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Downs, Hugh  (1921.02.14-    )  Announcer, host.

Lives in Scottsdale


Hugh Downs before taking his position as Celebrity Grand Marshall in the Phoenix's 2003 Veterans Day Parade. 11-03

Hugh Downs, a descendant of Davey Crockett, clocked the most hours on network commercial television according to the 1985 Guinness Book of World Records. In 2004 his record was surpassed by Regis Philbin.  Hugh started his career as announcer for a one toothed dragon, a blond and a bald kid--Kukla, Fran and Ollie (1947-1957).

He first came to Phoenix 1968 to give a speech, but did not leave until he and his wife had contributed to the Arizona land boom.  The next year, on their 25th wedding anniversary, they moved into their house in Carefree.  In 1999, they were making Scottsdale their home, but looking for something larger in the area as they disposed of their homes in the Berkshires and Manhattan.

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