollywood.
In 1935, after conquering Broadway in two lead singing roles,
she retired from acting and married the much older Clarence M. Young, who
had been the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics in the Hoover
administration (1929-1933).
The couple moved to Sedona in 1968 where she wrote a column
for the Red Rock News.
Morrison, Jim
Arrested at Sky Harbor
(James Douglas Morrison, 1943.12.08-1971.07.03)
Singer, musician.
legendary rock singer and co-founder of The Doors had a life style
which might be described as, to borrow a term from Fed Chairman Alan
Greenspan, "irrationally exuberant." Fueled with liberal doses
of alcohol and drugs, Morrison managed to light quite a few fires, onstage
and off. In 1967, he was arrested onstage in New Haven, Connecticut
for attempting to incite a riot. After a 1969 Miami, Florida
concert, he was arrested for exposing himself and using profanity. 
Moss, Kate
Treated for cocaine
abuse in Wickenburg
(Katherine Moss, 1974.01.16-
) Supermodel.
Kate Moss, 2005. Photo by Deon Maritz
The pictures of supermodel Kate Moss that the London tabloid Daily
Mirror published on September 15, 2005, did nothing good for
her career. Kate, who was reportedly was discovered by Sarah Doukas
of the Storm Agency at New York's JFK International Airport when she was
mere 14 years old, has been no stranger to controversy.
In her early career, her concentration-camp thinness was
cause for controversy. Then there was her willingness to appear
nude, and rumors of drug use. In spite of the controversy, or
perhaps partly because of it, Kate's career surged and she became
recognized as one of the world's top 5 models. Her look, described
by some as "heroin chic," propelled her to being named
spokesmodel for such major fashion names as Chanel, Narciso Rodriguez,
Cerruti, Banana Republic, Versace, Yves Saint-Laurent, Gucci, Louis
Vuitton, Burberry and Celine. She dated actor Billy Zane, and was
engaged to actor Johnny Depp.
Two of her earlier boyfriends, boyfriends Mario Sorrenti and River Phoenix
died of drug overdoses.
The Daily Mirror pictures were devastating to Kate's
career not because they were unflattering (which they were), but because
of what they show her doing. They show her snorting line after line
of cocaine at a West London recording studio, as she chats with her lover
Pete Doherty and friends.
As good as hints of illicit drug use may be for one's early
career, photographic evidence of flagrant use of class A drugs just says
no to an established career. Kate's contracts were dropped like hot
potatoes. Within a few days after the photos were published, the
Swedish fashion retailer H&M announced that they would be dropping
Kate, and the next day Burberry and Chanel followed suit.
Like other misbehaving celebrities, Kate looked to the cowboy
town of Wickenburg to stem the tide of adverse reaction to her
addiction. By the end of September, Kate had reportedly checked into
The Meadows in Wickenburg, where her name will be added to the list
of Meadows alumnae like Eric Benét,
and Ellie Macpherson. |
Muniz, Frankie
Lives in Scottsdale
Frankie Muniz, 2007. Photo by Eliot Phillips
(Francisco James Muniz, IV, 1985.12.05-
) Actor, musician, and racecar driver.
The little boy that played Malcom in the Fox
network's Malcom in the Middle (2000-2006) grew up to become a
Scottsdale resident.
Murphy, Audie
Had a ranch near Tucson
(Audie Leon Murphy, 1924.06.24-1971.05.28)
Nation's most decorated soldier, actor, author.
Audie Murphy, c. 1946. |
The son of poor Texas sharecroppers became the most decorated
soldier of World War II, receiving 33 awards including the Congressional
Medal of Honor and every other medal of valor the country had to offer,
and 5 decorations from France and Belgium.
At the end of
the war, the boyish soft-spoken soldier turned to acting, eventually
staring in the movie of his autobiography, To Hell and Back (1955).
That movie was the highest grossing movie Universal had ever made and
remained so until the release of Jaws two decades later.
Murphy appeared in a total of 44 feature films
Besides acting--or perhaps because of his success in
acting--he became a successful thoroughbred and quarter horse
breeder. He owned several ranches, including one outside of Tucson.
Mustaine, Dave
Lives in Scottsdale
When we last checked, MegaDeth was
alive on the web at least, at their web site, www.megadetharizona.com.
Courtesy of megadetharizona.com. |
(David Scott Mustaine, 1961.09.13-
) Musician.
"Dangerous Dave" Mustaine played guitar for the
metal band "Metallica" but before they were successful, he was
thrown out because of his wild drinking. Not deterred, and possibly more
sober, in 1983 he founded his own group, MegaDeth, in which he was a
guitarist and lead singer.
In 2002 an injury to Dave Mustaine's left arm and hand
resulted in the band's disbandment.
N |
Nelson, Craig T.
Attended University of
Craig T. Nelson, 2009. Photo by Angela George
(Craig Richard Nelson, 1946.04.04- )
Comic, actor.
Best know as his role as coach Hayden Fox in the long running
CBS TV series Coach (1989-1997), Craig attended the University of
Arizona, Tucson, before heading off to make his mark in Hollywood.
He maintained an active role in the U of A's alumnae association,
receiving the Sidney S. Woods Alumni Service Award from the College of
Fine Arts in 2000-01.
Newton, Wayne
Lived in Phoenix
Attended North Phoenix
High School
(Carson Wayne Newton, 1942.04.03- )
Newton was born in Roanoke, Virginia but grew up in Phoenix. When he
was 12 years old, he cut a record with his brother, Jerry, titled the
"New Rascal Boogie."
Before "Danke Schoen" and Jackie Gleason made him
nationally famous, he appeared on KPHO's "Lew King Rangers"
television talent show. 
Nicks, Stevie
Born in Phoenix
Lives in Paradise Valley
(Stephanie Lynn Nicks, 1948.05.26- )
Nicks was born at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix to Jess Seth
Nicks, a corporate president, and Barbara Nicks, a housewife.
Stevie's grandfather, Aaron Jess "A.J." Nicks was a
colorful country singer that lived out of a couple of trailers in the
Arizona mountains, traveled on freight trains, and was a bit of a pool
shark.  |
Nielsen, Leslie
Lived in Phoenix area
(1926.02.11-2010.11.28) Actor.
Leslie Nielsen played solid character parts in films for
nearly 30 years. He didn't hit it really big until the 1980 spoof, Airplane!
(1980), with dialog like this:
Ted Striker (Robert Hays): Surely you can't be
Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen): I am serious, and don't call
me Shirley.
Nielsen was born in Canada, the son of a Mountie, where one
of his brothers became Deputy Prime Minister. He became a resident of the
Salt River Valley before moving on to
Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Nixon, Richard M.
Spent summers in Prescott
Milhous Nixon, 1913.01.09-1994.04.22)
37th President of the United States
(1969-1974), Vice President (1953-1961).
The only president to ever resign from office spent the
summers of 1928 and 1929 at 937 W. Apache Drive in Prescott. 
Nolte, Nick
Lived in Phoenix
Attended Arizona State
University, Tempe; Eastern Arizona College, Thatcher; Phoenix College,
(Nicholas King Nolte, 1941.02.08-
) Actor.
Nick Nolte, 2009. Photo by Tony Shek
If you depend on Nick's interviews, you might not get the
real story. He once told the Daily News, "I decided I
was going to lie to the press, since I didn't think I had anything to say
that was really of value."
In his college years, he was a migrant worker of sorts.
He attended several colleges where he joined the team as a walk-on and
played the season. Hence his educational credits include Arizona
State University, Eastern Arizona College, and Phoenix College, all of
which he attended on football scholarships.
It is also reported that he had other ways to pay for his
college expenses. In 1962 he was given five years probation on
charges of selling fake draft cards.
The same year, he moved to his mother's house in Phoenix,
took Allen Dutton's photography course at Phoenix College, and joined the
Actors Inner Circle Theater in Phoenix.
O |
O'Connor, Donald
Lived in Oak Creek
Donald O'Connor, 1953. |
(David Dixon O'Connor, 1925.08.28-2003.09.27)
Actor, dancer.
Donald O'Connor is a veteran of 61 feature films, but needed
to do nothing more than his singing and dancing "Make 'Em Laugh"
sequence in Singing in the Rain to have a place in the annals of
film history. 
O'Connor, Sandra Day
Lived in Phoenix
(1930.03.26- )
U. S. Supreme Court Justice, judge, lawyer, author.
Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman to be appointed to
the United States Supreme Court, and the only woman to have a Federal
Court building to carry her name. 
Owens, Jesse
Lived in Paradise Valley
Died at University Hospital, Tucson
Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics. |
(James Cleveland Owens, 1913.09.12-1980.03.31)
Olympic Gold Medal Winner, speaker, businessman.
Owens presented a serious challenge to Adolph Hitler's master race theory
when he, a black American runner, beat all Aryan contenders to take four
Gold Medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. As Hitler watched from the
stands, Jesse tied the world record in the 100 meter dash (10.3 seconds),
set Olympic records in the 200 meter dash (20.7 seconds) and the long jump
(8.06 meters). In the first leg of the 400-meter relay, he set an
Olympic and world record (39.8 seconds). Rather than congratulate
the black American athlete at the award ceremony, Hitler left the stadium. 
P |
Palin, Bristol
Purchased home in Maricopa
(Bristol Sheeran Marie Palin, 1990.10.18-
) Sexual abstinence advocate for teens.
