Gable, Clark
Married in Kingman
in Oatman
The newlyweds spent their first night as husband and
wife on the second floor of the Oatman Hotel. For a peek in
the honeymoon suite, go to Carole
Lombard's listing. 6-02. |
Gable was wed to Carole Lombard
at the Methodist church in Kingman in 1939. They honeymooned in Oatman.
Just short of their third
anniversary, Carole was killed in a plane crash in Nevada returning from a
tour to sell war bonds. Clark, reportedly devastated, enlisted in
the Army Air Corps as a buck private.
Shortly before his marriage to Carole, Clark was filming
"Call of the Wild" and having his own call of the wild with a
later Phoenix resident, Loretta
Young. That affair resulted in the birth of a daughter whose
parentage neither acknowledged during their lives.