Harris, David
(1946- ) Antiwar protestor,
husband of Joan Baez.
Served time near Safford
The prison outside Safford has, like other federal
correctional facilities, expanded greatly since the time that Harris
was incarcerated. You know you're getting close to the prison
when you start seeing road signs warning "Do not pick up
hitchhikers." 8-03. |
On March 30, 1969, folk singer Joan Baez was the special
guest on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (1967-1970). She
introduced her performance of "Green, Green Grass of Home" by
saying, "I'd like to dedicate this song to my husband who will be
going to jail for draft evasion." When the show was broadcast,
politically sensitive CBS censors had deleted "for draft
In July 1969, Joan's husband
David Harris began serving a three-year prison term. Until he was
released 20 month later, his quarters were furnished by the minimum
security federal prison near Safford. Six months into his sentence,
the couple's son, Gabriel Earl, was born.
A picture of David, his wife Joan, and their newborn son
appeared cover of the May 1970 issue of Look magazine, with the
description, "A family kept apart by conscience." The picture
was taken in the visiting yard of Safford prison a few months before its