Bristol holding her brother Trig, 2008.
Photo by Emily
Bristol achieved a fair amount of local notoriety by just being the
teenage daughter of Alaska's popular governor, Sarah Palin. When her
mother was selected by Arizona Senator John McCain to become the Republican
vice-presidential "family values" candidate, the notoriety
became national. Then, on the opening day of the 2008 Republican National
Convention, it was disclosed that Bristol was pregnant (but engaged), and
her fame skyrocketed. Appearances on the campaign trail with the
baby's father kept her in the political spotlight.
Even when her mother's VP aspirations did not work out and she resigned
as governor "in the best interests of Alaska," Bristol was able to build a career out of
her hard-earned fame. In addition to being a speaker promoting teenage sexual abstinence
(at $15,000 to $30,000 an appearance), Bristol made appearances on the
2010 season of ABC television's Dancing with the Stars, and her
mom's short lived reality television show, Sarah Palin's Alaska
In December 2010, Bristol plunked down $172,000 cash for a
five-bedroom house in Maricopa, Arizona. Some news reports suggested
that the home, 30 miles from the ASU campus, was purchased to allow
Bristol to pursue a college education at the university.
Patrick, Danica
Lives in Scottsdale
(Danica Sue Patrick, 1982.03.25-
) Professional race car driver.
Danica Patrick, 2008. Photo by David Shankbone
One does not have to win the Indianapolis 500 to receive
tremendous press attention or be the top Googled celebrity.
Coming in fourth will more than suffice if one is a radiantly attractive
22 year-old former cheer leader who is only the fourth woman to qualify
for the event. It doesn't hurt that she was the first woman to lead
a lap and dueled with the winner at the end. Her appearance in the
May 29, 2005 event is said to have boosted its television viewership by
nearly 60% over the previous year.
On her official web site, danicaracing.com,
she lists The Late Show with David Letterman as her favorite
television show. That would be entirely appropriate since Letterman
is a co-owner of her race car.
In November, 2004, Danica moved to Scottsdale from Illinois
to be near her physical-therapist-and-athletic-trainer fiancé, Paul Hospenthal.
They were married in 2005.
Scottsdale has recognized its car-racer resident by issuing
two speeding tickets--for driving 57 mph in a 40 mph zone in 2007, and 54
mph in a 35 mph zone in 2008. Go Danica!
Patton, George S.
his troops in the Arizona desert
George Smith Patton, Jr., 1885.11.14-1945.12.21)
General, U.S. Army.
In 1942, native Californian Major General George S. Patton
selected an area of the Arizona-California desert to prepare his troops
for action in the North African desert which would mark the US entrance
into World War II. The Desert Training Center would become the
largest Army base in the world, stretching from the outskirts of Pomona,
California east to within 50 miles of Phoenix, Arizona, south to Yuma,
Arizona and north to Las Vegas, Nevada. In Arizona, the facility
included Camps Bouse, Horn, Hyder and Laguna.
In the facility's brief lifespan--the need for desert
training dramatically decreased with victory in North Africa--nearly
1,000,000 troops received training there. Patton presided over his
troops at the camp until their departure in November, 1942. Other
troops followed, but the camp was closed in May, 1944.
Perrine, Valerie
Attended Camelback High
(1943.09.03- ) Actor.
Valerie got the acting bug at Camelback High School, but was
waylaid in Las Vegas as a topless showgirl before making her mark in
Petty, George
Lived in Scottsdale
George Petty was an obscure Chicago commercial artist when
the upstart Esquire magazine contracted him to do illustrations for
a series of cartoons. His realistic and suggestive drawings of the
female form appeared in seven of the first dozen Esquire issues,
and the "Petty Girl" was born.
Petty's advertising career soared. Prints of the
"Petty Girls" were offered in Old Gold ads, and Jantzen
introduced "Petty Girl" swimwear in the 1940's. In 1942,
he did the cover for Time magazine and he began doing the covers
for the Ice Capades revue.
Esquire brought in artist Alberto Vargas to replace
Petty in 1942 during negotiations. Although Petty continued to do
some illustrations for the magazine, the "Varga Girl" eventually
replaced the "Petty Girl."
Robert Cummings played the part of George Petty in the movie The
Petty Girl (1950). The fictionalized account of the artist's
life has him enrolling at a school of design in order to pursue an
attractive woman professor.
In an appearance on the panel show "What's My
Line?" in the 1950's, Petty identified his residence as Scottsdale,
Arizona, and announced his return to Esquire for creation of their
1955 calendar.
Piestewa, Lori
Lived in Tuba City
Attended Tuba City High
Lori Piestewa, 2003. |
U.S. Army Pfc, first Native American woman to die in combat.
her father who was a Vietnam veteran and her grandfather who was a World
War II veteran, Lori joined the service after high school. An army
Private first class, Lori was assigned to the 507th Maintenance Company
stationed in Fort Bliss, Texas, where she roomed with 19 year old supply
clerk Jessica Lynch.  |
Born Discovered in Flagstaff
Pluto with the other planets before
its unfortunate demise.
12-02. |
Ninth planet from the sun
planet Pluto made headlines worldwide when it was discovered by Clyde W.
Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. The joyous
birth of a new planet served as a distraction from the depression of the
1930's. Artists and scientists alike paid homage to the new planet.
In 1930, Disney created a cartoon dog to carry the name Pluto,
and in 1941, scientists named the new element plutonium in honor
of the
still youthful planet.
By the turn of the century, certain scientists had become disenchanted
with the newest planet and were even questioning its credentials.
With a callous disregard for the psyche of the millions who had memorized
all nine planets, not to mention the mammoth investment in
astronomical books and displays showing all the planets, Pluto
was summarily terminated as a planet in 2006. |
Q |
Quayle, Dan
Lives in Paradise Valley
Danforth Quayle, 1947.02.04- )
Dan Quayle, former Vice President under George Bush, was born
in Indiana, but spent much of his youth in Arizona. He lives in
Paradise Valley with his wife Marilyn.
Quinn, Anthony
Student at Taliesin West
(Antonio Rudolfo Oaxaca Quinn, 1915.04.15-2001.06.03)
Anthony Quinn, 1941. |
Although most identified for his Oscar nominated performance
as the title character in Zorba the Greek (1964), Anthony Quinn was
actually born in Chihuahua, Mexico. In high school he submitted an
architectural plan in a contest and received a scholarship to learn
architecture at Taliesin West under the tutelage of famed architect Frank
Lloyd Wright.
A close relationship developed between the student
and his teacher, and Wright paid for oral surgery to correct Quinn's speech
defect. Wright then suggested that his would-be protégé take
acting lessons to help retrain his tongue. Wright would later recall
that when he saw Quinn perform on stage, he knew Quinn would not return to
R |
Rapp, Danny
Died in Quartzsite
Danny (left) and the Juniors, circa 1960. |
(Daniel Joseph Rapp, 1941.05.09-1983.04.05)
Danny Rapp's story is a cautionary tale of a career peaking
far too early. At just 15 Danny was the front man of Danny and the
Juniors as they appeared on Dick Clark's American Bandstand.
Their song, "Do the Bop", had come to Clark's attention.
He suggested that they
rename it "At the Hop". They did, and it became a
worldwide hit. They became the Best New Group of 1957.
Two more hits followed—"Rock and Roll is Here to
Stay" (1958) and "Twistin' USA" (1961, the year before Chubby Checker's
record). The last of their 12 singles to make the charts was
released in 1962 when their stellar career began to flame out.
Danny and the Juniors broke up and regrouped over the years
with a final split in 1978. Danny formed one group, and two other band
members formed another. Both groups performed under the "Danny and the
Juniors" name.
Danny managed to stretch his early success into a 26 year
career performing his three hits at conventions, theaters, casinos, clubs, fairs
and festivals.
Rapp's last performance was in Phoenix, Arizona at the
Silver Lining Lounge of The Pointe Tapatio Resort. The Pointe was a
recently opened plush resort in the North Mountains, 20 minutes north of
downtown Phoenix. It was so new that work was still going on to
complete some of its 500 rooms. Danny and his group had a month
long engagement which was scheduled to end on Saturday, April 2, 1983.
Danny's contract with the resort paid him $1,000 a week plus free
lodging, and half-price food and drinks.
On Friday a vice president of the Pointe Resorts met
with Danny to talk with him about a couple of offstage incidents in which
hotel security had intervened. The dispute was between Danny and a
female performer who had been with the band less than three months. She
quit the band on the day before the meeting, complaining that she was
afraid of Rapp and that he had made verbal threats.
Immediately after the meeting Danny packed and left.
The remaining members of the band did the last two performances without
him. Danny drove 165 miles west of Phoenix to the tiny town
of Quartzsite, just 20 miles from the California border. He was
seen drinking heavily at the Jigsaw, one of the town's two bars.
Danny checked into the Yacht Club Motel on Saturday, getting
one of the new mobile homes that made up the motel. At sometime over the
weekend, he purchased a .25 caliber automatic from a private individual.
