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Gabaldon, Diana (Diana Gabaldon Watkins, 1952.01.11-    )  Author.

Before signing copies of Lord John and the Private Matter  at Tempe's Changing Hands bookstore, Diana told about her European book tour experiences. 11-03

Born in Williams

Grew up in Flagstaff

Graduate of Flagstaff High School and Northern Arizona University

Lives in Scottsdale


How does a little girl from a small community in Northern Arizona grow up to become a best selling author?  By writing a huge novel about an English World War II combat nurse who travels back in time to 18th century Scotland while on her second honeymoon--where she falls for a warrior but returns to her husband to have the warrior's child.

If that doesn't sound like a best selling historic-fantasy-romance novel to you, you are in the minority.

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