Danny's body was found in his hotel room on Monday, April 5,
1983, with a single self-inflicted gunshot wound to the right side of the
Rawls, Lou
Lived in Scottsdale
Lou Rawls, 1977. |
(Louis Allen Rawls, 1935.12.01-2006.01.06)
Just after the twice married three-time Grammy winner helped
bring in 2004 at his New Year performance in the Memphis Peabody Hotel, he
moved to a small room at the hotel to wed his flight attendant girlfriend
of three years, Nina Inman. He was 70. She was 33. Just
a year before, Rawls had been arrested and booked in jail following a
public shoving match with Inman at the Albuquerque airport.
newlyweds moved into a 4,315 square foot home on East Preservation Way in
Scottsdale. In 2005, the couple had baby boy, with the help of in vitro
fertilization--and another woman as birth mother. They were still
married at the time of his death in Los Angeles.
Reagan, Michael
Graduate of the Judson School in Paradise Valley; attended ASU.
Michael Reagan, 2002. |
(John Flaugher, 1945.04.01-
) Ultra-conservative radio talk show host.
The adopted son of Ronald Reagan and his wife Jane Wyman was
sent to the private Judson School in Paradise Valley. When he
graduated in 1964, his father gave the commencement address.
went on to attend ASU on a football scholarship, but dropped out in his
sophomore year. He returned to the state in 1967 and won the
national outboard motorboat racing championship at Lake Havasu.
Reagan, Ronald
Frequent Phoenix visitor
(Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1911.02.06-2004.06.02)
40th President of the United States (1981-1989), 33rd Governor of
California (1967-1975), President of the Screen Actors Guild (1947-1952,
1959-1960) actor.
Arizona Biltmore proudly proclaims
that every president since Herbert Hoover has stay at the Biltmore.
During his presidency, the Reagans made many visits to the hotel--the
First Lady Nancy Reagan's parents, Dr.
and Mrs. Loyal Davis, lived next to the hotel at 24 Biltmore
Estates--but those were far from their first visits. 
Rehnquist, William H.
Lived in Phoenix
(William Hubbs Rehnquist, 1924.10.01-2005.09.03)
Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, lawyer.
graduating first in his law school class at Stanford University in 1952
and then completing a clerkship at the U.S. Supreme Court, William
Rehinquist moved to Phoenix where he practiced law for more than a
decade. His conservative disposition became evident with his
opposition to legislative initiatives like one which aimed at achieving
racial integration of schools through bussing. 
Reinking, Ann
Lived in Paradise Valley
(1949.11.10- ) Dancer,
choreographer, actor.
A protégé of legendary dancer/choreographer/director Bob
Fosse (1927-1987), Ann may be best remembered for her performance in the
Fosse autobiographical movie All That Jazz (1979) as the director's
In 2005, Ann and her sports-writer husband, Peter Talbert,
plunked down $2,295,000 for a six bedroom home at Cheney Ranch in Paradise
Valley. |
Renay, Liz
Born in Mesa
Lived in Mesa, Phoenix
Liz Renay, 2006. Photo by Michael Albov
(Pearl Elizabeth Dobbins, aka Melissa Morgan, 1926.04.14-
) Actor, painter, gangster moll, stripper, publicity hound,
Liz Renay was born to fanatically religious parents in Mesa
in the same year, she is proud to say, as Marilyn Monroe. At 14, she
ran away from home with a girlfriend. The young girls intended to
become showgirls in Las Vegas, thinking that because they were big for
their age with a lot of makeup they could look older. They hitched a
ride with a couple that turned out to be a minister and his wife who
turned them in. |
Reynolds, Burt
Witness at a coroner's inquest
(Burton Leon Reynolds Jr., 1936.02.11-
) Actor.
Burt Reynolds, 1991. Photo by Alan Light
When Burt Reynolds started filming the movie The Man Who
Loved Cat Dancing (1973) near Gila Bend, he did not know that he would
soon be called on to testify at a coroner's inquest called to investigate
the mysterious death of a screenwriter. 
Reynolds, Debbie
Lives occasionally in Sedona
Frances Reynolds, 1932.01.01- )
Actor, singer, dancer.
Debbie Reynolds has a condo in Sedona. 
Richie, Nicole
Attended the University of Arizona
Nicole Richie, 2010.
(Born Nicole Camille Escovedo, 1981.09.21- )
Fashion designer, author and television personality.
Nicole attended the University of Arizona for two years where
she studied Arts and Media.
A couple of years after her college stint, she joined her then
best friend, Paris Hilton in the reality series The Simple Life
(2003-2007) to become famous as a spoiled rich kid. (Kourtney
Kardashian was a classmate at U of A who followed a similar career
The premise of The Simple Life was to have the girls
live and work (yes, jobs!) with ordinary folk in small-town America without
access to their bank accounts or fancy cars. It was designed as a
reality version of the vintage sitcom Green Acres (1965-1971).
Nicole had impressive credentials to qualify her for such a
roll. She is the adopted daughter of soul singer, songwriter, musician
and record producer Lionel Richie and his then wife. Her godfathers
were Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson. Because of the Richie's bitter
public split, Nicole says that her adoptive parents indulged her every whim.
Ritter, John
a vacation in Lake Havasu
(Jonathan Southworth Ritter, 1948.09.17-2003.09.11)
John Ritter, 1988. Photo by Alan Light
In 1967, long before he starred in television's Three's Company
(1976-1984) and 8 Simple Rules (2002-2003), John made his first
television appearance as a contestant on the Chuck Barris game show,
The Dating Game (1965-1973). There he was introduced as a
college student from Burbank majoring in drama. (He was actually just out
of Hollywood High School where he had been the student body president, and
would attend USC and major in psychology.)
John was one of three bachelors seated behind a wall vying
for a date with a bachelorette standing on the other side of the wall with
show host Jim Lange. The bachelorette, an attractive blond named
Sandy, proceeded to ask the guys a series of silly and/or suggestive
questions to help her decide which of the men she would choose.
John's witty answers won the day, and Sandy chose him for her
date. Jim Lange announced that they had won a trip to Lake Havasu
for their date where they would dine at Crazy Ed's restaurant. The
thrill of winning that prize was evident on John's face.
The date would not be John's only connection with the state.
His mother, Dorothy Fay, was
born in Prescott.
Rivera, Geraldo
Graduate of University of Arizona
Geraldo Rivera, 2008. Photo by SRintoul at en.wikipedia
(1943.07.04- ) Talk
show host, journalist, author, actor.
Geraldo Rivera received a B.A. from the University of Arizona
in 1965, where met the first of his four wives.
As an undergraduate, he
reportedly made more than pocket change by taking tests for less
academically inclined students. He charged $90 for an A, $75 for a B
and $60 for a C, taking tests in courses he hadn't even taken.
Robbins, Marty
Born near Glendale
Lived in Glendale
(Martin David Robbins, 1925.09.26-1982.12.08)
Singer, musician.
Marty Robbins was born in the desert near Glendale. One of
nine children raised in poverty, he attended high school in Glendale, but
dropped out to joint the navy during World War II. He learned to play the
guitar in the Navy and joined a country music band upon his return to the
Phoenix area.
The band performances led him to a radio program on Mesa's
KTYL, and then to KPHO where he starred on "Chuck Wagon Time" on
radio and "Western Caravan" on television. In 1951, the
hometown boy made it big, signing with Columbia Records. In 1953, he
became an official member of the Grand Ole Opry and moved to Nashville.
Robinson, Heather
Lived in Tucson
(1978.07.31- ) Writer.
When Heather was 15 she invented an imaginary admirer to
correspond with her mother, Jan. Years later Heather was working for
America Online in their Tucson customer service operation. She met
Carrie Fisher in a chatroom and told her the story of her mother's
fictional romantic interest. Carrie encouraged her to write a
treatment of the story and submit it to a literary agent. Heather
sold the script to Universal where it became The Perfect Man
(2005). Heather sold a second script about her experience working
for America Online which became E-Girl (2006) |
Rogers, Roy
Owned Happy Trails resort in Surprise; sued Happy Trails head shop
Roy Rogers. |
(Leonard Franklin Slye, 1911.11.05-1998.07.06)
Singing cowboy.
Rogers, the "King of the Cowboys," got his big break in 1938
when Republic Pictures' major star, Gene Autry, went on strike for more
money. Roy, then a bit player, auditioned to replace Autry and got
the part. Along with the part, he got the horse, Trigger,
"Smartest Horse in the Movies." Nine years later, he also
got the girl, when he married Dale Evans (1912-2001), "Queen of the
Rogers, Will Jr.
Died in Tubac
Humorist Will Rogers' son, former US congressman Will Rogers
Jr. shot himself in the head in Tubac.
Ronstadt, Linda
Born in Tucson
Linda Rondstadt, c1970. Photo by Carl Lender
(1946.07.15- )
Linda Ronstadt was born in Tucson. 
Roosa, Stuart Allen
Attended University of Arizona
Roosa was the command module pilot for Apollo 14, January 31 to February
9, 1971. While astronauts Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell walked on
the moon in the third moon landing, Stuart orbited the moon keeping the
"Kitty Hawk" ready for their return.
Roosevelt, Elliott
Arrested in Scottsdale
Lived in Scottsdale
Died in Scottsdale
Advertising executive, radio broadcaster, author, editor.
Elliott Roosevelt, c. 1940. Photo by Rbraunwa
. |
The second son and third child of the nation's only four term
president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the favorite son of Eleanor, and
great nephew to Theodore Roosevelt, died in Scottsdale of congestive heart
Mr. Roosevelt was no stranger to the altar. At the age of 40,
he married his fourth and final wife, the former Mrs. Minnewa Bell Ross,
who was an heiress to a California real estate fortune. The couple
would eventually settle in Scottsdale, after stops in Minneapolis, Miami
Beach (where he was mayor), Portugal, England, Seattle, and Palm Springs.
Before settling in Scottsdale, Mr. Roosevelt had an
experience there that made national news. At 3:22 AM
on April 4, 1959, Mr. Roosevelt was found asleep behind the wheel of his
car and arrested for DUI. He taken to the Tempe jail where he was
given a "drunkometer" test and found to have a .208 blood
alcohol level when the legal limit was .150. Mr. Roosevelt posted
$300 bond and was released. He was found "not guilty" by a
9 member jury at a trial on June 9, 1959.
Ross, Diana
Arrested in Tucson
(Diane Ernestine Ross, 1944.03.26-
) Singer, actress.
Diana Ross, 2008. Photo by Harrywad
Besides being the lead singer of Motown Record's phenomenally
successful The Supremes from 1961-69, Diana Ross is mother of a
five children (including a daughter with Motown's founder Berry Gordy), a
successful solo artist, and star of movies The Wiz (1978), Mahogany
(1975), and Lady Sings the Blues (1972). In 1966, Diana
made a grand entrance via helicopter at ASU's Sun Devil Stadium starting
her performance at Super Bowl XXX.
In May, 2002, Diana entered the Promises drug and alcohol
rehabilitation center in Malibu, CA before starting her global summer
tour. The treatment apparently didn't take since in the early
morning of December 30, 2002 she was spotted weaving in the southbound
lanes of Sabino Canyon Road in Tucson's Catalina Foothills.
Responding to a phone tip, Tucson police pulled her over as she approached
East Tanque Verde Road. Diana blew a 0.20 percent blood-alcohol
concentration on the breath test, qualifying her for an extreme DUI
Rose, Axl
Arrested at Sky Harbor
(Born William Bruce Rose, legally changed to W. Axl Rose,
1962.02.06- ) Musician, singer.
Axl Rose, 2010. Photo by Guns N' Roses World Tour 2010
Axl Rose, whose name is an anagram for "oral sex,"
is the poster child for decadent late 80's rockers. He achieved
success and notoriety with "Appetite for Destruction," the debut
album of his rock group Guns 'N Roses.
Rose has been arrested over 30 times on drunk and disorderly,
assault, and other charges. In February, 1998 he brought this act to
the Southwest Airlines security checkpoint at Sky Harbor.
The security screener noticed a black, unidentifiable object
in Rose's carry-on bag as it passed through the x-ray machine. She
started to hand search the bag. Rose grabbed for it and went
ballistic. When the supervisor intervened, Rose shook a fist in his
face yelling, "I'll punch your lights out, right here and right
As Phoenix police were approaching they heard Rose saying,
"I don't give a fuck who you are. You are all little people on
a power trip."
The little people placed him in hand cuffs and took him to
the Madison Street Jail where he was booked for disorderly conduct.
The bag, containing no contraband, was given to the woman that was
traveling with him.
Russell, Jane
Lived in Sedona
(Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell, 1921.06.21-2011.02.28) Actor.
Jane Russell, 1953. |
In 1941, Howard Hughes cast Jane Russell in her first
picture. Her casting was reportedly due in large part to her large parts.
The movie, The Outlaw (1943), was released only after two years and
then on only a limited basis because of problems with the censorship
board. Finally, in 1946 it received general release, and became a smash
Jane moved to Sedona with her third husband, John Calvin
Peoples, who died in 1999. At the time of her death, she was
residing in Santa Maria, CA.
Russell, Keri
Lived in Mesa
Attended in Poston Jr. High School in Mesa
Keri Russell, 2006. Photo by Caroline Bonarde Ucci
(Keri Lynn Russell, 1976.03.26-
) Actor.
Keri spent most of her childhood in Texas, but the family
moved to Mesa in time for her to attend Poston Jr. High School. As a
member of the Mesa Stars Dance and Drill team, she was able to tour the
country. After the family move to Denver, Keri appeared on Star Search
and was cast in the second coming of The Mickey Mouse Club from
1991 until 1993. Other television roles, including the title character in
the short lived television series, Felicity (1998), and movies
S |
Sahl, Mort
Busted in Winslow
(Morton Lyon Sahl, 1927.05.11- )
Mort Sahl rose to the top of the comic-satirist pool in the
1950's and 60's. But by 1970's the one-time million-a-year
performer's career had sunk so far that shows which had called on him
frequently, like The Ed Sullivan Show (1948-1971) and The
Tonight Show (1954- ), no longer sought his
appearances. About the only venue available to him was the college
At a reception after an appearance at Niagara Falls Community
College, guests including Mort were served, according to his 1976 book Hartland,
coffee and cookies spiked with LSD. Mort got a call telling him that
his mother in L.A. had suffered multiple strokes.
Mort took off driving across country to L.A. After 3
days, he was in Albuquerque. He remembers waking up as his car went
over the side into a New Mexico canyon at fifty-five m.p.h.. He drove
out of the hole and made his way to Winslow, Arizona, where he stopped
around 2:00 AM because he thought he saw Marines on a
landing rope over the side of a ship. The ship turned out to be a
freight car, and the figures that he took for Marines may have been the
two cops who took him into custody for drugs.
The police took Mort to a hospital where the doctors told the
police that they could not verify that Mort was under the influence of
narcotics. Their diagnosis was "extreme fatigue"--and LSD
in his system. Mort was released, but his car was impounded.
He slept the night either at the hospital or at the Travelodge across the
street (his description is unclear). The next day he took a cab 150
miles to Phoenix.
Later in an appearance on The Dick Cavett Show
(1969-1972), he accused the Arizona police of stealing his clothes.
He says that the police commander wrote him saying that the Arizona police
were "as honest as any other." |
Schilling, Curt
Grew up in Phoenix
Graduate of Shadow
Mountain High School, Phoenix
Attended Yavapai Jr
College, Prescott
(Curtis Montague Schilling, 1966.11.14- )
Pitcher, MLB.
Curt Schilling, 2007. |
Curt Schilling was on the winning side in two remarkable
World Series. In 2001, just weeks after the 9-11 terrorist attack on
New York's World Trade Center, he was the upstart Diamondback's MVP, along
with Randy Johnson, when the
Diamondbacks beat the Yankees for the title. Three years later, he
pitched for the Red Sox when they won their first World Series title since
Born in Anchorage, AK, Curt grew up in Phoenix where he
graduated from Shadow Mountain High School in 1985. He went to the
Junior College World Series in 1985 when he pitched for Yavapai Junior
College in Prescott, AZ. He signed with the Red Sox in 1986, but
didn't make his big league start until September 1988, with the Baltimore
Orioles. He was traded to the Philadelphia in 1992 where he would
earn the MVP award in 1993 National League Championship Series. In
July 2000, he joined the Diamondbacks expansion team just in time for
their race for the pennant. He would stay with the Diamondbacks
through their 2003 season.
Schroder, Rick
Lives in Scottsdale
(Richard Schroder, 1970.04.13- )
former child movie star who made a successful transition to television
actor bowed out of the final season of NYPD Blue (1993-2005)
because he wanted to spend more time with his growing family. His
fourth child, a daughter, was born in Arizona on August 8, 2001.
Seagal, Steven
Assisted in cockfighting arrest
(Steven Frederic Seagal, 1952.04.10- )
Actor, martial artist, film producer, musician, writer, reserve deputy
Steven Seagal, 2006. Photo by Samantha Murphy .
Martial arts film actor Steven Segal was Sheriff Joe Arpaio's
special guest star in a raid on March 21, 2011.
Seagal arrived at a Laveen home atop Sheriff Joe Arpaio's
tank, along with dozens of officers in full SWAT gear, a bomb robot, and a
film crew. In executing a search warrant, the tank pushed over a
wall to reveal 115 chickens. They also found one unarmed man in the
The man was Jesus Llovera, 42, who was on probation for a
misdemeanor conviction the previous year for attending a cockfight.
He had no history of weapons possession and no weapons were found in the
A neighbor was so alarmed by the armed invasion in the
formerly quiet community that she called 911.
Seagal became a reserve deputy sheriff in Louisiana, not
Arizona, when he began taping Steven Segal: Lawman, for the A&E
cable network in 2008. For the chicken raid, Seagal had a contract
with Arpaio allowing him and his film crew to accompany the department on
arrests. 115 chickens were killed in the making of this episode.
Severinsen, Doc
Lived in Phoenix
Doc everinsen in 2009. Photo by TriviaKing
(Carl H. Severinsen, 1927.07.07- )
Band leader, musician, conductor.
In 1952 when Steve Alan hosted the Tonight show on
NBC, Doc played the trumpet in the band which was then directed by Skitch
Henderson. Doc persevered to become the director of the Tonight
Show's NBC Orchestra, a position which he held until Johnny Carson retired
in 1992.
Doc Severinsen was the the principal pops conductor for The
Phoenix Symphony starting in 1983 and continuing for a number of years.
Shandling, Garry
Born in Tucson
(or maybe not)
Grew up in Tucson
Graduate of University
of Arizona
(1949.11.29- )
Garry Shandling at the 39th Emmy Awards
(1987). Photo by Alan Light
Although the Internet Movie Database lists Gary as being born
in Chicago, Illinois, celebrity booking sites say he was born in
Tucson. There is no dispute that he grew up in Tucson where he
attended Palo Verde High School. He went on to earn a degree in
marketing at the University of Arizona, but stayed there for a year of
postgraduate studies in creative writing.
It was the writing that paid off. He moved to Los
Angeles in 1973 and began writing for shows like Sanford and Son,
Welcome Back, Kotter, and Three's Company--and for
himself as a stand-up comic.
In 1998, he won an Emmy as a writer for his The Larry
Sanders Show in which he played Larry Sanders.
Shane, Bob
Lives in Phoenix (Ahwatukee)
C. Shane, 1934.02.01- )
The lead singer for the Kingston Trio lives with his wife,
Barbara Childress, in a condo on 46th Street at the Pointe South
Sheffield, Johnny
in Yuma
in Yuma
Weismuller & Sheffield in Tarzan Finds a Son (1939).
(John Matthew Sheffield Cassan, 1931.04.11-2010.10.14)
Johnny was a child star on Broadway when he became the
adopted son of Tarzan (Johnny Weismuller) and Jane (Maureen O'Sullivan) in the
MGM movie, Tarzan Finds a Son. He was Weismuller's
"Boy" for eight movies, getting a new mom in the last three when Jane was
He and his younger brother were both cast as younger versions
of the lead character in Knute Rockne All American (1940)—who
urged his team to win one for Ronald Reagan 's
Sheffield got a real name when he was cast in the title
role in Bomba, the Jungle Boy. He reprieved this
character to star in eleven more jungle movies between 1949 and 1955.
Sheffield left the Hollywood jungle, ending up in the Arizona.desert
in 1959. He was married in Yuma that year, and continued to reside
there until the mid 1980's. In 2008 he returned to Yuma for several
months to renovate a home which he bought about 25 years earlier.
Sheffield died from a heart attack in Chula Vista, California after falling from a
palm tree which he was pruning.
Shields, Robert
Lives in Sedona and
(1951.03.26- ) Mime,
Shields was the quintessential street performer in 1970's San Francisco
where he became the city's top tourist attraction while performing on his
corner of Union Square. Teaming up with Lorene Yarnell, their mime
act became a feature on The Sonny & Cher Show (1976-1977),
followed by their own Shields & Yarnell show (1977-1978). 
Shoen, Sam
Lived in Paradise Valley
(Leonard Samuel Shoen, 1916-1999.10.04)
Founder of U-Haul.
Sam Shoen created the self moving industry in 1945 when he
began making and renting trailers to help people move themselves. In
1964 he bought the Price home created by famed architect Frank
Lloyd Wright and moved his company headquarters and his family to
Phoenix. In spite of purchasing Legend City to be run as a family
project, his 12 were destined to become corporate America's most
dysfunctional family. |
Simmons, Richard
Arrested for assault in
(Milton Teagle Simmons, 1948.07.12- )
Exercise guru and empathetic friend of the overweight.
Richard Simmons in 2007, unaffected by his Phoenix experience. Photo by Del Far
On Wednesday, March 24, 2004, flamboyant exercise guru
Richard Simmons was about to leave for Los Angeles from Terminal 4 at Sky
Harbor International Airport. As he waited for his flight at America
West's Gate A-9, he signed autographs and posed for pictures for fellow
23 year old Chris Farney, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle
salesman and sometimes competitor in the mixed martial arts sport of cage
fighting, was standing in the gate area listening to music on earphones as
he waited for his flight. He looked up to see Simmons and his
fans. Farney pulled off his earphones and called out,
"Look! Richard Simmons! Drop your bags, let's rock to the
50's." His 50's reference, he later told police, was to an old
Simmons workout tape. The tape in question, Sweatin' to the
Oldies, was released in 1988 and became one of a series of Simmons'
exuberant but less than strenuous exercise videos.
The 54 year old, 5 foot 4 inch Simmons sauntered over to the
6 foot 2 inch, 255 pound Farney. Simmons chastised him saying,
"You shouldn't make fun of people who have issues."
Simmons then slapped Farney on the right side of his face. All
witnesses described the slap as being light, one saying it was almost
playful, and Farney told police that he had not been injured. One
described Farney as acting inappropriately and making fun of Simmons.
Farney had the police called. When they arrived, he
told them that he wanted to press charges because he did not think anyone
should be allowed to slap another person and get away with it. When
Simmons approached Farney and began to apologize, Farney asked Simmons to
move away.
Although the arresting Phoenix Police officer told Simmons
that he was not going to be placed in handcuffs or taken to jail, Simmons
became very emotional and excited. As he calmed down, Simmons
repeatedly said that he was sorry for what had occurred. He also
expressed concern that people would be upset at him if the flight was
Simmons was cited for misdemeanor assault by touching and
allowed to board his flight.
Smith, Hulett C.
Died in Arizona
Governor Hulett C. Smith, circa 1964.
(Hulett Carson Smith, 1918.10.21-2012.01.15)
Politician, insurance agency CEO.
Hulett Smith, the son of a West Virginia Congressman, was
elected as that state's 27th governor in 1964. He signed into law
bills abolishing the state's death penalty, and adopting its first strip
mining laws.
He moved to an assisted living facility in Arizona in 2011.
Smith, Jimmy
Lived in Phoenix
Died in Phoenix
Jimmy Smith, 1984. Photo by Hammondite
Jazz organist.
In the early 1950's Jimmy Smith learned to play the organ,
and proceeded to make it an important jazz instrument. With the
Hammond B-3 organ he influenced nearly every notable organist in jazz and
rock. He made many popular records on the Blue Note and Verve labels
including "Groovin' at Small's Paradise," "The Cat,"
and "Got My Mojo Workin'," He moved to Los Angeles in the
mid-1970's and opened Jimmy Smith's Jazz Supper Club.
Jimmy Smith moved to east Phoenix in January 2004. |
Smith, Roger
Attended University of
(1932.12.18- )
Actor, singer, husband of Ann Margaret.
Roger Smith is best known for marrying Ann Margaret, which he
did at the Las Vegas' Riviera Hotel in May of 1967. Before he was
force to retire from acting by the muscle disorder myasthenia gravis, he
had significant roles in a number of films and on television. He
played Lon Chaney, Jr. at 21 in Man of a Thousand Faces (1957).
The next year he was the college age nephew of Auntie Mame (1958).
From 1958 until 1963 when a blood clot was discovered in his brain, he was
one of the two heroic wisecracking, womanizing private detectives who
officed at 77 Sunset Strip (1958-1964).
Although Roger attended the University of Arizona on a full
football scholarship, football was not his only interest. He sang
and played guitar, winning several amateur-show prizes while at the
University. He and a friend won a school talent show, and then
appeared the Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour (1948-1970).
During 30 months of active service in the Naval Reserve,
Roger was sent to Hawaii where he met the future lead singer of the
Kingston Trio, Bob
Shane. At a party one night the boys met vacationing James
Cagney who was so taken by their talent that he told them that they ought
to be in pictures, and to look him up if they made it to Hollywood.
Apparently Roger did look Cagney up and was recommended by Cagney to play
the younger version of Cagney's character, Lon Chaney, Jr.
Spade, David
Lived in Scottsdale
and Casa Grande
Graduate of Saguaro High
School and Arizona State University
(David Wayne Spade, 1964.07.22- )
Actor, writer.
David Spade, 2008. Photo by dodge challenger1
David was a writer on NBC's Saturday Night Live from
1989 to 1993, which led to his shot in the spotlight on the show in
1991. He was a cast member through 1996. In 1997, he moved on
to Just Shoot Me.
David was born in Birmingham, Michigan, but grew up in Casa
Grand until age 4, and then
Scottsdale. He graduated from Scottsdale's Saguaro High School in
1982, and from Arizona State University in 1986.
Still a kid on Lake Pleasant, he was cited for reckless
jet-skiing in 2001. After he failed to appear in court, his mother
saw a report about a warrant being issued. David fessed up and paid
the $171 fine. Remarking on the positive effects of arrests on
Hollywood careers, he said, "I'm starting small. I want to cram
in as much jail time this year as I can so I can get an Emmy."
Sperling, John
Lives in Phoenix
(1921- ) Entrepreneur, founder
of the University of Phoenix.
John founded the University of Phoenix in 1973. Unlike
most universities at the time, it was aimed at providing educational
services for adults and making a profit. He took the company public
in 1994. In 2002 when Forbes magazine placed his net worth at $1.1
billion, it had 148,100 students at 63 campuses and 109 learning
centers. That year, David tied for the 185th richest person in
American with two other Arizonans, his son, Peter,
and Campbell Soup heir Bennett
In 2006, the 78,600 seat, $455 million University of Phoenix
Stadium opened in Glendale, Arizona. This might have been quite an
extravagance for a university without any intercollegiate athletics
program if Sperling's school weren't merely paying for naming rights.
It is the home of the Arizona Cardinals, not the non-existent U of P team.
Sperling, Peter
Lives in Scottsdale
(1960- ) Heir.
Peter's father, David, founded the University of Phoenix in
1973. He tied with his father and Campbell Soup heir Bennett
Dorrance David as the 185th richest American in Forbes 2002 list of
the 400 wealthiest people in America. In the 2003 list, he had moved
up to 154th.
Spielberg, Steven
Lived in Phoenix
Attended Ingleside
Elementary and Arcadia High
Steven Spielberg, 1999. |
(1946.12.18S1- )
Steven stepped out of the shiny limousine amid the flurry of
flashing cameras and the glow of search lights on Tuesday night, March 24,
1964. He made his way through the paparazzi and into the packed
theater where his science fiction thriller, Firelight, would be
shown for the first time. This was not your typical Hollywood
premier. It wasn't even in Hollywood. 
Springsteen, Bruce
Motorcycled through Prescott
Bruce Springeen, 1988. Photo by Laura Bland
. |
Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen "The Boss" (1949.09.23- )
Singer, songwriter.
On the afternoon of October 1, 1989, Springsteen was
motorcycling across Arizona when he took time out to stop at a nearly
empty saloon on Prescott's famous "whisky row." In short
order, word spread that the hot rocker was in town and the bar quickly
Springsteen borrowed a guitar and put on a free show for the
growing crowd. When he took a break the crowd got overly
enthusiastic and "Bubbles," the lady barkeep, pulled him over the bar to
According to newspaper accounts hanging in Matt's Bar,
Springsteen thanked Bubbles by paying off her $160,000 hospital bill.
Stewart, Rod
Lives in Ahwatukee,
Rod Stewart, 1981. Photo by Eddie Mallin
(Roderick Stewart, 1945.01.10- )
Musician, ex-professional soccer player.
Long after he asked "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy," Rod
Steward reportedly took up residence in a house on the hill above Chandler
Boulevard and Desert Foothills Parkway in Ahwatukee. |
Stone, Sharon
Summered in Phoenix,
Lived in Tucson
Sharon Stone in 2005. Photo by Georges Biard
(1958.03.10- )
The actress that showed her dark side and a bit more in Basic
Instinct (1992) summered in Phoenix in 1994. At the Phoenix Ritz
Carlton she explained to a reporter what attracted her to the state,
"I love Arizona. People are really strange and kind."
Sometime prior to her Ritz Carlton interview she had taken up
house keeping with producer Bill MacDonald in Tucson. That
arrangement did not last through the summer.
Strauss, Joseph
Died in Arizona
(Joseph Baermann Strauss, 1870-1938) "The Man Who
Built the Bridge" -- builder of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.
The opening of the Golden Gate Bridge. |
Strauss, a prolific engineer who constructed some 400
drawbridges across the country, had a dream of creating "the biggest
thing of its kind that a man could build." San Francisco voters
brought fruition to his decade long mission in 1930 when they approved a
bond issue for the bridge.
The Golden Gate Bridge opened on May 27, 1937. An
exhausted Strauss moved to Arizona to recover. In a year he would suffer a stroke
and die. |
Strug, Kerri
Born in Tucson
(1977.11.00- )
Olympics athlete, elementary school teacher.
Kerri was the plucky gymnast who helped the US gymnastic team
earn its first ever gold medal by vaulting at the 1996 Olympics with an
injured ankle. She was also a member of the 1992 Olympics gymnastics
team where she earned a bronze medal.
Kerri was born in Tucson where here father, Burt Strug, was a
heart surgeon.
Swanson, Gloria
Married in Yuma
Publicity photo of Gloria Swanson by Clarence Sinclair
Bull, c. 1930. |
(Gloria May Josephine Svensson, 1897.03.27-1983.04.03)
In November, 1931, as Gloria Swanson's movie Indiscreet
(1931) was having its run on the nations' screens, its star crossed over
the Colorado River into Yuma where she discretely married Michael Farmer
(1902-1975), the forth of her six husbands.
At the time, Miss Swanson was a huge movie star with more
than 60 pictures under her belt. Michael was not destined to have
much of an acting career. He appeared in just one picture, Perfect
Understanding (1933), starring his wife. Nor was he destined for
a long running role as Miss Swanson's leading man in life. They were
divorced in 1934. |
Swayze, Patrick
Crashed outside Prescott Valley
Treated in Tucson
(Patrick Wayne Swayze, 1952.08.18-2009.09.14)
Actor, pilot.
Patrick Swayze on the red carpet at
the 1989 Academy Awards. Photo by Alan Light
Patrick Swayze is probably best known for his starring roles
in Dirty Dancing (1987) and Ghost (1990), except in the
community of Prescott Valley where he is as likely to be know as that pilot.
On June 1, 2000 Swayze, a private pilot with an instrument
rating, was flying his twin engine Cessna 414A from Van Nuys, California,
to Las Vegas, New Mexico, where he intended to check on his ranch. Just
after 10 AM the plane dropped off radar at the
Albuquerque traffic control center. When the pilot could not be
reached police were notified. Hours later, police found the plane on
Buckshot Road off Arizona 89A, in the Mingus West subdivision outside
Prescott Valley. It was later determined that the plane struck a
streetlight, losing the right wing section from the engine outward,
bounced, crossed an intersection, then struck a stop sign, another
streetlight, and an electrical utility box. The actor was nowhere to
be found.
Swayze is said to be a recovering alcoholic. In 1993,
he checked himself in for treatment at Tucson's Sierra Tucson. His
father died of complications from alcoholism. No alcohol was found
on the plane, but three construction workers said that they helped the
visiting celebrity hide the remnants of a 30-pack of Miller Lite--by
drinking the 20 remaining bottles--and an almost-empty bottle of wine from
the wreckage.
Swayze later reported that he was cruising at 13,000 feet
when he heard a loud sound. His ears popped and his two dogs began
to bark. Suspecting a loss in cabin pressure, he began looking for a
landing site. He landed at what appeared to be an airport but turned
out to be road. He says that he then hitched a ride with a local
resident and called authorities. Reports indicate that he called his
lawyer, his publicist and his wife. The police called him on his
cell phone.
The Safety Board investigator reported a missing clamp and a
disconnected hose which could have caused the loss in cabin pressure.
T |
Thomas, Gerry
Lived in Paradise Valley
Died in Phoenix
1922-2005.07.18) Inventor of the TV Dinner.
Nebraska born Gerry Thomas was a marketing executive for CA
Swanson and Sons of Omaha, Nebraska in the early 1950's when his company
faced a turkey problem. Gerry's employer, then a leading wholesaler
of poultry, had a 270 ton surplus of post-Thanksgiving turkey sitting in
10 refrigerated railway box cars. 
Tillman, Pat
Graduated from ASU; Sun Devils linebacker
Arizona Cardinals safety
NFL football player; U.S. Army Ranger.
May 22, 2002 the Cardinal's record holder for tackles let the team know
that he would not be signing a three-year $3.6 million contract as a
safety. Instead the team's Number 40, Pat Tillman, would be signing
a three-year enlistment contract with the U.S. Army with starting pay of
less than $15,000 a year. 
Tombaugh, Clyde
Lived in Flagstaff
Clyde with his telescope, c. 1930. |
Astronomer, discoverer of Pluto.
As a 22 year old amateur astronomer, Clyde submitted drawings
of planets which he had done using his home made telescope to the Lowell
Observatory for comment. The observatory's director was so impressed
that he offered the young astronomer a job at Lowell.
Clyde's job would be to man a camera searching for an elusive
planet X. Years earlier, the observatory's founder Percival Lowell
(1855-1916) had compared the observed and calculated positions of Uranus.
Lowell came to believe that the discrepancy pointed to an undiscovered
planet beyond Neptune.
On February 18, 1930, Clyde found a speck of light on
photographic plates he was examining. The speck moved in successive
plates exactly as a planet beyond Neptune should. In March, 1930,
the Lowell Observatory announced the discovery of the planet which would
eventually be named Pluto.
Named after Arizona landmark
Jay Silverheels (1912-1980) was TV's
Tonto to Clayton Moore's (1914-1999) Lone Ranger from 1947 to 1957.
He was born in Canada and has no known connection to Arizona. The picture was taken
in the 1970's. |
(1933.02.25- )
Fictional sidekick of The Lone Ranger
According to an NPR story on The Lone Ranger, the name for
the ranger's sidekick was inspired by the Tonto Basin, an area in Gila
County, near the geographic center of Arizona.
Tonto did not appear
on the first Lone Ranger radio shows. It soon became apparent that
the ranger needed someone to whom to talk since he was by definition,
alone. It was radio after all, and without dialog there would be
little to broadcast.
Fran Striker, writer of The Lone Ranger radio
program, decided to introduce a sidekick. To come up with a name, he
opened up the Atlas and found a place called the Tonto Basin in Arizona.
He said, "Gee, I like that first name, Tonto. It's hard, it's fast,
it's quick, it's easy to remember." Unfortunately, it's also Spanish for "idiot."
On February 25, 1933, the Lone Ranger's faithful sidekick Tonto
made his first appearance on the radio show.
Trimble, Marshall
Born in Kyrene (Tempe)
Lived in Lehi, Ashfork, Phoenix; lives in Scottsdale
Attended West Phoenix High School & Phoenix College
(1939- ) Singer, historian, author,
doesn't have to be born in Arizona to write books and sing ballads about
Arizona, but it probably helps. When Marshall was born his family
was living on a small livestock ranch south of Tempe. In 1955 the
Trimbles moved to outside of Ash Fork where Marshall, his two brothers and
his parents lived in a two room trailer without running water.
Commenting on the cramped quarters he says that he never slept
alone--until he got married. 
Tucker, Tanya
Lived in Wilcox and Phoenix
Tanya Tucker, 2005. Photo by My Boy Dodger
(1958.10.10- ) Singer,
Tanya Tucker was born in Seminole, Texas, but grew up in
Wilcox. Her family moved to Phoenix in 1967. When she was just
14--after the family had moved to Las Vegas via St. George, Utah--she hit
the big time with the song "Delta Dawn" (1972).
She sang adult songs ("You Ain't Woman Enough")
with an adult voice when she was barely a teen. When she was 21, she
had a much publicized affair with singer Glen
Campbell who was then over twice her age.
She published her autobiography, Nickel Dreams, in
Tyson, Mike
Lives in Paradise Valley
(1966.06.30- )
Heavyweight champion.
Mike Tyson lives near Mummy Mountain in Paradise Valley, within 2 miles of
Muhammad Ali's home, and trains
at Central Boxing near the state capitol. A few highlights in Mike's
November 22, 1986 - wins his first WBC title shot defeating
Trevor Berbick and becoming the youngest heavyweight champion ever.
January 27, 1992 - found guilty of the February 10, 1991
rape of Miss Black America Contest contestant Desiree Washington, and
begins 3 year imprisonment.
March, 1996 - wins the WBC title from Frank Bruno in three
September, 1996 - wins back the WBA championship from Bruce
November 9, 1996 - suffers an eleven round TKO making
Evander Holyfield a three-time world champion.
June 28, 1997 - is disqualified in the third round of a
rematch for the WBA title when he bites off a chunk of Evander
Holyfield's ear. Tyson lost his temper after a head-butt from
June 8, 2001 - knocked out in the eighth round by
Britain's Lennox Lewis in Memphis, TN.
April 7, 2002 - involved in an alleged assault of an exotic
dancer and her boyfriend in the early morning hours at the Hi-Liter
Gentlemen's Club, a strip club at 4716 N. 12th Street in Phoenix.
Months later Phoenix police announced that there was insufficient
evidence to pursue charges.
August, 2003 - files bankruptcy.
July 30, 2004 - fourth round loss to England's Danny
Williams in Louisville, Ky. Tyson was able to keep only $2 million
of his $8 million purse. Creditors took the rest to reduce a $38.4
million debt.
August 2, 2004 - underwent arthroscopic surgery in
Scottsdale on left knee to repair a ligament torn in his Friday night
loss in Louisville, Ky.
December 2004 - arrested in Scottsdale outside the Pussycat
Lounge for causing about $1,500 to 22 year-old Asaf Alikadic's 1989
Toyota Solara when he jumped on the hood. Charges were dropped when the
lounge's owners agreed to pay for damages to the vehicle. (The mug
shot above is from this arrest.)
June 11, 2005 - fails to come out of his corner for round 7
of his comeback fight with Kevin McBride. McBride later told the
press that Tyson bit his nipple. McBride who stands 6'6"
remarked about the 5'11" Tyson, "He could not get up high
enough to bite my ears--good job he wasn't a midget, otherwise he
would have bitten something else."
U |
Udall, Stewart
Born in St. Johns
Lived in St. Johns, Tucson, Phoenix
Graduate of University of Arizona
(Stewart Lee Udall 1920.01.31-
) Secretary of Interior, Congressman, lawyer.
Udall was born and grew up in St. Johns, a rural Arizona community near
the New Mexico border which was founded by a group of Mormons lead by his
grandfather. He attended the University of Arizona but his studies
were interrupted for service first as a Mormon missionary in New York and
Pennsylvania for two years, and then as a gunner in the U.S. Army Air
Corps during World War II. 
Underhill, Don
Lives in Summerhaven
(1941.09.05- )
Original Mouseketeer, lodge owner.
Don was one of the 39 original Mouseketeers. The
Mouseketeers, you will recall, populated Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse
Club, which ran on ABC Television from 1955 to 1959. If you
remember the Mouseketeers, you might not remember Don, but surely you
remember his lifelong friend from the club, Annette Funicello (1942-
Annette was the stand-out Mouseketeer, and went on to went on
to major parts in Disney movies like The Shaggy Dog (1959) and Babes
in Toyland (1961) as well as a seemingly endless number of "beach
blanket" movies where she was often paired with Frankie Avalon.
In 1987 she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and has since eschewed
the spotlight.
Don moved to the village of Summerhaven, on Mt. Lemon in the
Catalina Mountains. The village is 6000 feet above, and 25 miles
northeast of Tucson. There he purchased the Alpine Lodge, which
caters to skiers in the winter and those seeking to get away from the
desert heat in the summer. The lodge was built in 1962, and was the
largest building in the village of Summerhaven. In 2003, the
community had about 500 homes and cabins, and about 100 year round
On June 22, 2003, half of the village was destroyed by a
forest fire in one of the single most destructive days in Arizona history.
Not knowing which structures might have survived, Don and other residents
vowed to rebuild.
V |
Van Dyke, Dick
Lived in Cave Creek
Treated in Phoenix
Dick Van Dyke, 1988. Photo by Alan Light
(Richard Wayne Van Dyke 1925.12.13-
) Actor.
Dick Van Dyke Show" (1961-1966) was very possibly the best
situation comedy that was ever broadcast. In 1971, Dick and the
original show's creator, Carl Reiner, attempted to repeat their prior
success with "The New Dick Van Dyke Show" (1971-1974).
Dick played Dick Preston who was the host of a TV talk show in Phoenix,
Arizona. Hope Lange was Dick's wife. 
Van Dyke, Vonda Kay
Lived in Phoenix metro
Attended ASU
(c. 1943- ) Miss America, 1965.
Vonda Kay Van Dyke at the 2008 Miss America event. Photo by Craig A. Hurst
In 1964, Vonda Kay was a 21 year old junior at Arizona State
University when she took a break to become Miss Arizona for 1964, and Miss
America for 1965. (Like the new car models, Miss America receives a
crown for the year after she is selected.) She first and only Miss
America to also be named Miss Congeniality, and the first ventriloquist to
perform on the Miss America stage. The only other Arizonan to become
Miss America was Jacque Mercer of Litchfield who won the crown in 1949.
During her reign, Vonda Kay made a lot of appearances
including ones on What's My Line? (Episode #780, 1965) as mystery
guest #1 and The Ed Sullivan Show (1964) with the Beach Boys, Alan
King and Robert Goulet. She also made a visit to Boise, your
author's home town, where she shook the young teen's shaking hand.
Vargas, Elizabeth
Lived in Phoenix metro
Phoenix TV reporter
(1962.09.06- )
Correspondent, host, news anchor.
In 2002, Elizabeth Vargas became a regular substitute host
for Peter Jennings on ABC Evening News. She previously hosted
the ABC News show 20/20 Downtown (1999), and was a correspondent
for ABC's 20/20 (1978). In October, 2004, she became the
co-host of 20/20 replacing Barbara Walters.
From 1986 to 1989, Elizabeth was a reporter on Phoenix's
Channel 3 KTVK which was then the ABC affiliate in Phoenix.
Vogt, Brandon J.
Attended ASU
(1969.04.00- )
Doctoral candidate; proved Kansas to be flatter than a pancake.
While a doctoral candidate at Arizona State University,
Brandon teamed up with two researchers from Texas State University to
produce the definitive paper comparing the flatness of the state of Kansas
with the proverbial pancake.
The research team mapped the terrain of a pancake with a
confocal laser microscope. They then compared the pancake terrain to
elevation data for Kansas from the U. S. Geological Survey. Their
conclusion: If a pancake were blown up to the size of the state of
Kansas, Kansas would indeed be flatter.
Their study was published in the May/June
2003 issue of the Annals of Improbable Research. The study
reported by papers across the nation when the Associated Press did a story
on it.
On the July 29, 2003 broadcast of NPR's All Things
Considered, Brandon was interviewed by Robert Siegel for a story they
titled, "The
Flat Landscape of Kansas." Aside from explaining study's
purpose and technique, Brandon apologized to Kansas residents who might
have been offended--a situation which he discerned from an number of
"mean" Emails he had received. "We actually did not
mean to insult anyone who lives in the state of Kansas."
W |
Wagner, Robert
Married in Scottsdale
(Robert John Wagner, 1930.02.10-
) Actor.
Wagner married Natalie Wood on December 28th, 1957 at the Scottsdale
United Methodist Church, 4140 North Miller. A reception followed a few
blocks west at the Ramada Valley Ho resort, 6850 East Main, Scottsdale.

Walsh, Kate
Raised in Tucson
Attended the University of Arizona
Kate Walsh, 2008. Photo by watchwithkristin
(Kathleen Erin Walsh, 1967.10.13-
) Actor.
Kate grew up in Tucson, Arizona, and eventually matriculated
at the University of Arizona. If she had followed the career
path of her character, Dr. Addison Montgomery, in the ABC dramas
Grey's Anatomy (2005- ) and Private Practice
(2007- ), she would have gone on to U of A's medical
school. Instead, she got involved in regional theater and dropped
out. |
Warhol, Andy
Passed through Oracle
Andy Warhol in 1963. |
(Andrew Warhola, 1928.08.06-1987.02.22)
Artist, director.
Warhol was famous for avant-garde art--from Campbell's soup cans to
Marilyn Monroe icons--but he also made incredibly unwatchable films, such
as the 1963 cult "masterpieces," Eat (nearly an hour of a
man eating a mushroom) and Sleep (8 hours of a man sleeping).
In 1968, Warhol brought his film company to Rancho Linda
Guest Ranch in Oracle, Arizona, to film "Lonesome Cowboys."
The FBI followed. 
Wayne, John
Ranched in Stanfield
John Wayne, 1959. |
Michael Morrison, 1907.05.26-1979.06.11)
John Wayne owned a number of ranches in Arizona, including
the "Red Eye Ranch" operated by his Red River Land Company, in
Wead, Doug
Carpetbagged to the 6th
Congressional District
(1946- ) Author,
Assemblies of God evangelist, Vice President Bush's liaison to the
Christian Right, close friend and advisor to George W. Bush for 14 years.
Author, politician and one-time Assemblies of God minister
Doug Wead evidenced a consistency in character in his national fifteen
minutes of fame and in his brief venture into Arizona politics. In
February 2004, Wead received much national press attention when he
released secretly recorded tapes of phone conversations with his
"friend" George W. Bush to promote his book, All the
Presidents' Children. The book, which just happens to bear the same
title as a book released by Larry D. Underwood in 2002, delves into the
effect of having a father who is president. Wead said that he
recorded his conversations with George W. because he viewed the then Texas
Governor as a historic figure. Less than pleased, the White House released
the statement, "The governor was having casual conversations with
someone he believed was his friend."
A dozen years earlier, Doug Wead ran for Congress in
Arizona's 6th Congressional District as a "Barry Goldwater
Republican." Explaining his interest in Arizona, Wead said
Goldwater's presidential candidacy encouraged him to visit Arizona in
1964. It only took him 28 years to "move" to the state
just in time to qualify for a run for Congress. His idol, Barry
Goldwater, whose picture hung in Wead's office, saw it differently.
"Hell," Goldwater stated bluntly, "the Republican fellow
came here from Washington because he thought he could practically steal
the seat. Hadn't been here long enough to spell Arizona before he
announced." Goldwater endorsed Wead's opponent, a
Democrat, who won. Wead left the state promptly after his loss.
Perhaps Goldwater saw something in Wead's character that George W. missed. |
Wheeler, Quentin
Dean at Arizona State
( - ) Arizona
State University entomologist.
Quentin Wheeler was named Vice President and Dean of the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University in 2006,
but that is not the fame which brought him to the attention of these
In 2005, while he was keeper of entomology at the Natural
History Museum in London, he discovery of 65 new species of slime-mold
beetle of the genus Agathidium, along with a co-slime-mold beetle
discoverer. As a discoverer of a new species he was entitled to give
the beetles their scientific names, using any name he chose.
named one after Darth Vader and others for President George W. Bush, Vice
President Dick Cheney and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, for
which he received national press coverage. He has said that he
intended the naming of the slime-mold beetles as a compliment.
White, Danny
Born in Mesa
Graduate of Westwood
High School and Arizona State University
Lives in Gilbert
(1952.02.09- ) Football player, coach.
White, the Dallas Cowboy's quarterback from 1976 to 1988 who took them to
three NFC East titles (1979, 1981, 1985) and into the playoffs five times,
is a long time Arizona resident living in Gilbert. 
Williams, Kenneth J.
Lived in Phoenix
( - ) FBI special
If they had listened FBI special agent Kenneth Williams, the
World Trade Center twin towers in New York might still be standing.
Williams was the FBI agent stationed in Phoenix that penned the July 2001
"Phoenix memorandum" warning of Islamic extremists taking flight
lessons in Arizona. He was also instrumental in the arrest of Kingman
resident Michael Fortier for his role in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P.
Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, which killed 168 people.
Williams, Ted
Frozen in Scottsdale
(Theodore Samuel Williams, 1918.08.30-2002.07.05)
Baseball player, fighter pilot.
Ted Williams, 1949. |
Williams, aka "Teddy Ballgame," "The Splendid
Splinter" and "The Kid," was number nine on Boston Red Sox
in a two decade baseball career starting in 1939, with time out for two
stints in the military. Williams spent three years as a Navy pilot
during World War II, and two years as a Marine pilot in Korean conflict.
On about half of the Korean missions, he was John Glenn's wingman.
He was said to be the best baseball hitter in the world (last major
leaguer to hit over .400), the best fighter pilot, and the best
Wilson, Dennis
Arrested in Tucson for
contributing to the delinquency of a minor
Drummer, singer, composer.
The good looking drummer for the very popular Beach Boys came
by his "bad boy" image the old fashion way--he earned it.
When the group which achieved national popularity in the 1960's came to
Tucson for a concert 1978, police found a sixteen year old girl in Dennis'
hotel room. The girl, exactly half Dennis' age, had called her
parents saying that she could not leave. Dennis was arrested for
investigation to contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Dennis
was released on $1,000 bond. He plead not-guilty and maintained that the
incident was a setup. Charges were eventually dropped when the girl
and her parents declined to press charges. Dennis' evening adventure
cost him a reported $100,000 in attorney's fees.
Winchell, Walter
Lived in Phoenix
Died in Phoenix
Walter Winchell, 1953. |
(Walter Winchel, 1897.04.07-1972.02.20)
Gossip columnist.
Winchell was a newspaper columnist credited with inventing
the gossip column. He took his column to national radio in 1932
which he began with the memorable "Good Morning, Mr. and Mrs. North
and South America and all the ships at sea ... let's go to press!"
From 1959 to 1963 his distinctive voice provided narration for the popular
television series The Untouchables. 
Winningham, Mare
Born in Phoenix
(Mary Megan Winningham, 1959.05.16- )
Actor and singer.
Mare Winningham was born in Phoenix, but left almost
immediately for Northridge, California--not necessarily of her own free
Wood, Natalie
Married in Scottsdale
Natalie Wood, c. 1960. |
(Natasha Nikolaevna Zakharenko, 1938.07.20-1981.11.29)
Wood married Robert Wagner on December 28th, 1957 at the Scottsdale United
Methodist Church, 4140 North Miller. A reception followed a few blocks
west at the Ramada Valley Ho resort, 6850 East Main, Scottsdale.  |
Wood, Ron
Treated in Tucson
Ron Wood, 2007. Photo by Kevin Dooley
(1947.06.01- )
The youngest member of The Rolling Stones received
treatment for alcoholism and cocaine addiction at Tucson's Cottonwood de
Tucson in spring 2002.
World, Jimmy Eat
Founded in Mesa
Jim Adkins performs with Jimmy Eat World, 2008. Photo by Thedeamonhog
. |
(1993- ) Band.
Mesa resident and singer/guitarist Jim Adkins (born in Mesa,
1975.11.10- ) founded the strangely named
band in 1993, enlisting drummer and friend-since-kindergarten Zach Lind
(1975.11.10- ), guitarist Tom Linton
(born in Mesa), and bass player Mitch Porter.
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Lived at Taliesin West,
Died in Phoenix
The world's most famous architect.
1926 the career of famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright was at a low ebb.
He had few projects pending. Taliesin, his headquarters and home,
had been seized by the Bank of Wisconsin which moved livestock onto the
complex. His personal life was hardly better. Separated from
his second wife and amid bitter divorce proceedings, Wright and his three
decades younger future third wife were arrested near Minneapolis for
violating the Mann Act. A call to come to Phoenix would mark the
rebirth of his career and a new direction in his life. 
Wrigley, William Jr.
Wintered in Phoenix
Died in Phoenix
William Wrigley, Jr. |
In 1928 the founder and advertising genius of the world's largest chewing
gum company began construction on a nearly 20,000 square foot home on the
outskirts of the small desert town of Phoenix. The home, dubbed La Colina Solano (sunny hill), was a 50th anniversary present to his wife,
intended to be a part-time "winter cottage" where they could
enjoy the warm desert winters and entertain wealthy friends and
X |
No listings.
Y |
Young, Loretta
Married in Yuma
Lived in Phoenix
(Gretchen Michaela Young, 1913.01.06-2000.08.12)
Loretta Young, 1951. |
Loretta Young appeared in over a hundred feature films, and
had an anthology TV show, cleverly titled The Loretta Young Show,
from 1953 to 1960. Each week on the show she would enter wearing the
latest fashion and make one spin to display the gown before introducing
that night's episode. She moved to Phoenix in 1971 to start a youth
project helping teenagers, where she lived until the 1980's.
It was not her first Arizona connection. In 1930 when
she was 17, she eloped to Yuma with actor Grant Withers, nine years her
senior. The marriage was annulled the following year, the same year
that she and Grant costarred in a movie bearing the ironic name "Too
Young to Marry." Just short of a decade later, Clark
Gable, 12 years her senior and the father of her love child,
honeymooned in Arizona with Carole
Young, Sean
Lives in Sedona
Sean Young, 2007. Photo
by Luke Ford
(Mary Sean Young, 1959.11.12-
) Actress.
Sean Young is a veteran of over 39 feature films and numerous
television movies and appearances. Her film appearances include No
Way Out (1987)--for which her torrid love scenes with Kevin Costner
received much attention, and Mrs. Hyde in Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde
She calls Sedona her home.
Z |
Zevon, Warren
Lived in Phoenix
(Warren William Zevon, 1947.01.24-2003.08.07)
Singer, musician, composer.
The iconoclastic rock singer and song writer lived in Phoenix
as a boy. When diagnosed with lung cancer and given three months to live
in August, 2002, he delayed initial treatment to have a clear mind to
complete his final album, The Wind. |
This page was last
revised on 10/16/07. |